Jake the Snake Roberts opens up for the first time about what happened between him and the Ultimate Warrior during Wrestlemania weekend. The heat between Roberts and Warrior was well documented in the weeks leading up to the big event in New Orleans. There was also much speculation of what would might happen between the two at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. Now, in this very powerful video - Jake the Snake Roberts remembers the Ultimate Warrior.
You can watch it by clicking here.
This is a TitleMatchWrestling.com exclusive.
We asked Jake the Snake Roberts how felt about the 1999 movie "Beyond the Mat". This infamous film portrayed Roberts in a very negative light and has been the subject of much controversy. Now in a brand New Title Match Wrestling exclusive - Jake the Snake Roberts tells you how he really feels about that documentary and the people who made it.
You can watch it by clicking here.
Fans of old school wrestling will love this one. "Wildfire" Tommy Rich & Dr. Tom Prichard vs The Rock n Roll Express...Jake the Snake Roberts...The Stro & more! From mid July 2014 in Trans-South Wrestling and just released on DVD at TitleMatchWrestling.com.
You can watch it by clicking here.
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