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By Richard Trionfo on 2014-10-25 19:44:04
Show Number One:

Match Number One: Cedric Alexander defeats Tommaso Ciampa after reversing the decision when Nigel tells the referee about Ciampa cheating.

After the match Ciampa attacks Alexander with a chair and brainbusters Alexander on the chair.

Match Number Two: Moose and RD Evans defeated Evans and Case when Evans hit a diving head butt off Moose's shoulder.

Michael Elgin came out to be interviewed by Kevin Kelly. Elgin got frustrated after a few minutes and left.

Match Number Three: Briscoes defeat Matt Taven and Michael Bennett after a Jay Driller on Taven.

After the match. Cole comes into the ring and is attacked by the Briscoes. Mark is pushed off the turnbuckles through a table by Maria. Jay got attacked by the Kingdom.

End of episode one.

Show Number Two:

Match Number One: Caprice Coleman, Will Ferrara, and Tadarius Thomas defeated Adam Page, Roderick Strong, and BJ Whitmer when Page's interference backfired and Coleman pinned Strong.

After the match Strong and Page were separated by Whitmer. Page hit Strong and Strong fought off Page and Whitmer.

Ray Rowe is interviewed by Kevin Kelly and Rowe thanks the fans for their support and he vows to come back.

BJ Whitmer and Adam Page come out and he makes a challenge to Roderick Strong for Final Battle . . . to face Adam Page.

Match Number Two: Jay Lethal defeated ACH to retain the ROH TV title with the cradle DDT.

Matt Sydal was doing commentary and after he match he went into the ring after Truth stood over ACH. They teased Sydal joining but he would not shake hands.

End of episode two.

Show Number Three:

Michael Bennett and Maria come out at the start of the episode and makes an open challenge for the Title of Love.

Romantic Touch comes out and accepts the challenge.

Match Number One: Michael Bennett defeats Romantic Touch with a Twist of Fate.

Michael Elgin versus Caprice Coleman never happened. Elgin refused to wrestle and he laid down but Caprice did not know what to do. Security and officials came out to talk to Elgin and he went to the back.

Match Number Two: AJ Styles defeats Hanson with a Styles Cl

After the match AJ put over Hanson and the he talked about his 2014 and how he will win the ROH World title in 2015.

End of show three.

Episode Number Four:

Match Number One: QT Marshall defeated Cheeseburger with the Dominator.

After the match, Marshall mentions he is not on Final Battle.

Jay Briscoe comes out.

Match Number Two: Jay Briscoe defeated QT Marshall with a Jay Driller.

Match Number Three: Adam Page defeated Aaron Solow with Fade to Black. After the match, Adam Page cuts a promo about his match against Roderick Strong at Final Battle. Strong comes out and chases Page and Whitmer to the back.

Match Number Four: Adam Cole defeated Matt Sydal with Florida Key.

After the match Lethal, who was on commentary attacked Sydal. Jay Briscoe attacked Cole. Ciampa attacked Briscoe.

I will have some thoughts on these tapings in a column on Sunday and I will discuss the tapings on my Monday hotline in the Elite Section.

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