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With all these new episodes of ECW on the WWE Network. As a fan who didn't get to see a lot of it, where should I begin?
I would start at the earliest episode and go from there. That way you have the background for the later storylines, and unlike WWE today, ECW actually does reference their past on a regular basis.
I have just seen a fan video of Vince coming out in Liverpool on Smackdown. He really is out of touch with fans, especially from England. Trying to get cheap heel heat will not work in England, a lot of people at the events are not from anywhere near the host location. Which gets me thinking, does WWE try to write shows/scripts (other than praising/criticising the town) based on the location of the show? Surely England would have been a great place for Barrett to cut a promo or Fandango (due to his popularity) peak up a shock win?
In some places, they acknowledge where they will be and cater the show a bit, but for the most part they do their thing and expect the crowd to enjoy it. In the instance you mention, they generally wouldn’t send Barrett out on live TV to address the crowd since it doesn’t tie into their storylines but sometimes they will send them out for a crowd only promo.
Is the delay in the WWE Network to the UK related to the lawsuit with the World WildLife Fund and how the initials WWF could be used in the UK. My understanding is that lawsuit was settled, but is this a case of the WWE trying to do more then what the settlement allows?
Nope, one has nothing to do with the other.
If Team Authority loses, they are out of power. What does that mean…what do they want us to think it means?
Good question. I wouldn’t be shocked if it just means that they are TV trying to get their power back. I am typing this on Sunday so I don’t know if they added anything on Raw, but even if they lose I don’t expect them to be off of TV. They are still officers/owners of the company in storylines.
I know this is old news but why did Hunico take Mistico's place as Sin Cara?
Mistico just never gelled in WWE. He was a bad fit. Hunico was a much better one.
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