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Vicki Guerrero has been used at times artfully and other times foolishly. With the current regime making a mockery of her could she not be made into an excellent enemy to The Authority? Her conniving ways have at times been written well at they've already established her as an anarchist.
If she weren't leaving the business, sure that could have been done (provided she somehow were given a reason to have the power to take on HHH and Stephanie). But, she has left so that won't be happening.
How this for a MITB finish? Seth wins the contract match.... Orton wins the title. HHH sides with Rollins and sends him out to take the title. Orton vs Rollins feud through the summer.
So the guy HHH personally put in the Title match wins it, and he turns on him WHY????? That makes no sense.
Ok so a few days ago I saw a pair of garbage cans that looked exactly like the ones WWE used for their Hardcore matches. I picked them up and they were really heavy and thick. My question is, did WWE actually use real garbage cans (the ones that I saw) or did they use some other composite material?
They use lightweight trash cans, which bend easily but come across as impressive. They aren't painless, but they don't hurt super bad either.
With all the questions about putting the WWE title on a new talent versus having an already established guy hold the belt until Daniel Bryan comes back, I had a flash of brilliance. Have RVD win MITB, then have Cena win the title match but getting beaten down in the process and then have RVD cash in right then. It could give RVD a chance to play the cocky heel he got over being in ECW, RVD can do his two month stint as champ since he goes about three months on three months off, and I think RVD and Bryan could put on one hell of a show together (maybe an anything goes Iron Man match) for Summerslam. What do you think?
Uh, no. RVD is a part timer now. Plus, it is time for new blood at the top in my opinion. WWE should use their older guys to elevate younger talent.
A lot of people still regularly bash Randy Orton about his boring gimmick and boring promos. So, I thought of the following. Orton leaves Evolution citing he's 'bigger and better' than them. Things don't work out and he goes on a losing streak. After yet another embarrassing loss, The Wyatts music hits and they appear at ringside. Bray cuts a promo and ends it by promising that he can bring out 'the Monster' inside of Orton if he joins Bray and helps him defeat Cena, which Orton agrees too. Do you like the sound of this, or is it a thumbs down?
Any time you mention "losing streak" I hate it. Add in a guy that has nothing in common with the Wyatts joining them and I hate it more. If Orton is going to do a character change, I would like to see him do something along the lines of being mad at himself for being a lackey for the Authority and break away from them.
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