By Brian Cannon on 2014-08-03 07:47:04
This is the OVW Saturday Night Special Report for Saturday, August 2, 2014.
Tonight, Marcus Anthony defended the OVW Heavyweight Title against Melvin Maximus, Adam Revolver defended the OVW TV Title against Michael Hayes in a no countout/falls count anywhere match, The Fabulous Free Bodies defended the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles against Jamin Olivencia & Chris SIlvio, plus more! Dean Hill & Terry Boddie were the commentators, and Boddie also handled the ring announcing duties.
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Dapper Dan vs. Rump Thump. Rump & Dan exchange armbars. Rump yanks Dan by the arm and flips him to the mat a few times. Dan punches Rump and hits a double axehandle off the second rope. Dan drops an elbow, and hits another double axehandle. He misses an elbow drop, and Rump delivers a double axehandle of his own. Rump with an atomic drop, a running knee, and the Thump for 3.
WINNER: THUMP by pinfall.
Mary Elizabeth Monroe vs. TNA Knockout Rebel. A very good back and forth match. In the end, Mary Elizabeth hits a DDT. Mary picks her up, but Rebel catches her with a reverse Russian leg sweep. Rebel then hits a split legdrop for the 3. WINNER: REBEL by pinfall.
After the match, Rebel offers a handshake, but Mary Elizabeth walks off.
OVW TV TITLE #1 CONTENDER BATTLE ROYAL. Order of elimination: The Assassin, "Altar Boy" Jade Dawson, J. Best, Leon Shelly, "Party Starter" Bud Dwight, Clint Poe, Elvis Pridemoore, "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stuart Miles, "Ram Jam" Jonathan Ramser, "Primetime" Robbie Walker, and Eddie F. Diamond. The final two are Eric Locker and Shiloh Jonze, but the two bump fists and Locker jumps over the top rope eliminating himself.
Notes: Shiloh will face the TV Champion this coming Wednesday night on OVW TV. Shiloh & Locker celebrated the win at ringside, so has Shiloh found a new teammate? The Wild Boyz were wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trunks (EFD had Raphael, Dwight had Michelangelo) that were pretty cool.
"Rudo" Raul LaMotta vs. Randy Terrez. Terrez gets the better of Raul early, but Raul continuously tries to cheat throughtout the match. He tries to pull Randy's tights on a pin attempt, and he grabs the bell hammer from ringside. The ref catches the hammer, but as he returns it to the announce table, Raul grabs a chain from his kneepad. He hits Terrez in the leg and tries to hide it under his arm, but the ref sees it and calls for the DQ. WINNER: TERREZ by DQ. After the match, Raul keeps attacking Terrez and his leg, but the Mexicutioner runs out. He hits Raul, and delivers a massive spear. He then helps Terrez up.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE NO COUNTOUT/FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: Michael Hayes vs. Adam Revolver (w/Michael Titus) (c). A very good match that sees Hayes come out firing early, but Adam takes control after Hayes gets distracted by Titus at ringside. Adam chops Hayes and goes for a piledriver, but Hayes flips him over with a back body drop. They fight to the back and disappear for a couple minutes. Then Hayes rolls Adam back out in a wheelchair and dumps him in the floor. Back inside, Adam regains control and works over Hayes for a while, but Hayes comes back, hitting a superplex. He follows that up with 2 more suplexes, but Adam kicks out. Adam comes back and locks in the sleeper hold, but Hayes comes back again, slinging Adam out of the ring, and Hayes falls outside also. Adam has the sleeper locked in on the floor, but Hayes rams Adam back into the side of the ring several times to break it. They fight over by the announce table and Hayes locks in the sleeper on Adam! Adam's arm is raised 3 times with no response as he has passed out on the announce table! 
OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: "The Psychadelic Superstar" Chris Silvio & Jamin Olivencia vs. "The Fabulous Free Bodies" Big Jon & the Bodyguy (c). Early on, it looked as if this would be a carbon copy of what happened this past Wednesday night on OVW TV with Jamin & Silvio arguing and trying to one up each other. As the match progressed, they seemed to get in sync with one another. Jamin saved Silvio from being hit, and they used some double team maneuvers against the Free Bodies. Jamin & Silvio knocked them from the ring and Jamin told Silvio to hit the ropes. Silvio does and Jamin flips him outside onto Big Jon & Bodyguy. Silvio rolls Bodyguy in, where he hits the Rocket Punch, and Jamin gets back in to hit the Standing O. Jamin yells for Silvio to cover him and we have new champions! WINNERS and NEW OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: JAMIN & SILVIO by pinfall.
OVW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: "Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus vs. Marcus Anthony (w/Michael Titus) (c). Josh Ashcraft is the appointed referee, but once again, Jordan Barker is at ringside to make sure things are called down the middle. It's power vs. power early as they do a test of strength, and run into each other off the ropes. Melvin seems to have the edge and leaves Marcus stunned. Marcus exits the ring and Titus gets on the apron, distracting Melvin. Marcus slides back in and hits Melvin from behind. Marcus tries to wear Melvin down with a pressure hold. He chokes him across the ropes, and then has Josh distracted, and Titus chokes Melvin. Jordan sees this as Josh turns around. Jordan says he knows Josh just saw that too, and has to eject Titus from ringside, which he does. Melvin starts to power up, clotheslining Marcus several times in the corner. He locks in the bearhug, but Marcus fights out and locks in the Crimson Omen. Melvin stuns Marcus by powering out of it, and Melvin relocks the bearhug on Marcus. Marcus can't take any more pressure and is forced to tap. Jordan tells Josh he has to call for the bell. 
WINNER and NEW OVW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: MELVIN by submission. A bad night for what was left of Titus Enterprises. All the new champions came out to the ring and celebrated to end the show. We already know we will see a great OVW TV Title match this Wednesday as the NEW TV Champion, Michael Hayes, defends against the newly crowned #1 contender, Shiloh Jonze! Plus, what will Michael Titus have to say about the failures of Marcus Anthony & Adam Revolver? If you enjoy PWInsider.com you can check out the AD-FREE PWInsider Elite section,
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