You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.
How was Big Zeke able to perform at the impact tapings if he was released by the WWE in April? Or was it cause his contract expired so he wasn't fired? Or could be that taping wont air til after the 90 days are up?
When WWE invokes the 90 day clause to release talents, they can't work for anyone with WWE approval until that time is up. In the case of guys like Zeke, when the deal expires, they are free to work wherever they want.
Why don't Michael Cole and Co. call the corkscrew senton the Usos do, a Whisper in the Wind like they did when Jeff Hardy preformed it?
They call the move what Vince McMahon wants them to call it. And they aren't inclined to put over a move of a guy working for the competition.
When at Raw last night you see the crowd chanting "this is awesome" for nothing more than a simple staredown between Roman Reigns and Triple H, what do you think of that, that just their presence together (as well as Bray Wyatt and Y2J) can get the crowd wild and they don't even have to throw a hiptoss?
I think it's pretty cool if the crowd is being sincere. Like when The Shield and The Wyatts had their first match, the crowd chanted that before they even locked up. It told me that WWE did a good job of building it up and the fans wanted to see it. I like that.
Where do you see the future for Dean Ambrose? Personally, he's my favorite guy in WWE right now and he's filled my CM Punk void. However I think he needs some more seasoning before being a World Champ main eventer. Do you see him reaching that level in the coming years, multi time champion, PPV main eventer as a singles star?
I like Ambrose a lot and definitely think he could be a future champion. He has all the tools to do it.
It's seems the majority of the questions this site responds to are all about fantasy booking. Doesn't anyone ever ask about things like, "what ever happened to Brakkus?", or "who trained Renee Dupree?"
We get a lot of fantasy booking questions, for sure. I am not the biggest fan of them but when you compare them to "what happened to Brakkus" I will take fantasy questions all day long.
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.
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