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By Dave Scherer on 2014-10-21 09:59:00

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Like many others I was shocked and dismayed by the release of Justin Roberts after Monday nights Raw . This following all the layoffs in the past.  I fully realize that  the WWE is a business and bottom line it's all about money.  But, in my opinion the smaller roster has affected the quality of the product and has hurt the company in the long run.  How say you?

I don’t agree with that. I think they have plenty of talented people on the roster. The reason the roster seems weak is because how talents have been used. If a number of the guys were protected better, it would seem a lot different than it does.

Is there any news on a possible return to WWE for Jeff Hardy? His contract with TNA is up in February and while it's obvious he doesn't want a full time deal with WWE and WWE probably know at this point he can't cope with their schedule, can you see them offering him a deal similar to the one of Batista? With WWE low on top faces, I would expect them to be at least interested in signing him. What do you think?

When he had the option last time, he stayed with TNA. He likes the schedule much better. If TNA can afford to keep him (and that depends on what happens with their TV deal) I expect he will stay there. If not, I could see him working with his brother on select shows (for a good payday). I would think WWE would offer him the type of deal that they gave Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho, but I honestly don’t know if he would want to do the WWE grind, even for a few months at a time. There is a lot to be said for being wise with your money and being able to do business on your own terms.

Does the WWE really not know how to book talent or build feuds and rivalries? Why is it every week I have to see Dolph/Cesaro, Sheamus/Miz, Cena & Ambrose/Orton/Kane/Rollins? The WWE essentially has 6 hrs of television. Isn't there a way for them to have everyone featured and not have the same matches with the same outcome week after week after week?

It comes down to Vince McMahon and what his vision of the product is. What you see on TV is what he likes and what he thinks the masses want to see. As I said above, I feel that they could do so much more than they are with the roster, but Vince can counter he has made millions of dollars following his gut.

Where is Bray Wyatt? He wasn't involved with the PPV and has been off TV for nearly a month. They do a promo for Harper one week and Rowan the next and then nothing. I understand with Reigns injured they don't want too many heels on the show but couldn't at least have him targeting someone mentally so that we don't forget him. Besides it has to be better than any divas match (not including Paige or AJ) or another Uso/Cosmic Twins match.

I wish I had a good answer, I really do. They did such a good job building him up, to the point that fans were chanting “This is awesome” on PPV before The Wyatts and Shield locked up. Then, he was fed to John Cena and his momentum went out the window. I hope they recommit to him and get him hot again.

For all the problems I see in WWE booking, I also feel for them in the way their audience has changed, and the “instant gratification” mindset.   While I wish WWE/Vince listened a little more, I also see instances where Creative is almost forced into following the latest internet buzz.  I applaud them for moving fairly quickly to a Rollins/Ambrose match.  Being an old-school fan, I see so much potential for an ongoing feud with those two, and a big payoff at the end.   My question would be, have we reached a point where the audience just isn’t patient enough for a good feud?  I’d hate to see them hotshot something that could be so entertaining with a nice build.

I fully understand that things have changed from a consumer standpoint and WWE has to be cognizant of it but that doesn’t mean that WWE can’t let things percolate. As I mentioned above, just look at the Wyatt-Shield feud. It was a longer build and people ate it up. WWE does have to satiate NBC Universal and viewer habits, but they could also allow things to germinate longer in my opinion. Look at The Walking Dead. It did over 17 million viewers last week and that is a show that builds everything slowly. Viewers are invested and they wait for payoffs. It can happen for WWE too.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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