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By Mike Johnson on 2014-07-19 10:34:32

Dan McDevitt of Maryland Championship Wrestling issued the following response to in regard to the press release issued by Steve O'Neill of Extreme Rising:


I received the Press release that you sent to me requesting my comments and wanted to respond. First and foremost I have not agreed to make any changes to my card tonight with anyone so I am really not sure where this is coming from. However I would appreciate it if you would post my response along with posting this release from Extreme Rising.

In reviewing the release there were several things that stood out to me that have made me wonder if Steve is living in the same world that we are. The first thing right away was the statement that "Extreme Rising Pro Wrestling was never contacted". Of course they were not contacted, how would they be? Do they not acknowledge that three months ago they threw the Ninja Smoke ball down and disappeared with Hundreds maybe even thousands of fans' money & many wrestlers' paydays without any explanation just days before these events were to happen. It would probably be much easier to find the body of Jimmy Hoffa than it would to find him so of course no one contacted them.

My next thought was of really just of disappointment. I have been Involved with this business for over 20 years now and I can say that I still love this business as much as I did when I started in it maybe even more so now. I truly hate everything that happens in this business that end up leaving black eyes on the business as a whole. That is why I feel truly disappointed that Steve's first public statement is about a match stipulation that is not even on one of his shows concerning a company that does not have any events scheduled in the foreseeable future. His first public statement should be to the fans that spent money on tickets, booked hotels and made travel arrangements to attend shows that never happened. It should have also been to all of the people that believed in him and the wrestlers that took his dates over others and lost money for which they most likely use to feed their families. Rather than being worried about who is recognized as the champion, he should be more concerned with making right with all of the people that were done wrong.

Concerning the stipulation for tonight's MCW Championship TLC Match between Matt Hardy & Luke Hawx my only concern is that it is for The Maryland Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Championship. If Matt & Luke want to bring other championships, The deed to their houses, a Mountain bike, A gift card to Target and a partridge in a pear tree and put them all on the line tonight than that is on them.

I hope that clears things up Mike, Let me know if you need anything else. If anyone would like more information on tonight's event they can visit our website @

Dan McDevitt
Maryland Championship Wrestling


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