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By Mike Johnson on 2014-07-19 09:43:26

Steve O'Neill of Extreme Rising issued a press release yesterday, announcing that an advertised match at tonight's Maryland Championship Wrestling Shane Shamrock Memorial featuring MCW champ Matt Hardy vs. Rising champion Luke Hawx would not feature the Rising champion or the title belt - and thanked MCW and Dan McDevitt for their professionalism in that matter.

Rising, since canceling its last events, has apparently attempted to get the physical belt back from Hawx, who defeated Stevie Richards for it on an ECWA event after another Rising event was canceled. This was all part of an angle to create controversy over who was the champion, only to see the promotion cancel more shows and leave Hawx with the belt.

What is interesting about the release is that upon contacting McDevitt, was told that he's had no communication with O'Neill. McDevitt said the inclusion of the belt was something Matt Hardy pitched since Rising was where the Hardy vs. Hawx feud and this match could potentially be their final encounter.

When contacted by, Hawx said, "I'd love to see someone try and take my belt.  I'd also love to see someone take care of the fan and the wrestlers for those canceled shows."

The release read that Richards was still the Rising champion. When Richards was contacted for comment, his response was, "Here is my statement: I love cats."  Richards included the following photo:


For details on MCW's event tonight, visit

The complete Rising release reads:



The Extreme Rising World Champion and championship belt will not be appearing Saturday, July 19th 2014 for MCW in Joppa, MD thanks to Dan McDevitt and Maryland Championship Wrestling for their cooperation in this matter.

It had come to our attention that a match featuring Wrestling Superstar Matt Hardy and Luke Hawx is being promoted for the Maryland and Extreme Rising Championship World Title.

Extreme Rising Pro Wrestling was never contacted concerning this stipulation. After communicating with Dan McDevitt of MCW, the Extreme Rising title stipulation has been removed from the match. We appreciate Mr. McDevitt’s professionalism in this matter.

Extreme Rising has not sanctioned any World Title matches for its championship belt since before April 30th 2014. No one has ever defeated Stevie Richards in an Extreme Rising sanctioned title match.

STEVIE RICHARDS is –and has been the only officially recognized champion and title holder for Extreme Rising Pro Wrestling, since his winning of the title tournament dated December 29th 2012 at the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory in Philadelphia, PA.

Presently, Oren Hawxhurst aka Luke Hawx has physical possession of the Extreme Rising World Title. Extreme Rising has reached out to Mr. Hawxhurst through our attorney, but has yet to receive our property. We had hope that a professional and amicable return of the World title to our office would be in order by Mr. Hawxshurt, but to date hasn’t happened.


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