With TNA taping TV so far ahead, doesn't it sort of negate the Bound for Glory card?
Potentially, but we don't even know what the Bound for Glory card is yet. They could just do a series of TNA vs. Wrestle-1 matches and at the end, none of the titles are on the line. Now, that doesn't sound like the coolest idea, but it would be a means to their end. The bottom line is, we don't know yet.
I'm curious as to whether you'll ever be on some of the major podcasts, like Jim Ross or Colt Cabana?
Why do I need to come on their show? They've already been in the Elite section of PWInsider.com! They were on our shows! No, in all seriousness, if they invite me to come on, I'd be happy to do it. I'm not the type of person to worry about that or go out and ask anyone to have me on - that would just look like I was attention-deprived or something. My focus is and always will be breaking news, keeping the site busy and recording audio for the Elite section here. If they want me at some point, I'd be happy to appear. But, it's not something I am seeking out or expect to do - the important thing is the site and giving everyone their money's worth here.
What exactly does a WWE Producer do?
Producers are the liason between management and the talents in terms of putting the bouts together, i.e. the bullet points of what story they want the wrestlers to get across, what moves and spots will be planned and cleared ahead of time (so production is ready for them) and to make sure that each match isn't parroting something that is set for another part of the card. On the road, they keep tabs on the talent and send reports back as to what is working and not working when executed.
If you had to pick one person to write an honest autobiography about themselves, who would it be?
That's easy - Vince McMahon. Imagine the secrets he's keeping!
Whatever happened to Downtown Bruno? I always liked him in Memphis.
Downtown Bruno aka Harvey Whippleman in WWF, works backstage for WWE today.
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