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By Dave Scherer on 2014-10-26 09:59:00

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Where is Fandango? Where are the Wyatts?   Can you explain to me why these Superstars get a major push and go over well with the fans and then just fall off the edge?

Fandango is around and not being used. The Wyatts are about to be repackaged. They get the pushes and pullbacks that they do because that is the call that the boss, Vince McMahon, chooses to make with them. The creative process runs through him.

How can we have a pay per view (HIAC) with no World heavyweight title match?

That is what happens when the man holding the WWE Title, Brock Lesnar, has a limited dates contract with the company. There are only so many shows that they can use him on and that will lead to PPVs where he doesn’t appear. WWE knew this when they put the belt on him. It doesn’t make it easier for the fans though. Hopefully they can take the opportunity to make some new talent and make Lesnar’s absence less noticable.

Will the WWE go back to the traditional Survivor Series concept this year to get through another PPV without the presence of the WWE Champ?  I'm thinking a lineup of Team Cena vs Team Authority, Team Uso vs Team Dust Bros, Team Bri vs Team Nikki, and maybe Team NXT vs Team WWE.

Vince McMahon has largely bailed on the concept but if Brock doesn’t appear on the show, it would be worth a shot to try something different.

Whilst I have been one who would rather a Cruiserweight title rather than the US title, the recent Network episode on the division got me thinking. A few people pointed out by being a cruiserweight limited their chances in the main event and they do not want a repeat. Both Bryan and Punk were close or below limit, as is Seth Rollins. Similarly the top NXT guys could be in the division. Do you think this could be a reason for not reintroducing it despite the great cruiserweights or simply because they do not want to repeat history and use a WCW concept?

The concept has never worked, for a few reasons. For one, it is saying that guys are little and promotions want to stay away from that. But also, the bigger guys have historically not liked that the smaller guys do more things in the ring, making their matches look slower in comparison. WWE has been slowing things down in recent years, largely to preserve the health of the wrestlers, so I don’t see them going back to a breakneck speed type of product.

We all know that there will be world peace, and hover boards, before we see CM Punk back in a wrestling ring.  But say Punk decides to put the boots on for someone not WWE, be it Ring of Honor, TNA, New Japan, how big of a buzz do you think it would generate for said promotion?  Obviously it wouldn't be as big as Hogan going to WCW but do you think the buzz would be bigger than Angle, or even Hogan for that matter, going to TNA?

It would depend. If he was working for a small indy in say Chicago to do a match with his friend Colt Cabana, probably not. If ROH got national TV (or TNA can keep theirs), I think a jump would be pretty big. Angle was kind of in a rut when he left WWE. Jeff Hardy was coming off of a championship when he went to TNA, but Punk is a bigger name right now than he was. Would it seriously move the needle though? Probably not.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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