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By Brian Cannon on 2014-07-25 07:36:34

This is the OVW Report for Wednesday, July 23, 2014. This episode can be seen online now at In this episode, Adam Revolver defends the OVW TV Title, the Mexicutioner gets a chance to redeem himself, Chris Silvio presents a case against Jamin Olivencia, OVW Heavyweight Champion Marcus Anthony meets Flash Flanagan in the main event, plus more!

Without further ado:

Here we go...

Pre-Show Dark Matches:

"The Fabulous Free Bodies": The Bodyguy & Big Jon def. "The Wild Boyz": Eddie F. Diamond & "Party Starter" Bud Dwight.

Eric Locker def. "Ram Jam" Jonathan Ramser.

"The Congregation": "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stuart Miles, "Altar Boy" Jade Dawson, & "the Apostle" Jake Glasure came to the ring and Miles condemned the playing of "devil music".
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on OVW's official website late Thursday afternoon/evening at and on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 9AM and 10PM (check local listings).

Backstage, Jordan Barker enters the office of senior official Josh Ashcraft. Josh is glad he stopped in, because he didn't like the way Jordan officiated last week. He tells Jordan to take his keys and leave as he has nothing for him. Jordan says he came by to drop off Josh's performance review papers and let him know that Danny Davis needs to see him right now. Josh is flustered and tells Jordan that he isn't through with him. Jordan sits down at Josh's desk and says that he could do this.

Dean Hill & Gilbert Corsey are on commentary with Shannon the Dude as the ring announcer.
Adam Revolver (w/Michael Titus) def. Leon Shelly by submission to the sleeper hold.
After the match, Michael Hayes comes to the ring. He was really angry about the finish to the fatal 4 way match last week, but has composed himself. Although, Adam cost him in that match, he beat Adam the week before. This means he is the #1 contender and he can't think of a better time than next week to beat some color into Adam's skin and take the title from around his waist.

"Rudo" Raul LaMotta def. Dapper Dan by submission to a modified crossface.

Backstage, Michael Titus is talking with the Mexicutioner. He says that Mex works for him and in Titus Enterprises, failure is not an option. He says he got beat 2 weeks ago by Rump Thump in 30 seconds. He got him a rematch tonight to prove that last time was just a fluke and says that Titus Enterprises does not lose.

Rump Thump def. the Mexicutioner by pinfall with the Rump Thump.
After the match, we see Michael Titus standing on the apron shaking his head about the Mexicutioner's failure. Gilbert Corsey is at ringside to interview Rump Thump. Rump says he was on the sideline for months and months thinking about the glass ceiling. He is ready to break through it and go after gold whether it be Adam Revolver, the Fabulous Free Bodies, or Marcus Anthony at Saturday Night Specials or Wednesday TVs. He has worked hard and is ready.
Chris Silvio comes to the ring, first giving Gilbert Corsey an autographed picture of himself. He is joined by Mary Jane & Elvis Pridemoore. Elvis is a "character witness" as Silvio presents video and a slideshow about his relationship with Jamin Olivencia. He paints Jamin as a big fat liar for not giving him a title shot, and this doesn't sit well with Jamin. Jamin comes to the ring and says Silvio is not Jamin Olivencia, the longest reigning OVW Heavyweight Champion of all time, and it pisses him off and eats him up inside. They get in each other's face and look like they are about to square off when the Fabulous Free Bodies hit the ring. Bodyguy says it doesn't matter if they weren't fighting like cats and dogs, because even if they were on the same page, they could never compete with him and Big Jon. Silvio says they'll fight them and slams the mic into Jamin's chest saying this time Jamin will have his back.
Backstage, the Congregation is gathered and says it is time to get rid of more evil that infiltrate's children's minds and says it is not a case, but a coffin (referring to Ryan Howe's guitar case).

Ryan Howe def. Jack Rebel by pinfall with the Chart Topper.

Backstage, Shannon the Dude interviews Melvin Maximus. He asks Melvin what his game plan is for the August Saturday Night Special. Melvin says he is a former 3-time TV Champion, but he wants to be the top dog, and will show Marcus Anthony he has what it takes to be OVW Heavyweight Champion.

Marcus Anthony def. Flash Flanagan by submission to the Crimson Omen.
Flash hit a belly to back suplex off the top rope and a guillotine legdrop, but Michael Titus & Adam Revolver interfered, allowing Marcus to come back and eventually get the victory.
After the match, Melvin Maximus came out and motioned that he is coming for Marcus and the title.
This ended the TV taping.

Post-Show Dark Matches:
TNA Knockout Rebel def. Mary Elizabeth Monroe.

Gilbert Corsey's interview with Jack Rebel was interrupted by Deonta Davis. Deonta claimed it was his time to shine and demanded a match...
Jack Rebel def. Deonta Davis in 1 minute.
 Deonta asked for another match...
"Primetime" Robbie Walker def. Deonta Davis in 1 minute.
Deonta demanded another match...
"Marksman" Nick Dumeyer def. Deonta Davis.
Deonta accused referee Jordan Barker of counting too fast and shoved him in the ropes. Jordan Barker hit a sunset flip for the pin (counted by former OVW referee Nick Dumeyer).
Referee Jordan Barker def. Deonta Davis.
Deonta was about to complain again when the Assassin's music hit and the Assassin came out and ended Deonta's misery with his massive clothesline.

"Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus & Michael Hayes def. "The Congregation": "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stuart Miles & "Altar Boy" Jade Dawson (w/"the Apostle" Jake Glasure).
 Next week, it's OVW TV Champion Adam Revolver vs. Michael Hayes AND OVW Southern Tag Team Champions The Fabulous Free Bodies vs. Jamin Olivencia & Chris Silvio!

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