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By Mike Johnson on 2014-11-23 20:10:00
Welcome to’s live, ongoing coverage of WWE Survivor Series 2014 in St. Louis!

Renee Young welcomed everyone to the Survivor Series Kickoff show and introduced the panel, Paul Heyman, Alex Riley and Booker T.

Young asked Heyman what would happen if The Authority wins tonight. Heyman said that would have solidified their footing and would be able to take over by jumping through the ring of fire that Vince McMahon has forced them to leap through. He said the real question would be what happens if they lose and who would fill the power void from their absence.

As the announcers made their way to the ring, Booker T said that Vince McMahon would know who would replace The Authority because he doesn’t make a move without knowing what his next move is. Booker said that there are a lot of talents hoping The Authority would be out of power after what they’ve done to Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and more. Booker asked Heyman if Vince has approached him and Heyman avoided the question until they had to go to the ring.

Fandango (with Rosa Mendes) vs. Justin Gabriel

Fandango had new costuming, music and entrance inspired by Tango music. He controlled the match early one with some aggressive moves. He nailed several stiff chops and whipped him hard into the buckles.

Gabriel made a brief comeback until being nailed with a stiff clothesline. Fandango went to the top and drilled Gabriel with The Alabama Jam for the pin.

Your winner, Fandango!

Solid re-introduction of Fandango. Gabriel did a really good job at making him look strong.

They went to a video feature on Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt. The panel discussed their bout.

We went backstage to The Miz doing acting exercises and preparing for their Four Way tonight. He actually quoted “The Best Around” song from the first Karate Kid film. He looked in a mirror but it was actually Damien Mizdow holding a frame. He said a victory for Mizdow tonight is still a victory for The Miz.

The panel discussed the competitors in the Tag Team championship bout.

Bad News Barrett came out and went to his podium. He said he was making his return on this monumental night after five months. He said that tonight, everything is on the line with Team Cena vs. Team Authority. He said that if Team Cena wins, The Authority will be stripped of their power but if The Authority wins, everyone from Team Cena will be fired except Cena himself. He said that sounds like a good deal on the surface, but he’s afraid that he’s got some bad news. He said that Cena’s life will be made such a living hell, he will be wishing he was fired. He then discussed the Authority believing WWE needs them, but then he said he’s also got some bad news. He said that WWE would still flourish under a new era, the era of Bad News Barrett. Good promo.

The panel discussed the Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee bout tonight and recapped their recent history.

Byron Saxton interviewed AJ Lee backstage. He asked Lee her gameplan tonight. She said the Bella family drama was so compelling and mocked it, asking how her head was supposed to be in the game. She said the time for shenanigans is finished and it’s time to put her title on the line, so play-time is over.

The panel discussed the Divas bout, then we went to a nice video package on the main event.

The panel discussed the main event.

Cesaro’s music played and he came out cutting a promo. He said that he is a proud fun of Switzerland and wants to remain neutral, playing off of how he acted on Raw this past Monday. He said his country was neutral during World War II and he is neutral for tonight’s main event. He did say he does want to name his support for Team Authority, saying it was the smart decision. He began saying “Long live The Authority” in different languages until Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter came out.

Colter said he was sick and tired of hearing about how the Swiss was neutral during World War 2 and hiding Nazi gold doesn’t sound very neutral to him. Since he picked Team Authority, they are picking Team Cena. Colter said he wasn’t picking a sign, he was brown-nosing to the degree that if HHH stopped walking, they’d have to remove Cesaro from his rear end at a hospital. He said Real Americans don’t brown-nose, they roll up their sleeves and get the job down, which is what Swagger is going to do in the next 60 seconds.

Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

Swagger took Cesaro down with a waistlock for a quick two count. They battled back and forth and Cesaro nailed a gutwrench suplex. Cesaro nailed a double stomp but got caught in the Patriot Lock. Cesaro broke free after a series of kicks but his ankle was hurting. Swagger charged but missed and nailed his shoulder against the ringpost. Cesaro nailed a back suplex and locked in a rear chinlock.

Swagger fought his way up but was nailed with a German suplex. Swagger fought out of a second but was nailed with a belly to belly overhead suplex for another two count. Cesaro nailed a series of crossfaces and locked in a side chinlock. Swagger fought back and locked on the Patriot Lock. Cesaro finally tapped.

Your winner, Jack Swagger!

Decent athletic undercard bout.

A limo pulled up backstage and out walked Mr. McMahon, so Vince is here.


The show opened with a video on the main event.

Vince McMahon came to the ring for a promo. He welcomed everyone to the PPV. He said that the word epic is thrown around but he guarantees that this will be epic and it will be a PPV we will never forget. He says that this is a reason why, and introduces Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie played up to her dad, saying she loves him and knows that he’s given them a great opportunity. She said that he’s given them so much and promised they were going to let them down. Triple H put over Vince and Stephanie tried to get a “Vince” chant going. He said this “was a bunch of crap” and called for John Cena to join them in the ring. Out came Cena, alone.

Vince McMahon said that if Cena’s team loses, they will be out of a job come tomorrow night on Raw. If Cena’s team wins, The Authority will be out of power. Cena asked if they were going to walk out after they lose or if he was going to have to throw them out.

HHH said Cena’s not going to have a god holiday because Cena was going to be responsible for four men and their families losing their livelihood. He asked John how that was going to feel. He said tomorrow, those four are going to come to Raw on their hands and knees begging for their jobs and they are going to be fired and ignored and forgotten about.

Triple H said Cena’s teammates were the ones with everything to lose. Stephanie said the fans will drop them as soon as they are gone and they will be forgotten and it will all be on Cena.

Stephanie McMahon said that even if The Authority loses and they aren’t seen here, they will still be running the show from WWE HQ in Stamford, CT so whether they are seen or not, they will still be running the show.

Vince said, “That’s not exactly what I had in mind.” He said that if they lose, they will still have their jobs but they will never again have any influence in the careers or personal lives again. He said that in the contract, he had written in that only one man can bring them back. They started buttering up Vince. He said that he always does what’s best for business and he has so much confidence in them, is that the only person who could bring them back to power if they should lose, is John Cena.

The crowd popped for that and chanted, “Yes!” Cena smiled. Stephanie threatened to slap that smile off his face and she cut a good promo saying adversity only makes her stronger because she is a McMahon. Cena promised she would be defeated and out of power. He promised there was “No Chance in Hell” he would ever bring them back.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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