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By Richard Trionfo on 2014-06-28 00:05:21
Welcome to’s coverage of SHINE 20 from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.

It was announced at the start of the show that Leah von Dutch and Cherry Bomb were not going to be able to appear. The scheduled Four Corner Survival Tag Match will now be a Triple Threat Tag Match. Replacing Leah in her match against Amber O’Neal is Crazy Mary Dobson.

Match Number One: SHINE Tag Team Championship Number One Contender's Match: The S-N-S Express (Sassy Stephie and Jessie Belle Smothers [with Nevaeh]) versus Legendary (Malia Hosaka and Brandi Wine [with Leilani Kai]) versus The Buddy System (Heidi Lovelace and Solo Darling [with Daffney]) versus Kimber Lee and the spirit of Cherry Bomb

Before the match starts, Kimber Lee says that Cherry is on the way to Tampa and because it is her birthday . . .

Malia takes the mic and she says that Kimber is not woman enough to be in the ring by herself. She does not think anyone wants her in the ring, but the crowd does not agree with Malia. Malia says that there is something more momentous than to have Leilani Kai in the building to watch the match.

Kimber says that she will be part of the match.

Brandi tries to attack Kimber before the match but Kimber slams her. Kimber fights off Stephie and Solo as well.

The referee tries to gain control by telling the seconds in the match to behave. Malia and Stephie go after Kimber and she moves so they clothesline each other. Heidi with kicks to Stephie followed by an arm drag. Solo tags in and she hits an arm drag off the turnbuckles. Jessie tags in and Heidi sends Jessie into the turnbuckles. Solo with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Heidi tags in and Stephie tags in as well. Stephie with a flying clothesline and a bridging chin lock but Brandi breaks it up. Jessie tags in and she hits a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Stephie with an elbow to the back for a near fall. Stephie with a snap mare and kick to the back. Malia comes in and she attacks Stephie and Heidi.

Brandi tags in and she connects with a European uppercut for a near fall. Brandi stretches Heidi but Heidi bridges back and gets a near fall until Malia knocks Heidi down. Malia tags back in and Malia forces Heidi to tag in Kimber. Malia with a waist lock and a rake of the eyes. Malia chokes Kimber in the ropes and then Leilani chokes her while Malia talks to the referee. Malia with a flying clothesline.

Malia gets a near fall. Kimber with chops to Malia and Kimber tags in Stephie. Stephie brings Malia back into the ring from the apron and she gets a near fall. Stephie pulls Malia into the center of the ring for a near fall. Stephie with a chop but Malia with a forearm and she sends Stephie into the turnbuckles. Brandi tags in and she snap mares Stephie and pulls her hair. Leilani gets on the apron to distract the referee and Brandi with an inverted DDT for a near fall. Jessie and Malia tag in and they lock up. Malia with a head butt and then she tosses Jessie by the hair. Heidi is tagged in and Malia punches her.

Heidi with a sunset flip but Brandi breaks it up. Malia chokes Heidi in the ropes and then Brandi distracts the referee along with Malia to allow Leilani to bite Heidi. Stephie tags in and they send Heidi into the turnbuckles. Jessie with a splash into the corner. Stephie with an abdominal stretch and Jessie with extra leverage from the apron. Solo tries to get the referee to pay attention but it only leads to more distraction.

Stephie with an abdominal stretch and Brandi helps. Heidi with a hip toss but Malia with a chop to tag herself in. Malia with chops while Leilani attacks Heidi on the floor. Malia with a snap mare and she stretches Stephie. Jessie falls into the ring and Stephie is able to escape. Malia misses a spin kick and Stephie chokes her in the ropes.

Stephie distracts the referee to allow Jessie and Nevaeh to work over Malia. Jessie gets a near fall and then he snap mares Malia and gets a near fall. Stephie tags back in and she connects with double sledges to the back. Stephie with knees but Kimber tags in. Kimber with a delayed vertical suplex on Malia for a near fall.

Leilani trips Kimber from the floor and then Brandi and Malia go for a double gourdbuster and they hit it. Leilani pulls Daffney off the apron and that allows Malia to pin Kimber.

Winners: Malia Hosaka and Brandi Wine

Match Number Two: Crazy Mary Dobson versus Amber O'Neal

They lock up and Amber with a wrist lock. Mary with a reversal. Amber with a reversal of her own. Mary with a drop toe hold to escape the wrist lock. Mary with a waist lock but Amber with elbows. Amber with a standing switch and a hammer lock. Mary with a single leg pick to get free.

Mary with an arm drag and a Japanese arm drag followed by a drop kick. Amber with a shoulder in the corner followed by a kick and forearms. Mary with an Irish whip and then Amber with a head scissors in the ropes. Amber with a kick to the midsection. Amber chokes Mary in the ropes.

Amber with a kick and she chokes Mary in the corner. Mary with a knee to the midsection as she sends Amber off the ropes. Mary goes for a third one but Amber counters with a short arm clothesline. Amber with punches to Mary and then she chokes her. Amber gets a near fall. Amber slams Mary’s head into the mat and then she connects with an elbow drop to the back for a near fall.

Amber sends Mary into the turnbuckles and then she puts Mary on the turnbuckles. Amber with a forearm but Mary pushes Amber off the turnbuckles. Mary with a tornado DDT and both ladies are down. Amber and Mary exchange forearms with Mary gaining the advantage. Mary with a flying clothesline and a back elbow.

Mary with a kick to the head. Mary with a spinning elbow drop for a near fall. Amber with an STO for a near fall. Amber with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner. Mary kicks Amber and then she hits a cross body for a near fall. Mary argues with the referee and Amber with a jawbreaker followed by an X Factor for a near fall.

Amber goes under the ring and she grabs a chair. The referee warns Amber and she kicks Mary and hits Mary in the back with the chair. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Crazy Mary Dobson (by disqualification)

After the match, Amber continues to hit Mary with the chair.

Match Number Three: Su Yung (with April Hunter) versus Justine Silver

They lock up and Su pushes Justine away. Justine with a side head lock and Su pushes her away. They lock up again and Su takes Silver to the mat but Silver with a monkey flip. They roll to the floor while locked up. They return to the ring at the same time. April gives Su some instructions but Justine with a drop toe hold.

Silver with a head scissors that sends Su into the corner. Silver with a monkey flip. Su with a waist lock but Silver with an elbow and a flying mare. Silver with a drop kick to Su and Su tries to push Silver away.

Su holds on to the ropes and Su with a kick. Silver blocks a punch and connects with a punch of her own. Su with a Thesz Press and she punches Silver and then she pushes Justine to the floor. April say something to Justine on the floor and then April puts Silver in the chair. Su hits a cannonball off the apron onto Silver.

Su rolls Silver back into the ring and Su can only get a two count. Su sends Silver into the turnbuckles and then she kicks Silver in the midsection. Su chokes Silver in the corner and the referee warns her. April pulls Silver by the hair while Su freaks out and distracts the referee.

Su with an Irish whip and she walks Silver around the ring before hitting a side slam but Su can only get a two count. Su with an Irish whip but Silver floats over and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Su with a cross arm breaker but she releases the hold. Su gets a near fall before locking in a Rocking Chair submission. Su drops Silver to the mat and then she gets a near fall with a Jericho cover.

Su puts Silver in the tree of woe and then Su kicks Silver in the back. Su bangs her head into the turnbuckles and Silver tries to kick Su after she gets out of the turnbuckles. Su hyperextends the knee and gets a near fall. April gets on the apron and Su gets a white glove. Su with a Mandible Claw on Silver and then Su with an arm bar submission but Silver has passed out from the Mandible Claw.

Winner: Su Yung

Match Number Four: Shanna versus La Rosa Negra (with Noemi Bosques)

Shanna with a kick and Rosa pushes Shanna. Shanna pushes back and then Rosa slaps Shanna. Shanna slaps back and pie faces her. Rosa with a slap. Rosa with a Japanese arm drag and a hip toss. Rosa with a punch in the corner. Shanna with an Irish whip and Rosa goes to the turnbuckles and she kicks Shanna. Rosa with a shoulder from the apron.

Rosa flips Shanna with a wrist clutch. Rosa with a wrist lock and she goes to the ropes for a head scissors but Shanna is able to counter and turns it into a power bomb. Shanna goes to the floor and Rosa follows. Shanna sends Rosa into the ring steps and then Shanna turns her attention to Noemi.

Shanna with a forearm to the back and then she sends her into the sound booth. Shanna sends Rosa into the sound booth a second time. Shanna rolls Rosa back into the ring. Shanna with a kick to the ribs and then to the head. Shanna with more kicks to the ribs. Rosa with forearms but Shanna with kicks to stop her offense.

Shanna with a snap mare and leg drop. Shanna with a second leg drop and she gets a near fall. Shanna with more kicks to the ribs and leg. Shanna with a fisherman suplex for a near fall. Rosa with punches but they have little effect. Shanna with kicks to Rosa and then she chokes Rosa in the corner.

Rosa takes Shanna down but Shanna with forearms and kicks. Shanna with a forearm to the head. Shanna with a kick to the head. Shanna gets her ball and brings it into the ring. Shanna with a forearm and Noemi gets on the apron to argue with the referee. Shanna sets up for a free kick and there is a GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL.

Shanna gets a near fall. Shanna with a Dragon Sleeper on Rosa but Rosa with knees to escape the hold. Rosa with a forearm and Shanna fires back. They continue the exchange. Rosa with an elbow in the corner and then Rosa with a back elbow out of the corner. Rosa gets a near fall. Rosa slaps Shanna and Shanna misses a punch. Rosa runs Shanna into the turnbuckles.

Rosa with a package gourdbuster for a near fall. Rosa with a waist lock and she tries for an O’Connor Roll but Shanna holds on to the ropes and Shanna with a clothesline and both ladies are down. Shanna gets a near fall. Shanna sets for a Butterfly Island Driver but she takes too long to make the cover and Rosa kicks out.

Shanna argues with the referee and Rosa gets Shanna on her shoulders and she hits a Samoan drop. Rosa goes up top and Shanna crotches her. Rosa tries to kick Shanna but Shanna blocks it and she kicks Rosa in the back. Shanna climbs the turnbuckles while Rosa is in the Tree of Woe. Shanna with a double stomp. Shanna tries for another free kick and the referee stops her.

Shanna pie faces Noemi and Noemi punches Shanna and Rosa with a frog splash for the three count.

Winner: La Rosa Negra

Match Number Five: Nevaeh versus Candice LeRae

Nevaeh misses a few clothesline and Candice with a monkey flip. Candice with forearms in the corner but she runs into a discus forearm and Nevaeh with a near fall. Nevaeh with a suplex for a near fall. Nevaeh with a reverse chin lock. Nevaeh with a snap mare and neck snap followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Nevaeh with kicks to Candice. Nevaeh chokes Candice in the ropes.

Nevaeh with a side slam and she gets a near fall. Candice with forearms followed by a head scissors and a kick. Candice with a sunset flip for a near fall. Candice with knees to the head and she gets a near fall. Nevaeh tosses Candice across the ring by the hair. Nevaeh kicks Candice in the head and then she kicks Candice in the corner.

Nevaeh with shoulders in the corner and then she tosses Candice across the ring by the hair. Nevaeh with forearms but Candice gets in a few shots before Nevaeh rakes the eyes. Nevaeh chokes Candice in the corner and follows with a forearm. Nevaeh with an Irish whip but she runs into boots and Candice with a cross body. Nevaeh with an Irish whip and Candice goes to the apron.

Nevaeh drops Candice on the apron and Candice falls to the floor. Candice struggles to get back into the ring but she gets in at eight. Nevaeh with a baseball slide that sends Candice back to the floor. Nevaeh misses an elbow drop and Candice with forearms. Nevaeh with a forearm to the midsection.

Nevaeh chokes Candice in the corner. Nevaeh with chops to Candice in the corner and Nevaeh approves of her performance. Candice with forearms as she takes Nevaeh into the opposite corner. Candice with boots to Nevaeh. Candice with a head scissors out of the corner followed by a swinging neck breaker and she gets a near fall. Candice sets for the Ballplex but Nevaeh counters. Nevaeh with an Alabama Slam followed by an electric chair drop and both ladies are down. Nevaeh gets a near fall. Nevaeh gets Candice on her shoulders but Candice gets to her feet and she applies an Octopus.

Nevaeh gets to the ropes and Candice releases the hold. Candice with a forearm and she puts Nevaeh on the turnbuckles. Candice calls for a mustache ride but Nevaeh with elbows and she gets back to the mat. Nevaeh tries for a backpack stunner but Candice with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Candice LeRae

Match Number Six SHINE Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Sisters (Leva and Mia Yim) versus Legendary (Malia Hosaka and Brandi Wine [with Leilani Kai])

Before the match starts, Brandi and Malia take the belts and the referee eventually gets them back.

Mia and Brandi start things off. They lock up and Brandi with a wrist lock. Mia with a cartwheel and a reversal. Leva tags in and she comes off the turnbuckles with a boot to the arm. Leva with shoulders to Brandi but Brandi sends Leva to the mat and Malia is tagged in. They lock up and Leva with a wrist lock.

Leva continues to work on the arm and Mia tags back in. Mia works on the wrist and arm while taking Malia to the mat. Mia with a front face lock and Malia with punches. Leva tags in and they hit a double hip toss. Leva gets a near fall.

Malia with a rake of the eyes and she sends Leva into the turnbuckles. Mia tries to help Leva but Malia punches her. Brandi wraps Leva’s arm in the rope and Leilani gets in the ring to argue with the referee. Mia and Leva hang in the ropes and they move, sending Brandi and Malia to the floor. Mia and Leva go for baseball slides but Malia and Brandi move.

Brandi kicks Mia and chokes her in the corner. Brandi tosses Mia by the hair and then she chokes her in the corner. Brandi pulls Mia out of the corner but Mia gets a near fall with a rollup. Malia tags in and Leilani chokes Mia while the referee deals with Leva. Malia chokes Mia and then applies a stomach claw. Mia punches Malia.

Mia with a head butt and drop kick and both ladies are down. Leva tags in and she connects with a clothesline and flying knee. Leva with a drop kick but she runs into an elbow. Leva with a drop kick to the leg and then she gets a near fall.

Mia tags in and she gives Malia an atomic drop followed by a drop kick from Leva. Leva with a running kick to the head and Leva gets a near fall. Brandi kicks Leva and Leilani gets on the apron one more time to argue with the referee. Mia kicks Malia while the referee is out of position. Brandi with a full nelson and then she applies a bow and arrow. Brandi turns it into a surfboard but Leva does not quit.

Malia makes a tag and then she applies a modified camel clutch. Mia gets Leilani to stop assisting Malia and Brandi comes in and she connects with a leg drop. Brandi with a slam and she kicks Leva. Brandi with a leg drop for a near fall. Brandi with a punch and Malia tags in. Malia chokes Leva and then she knocks Mia off the apron. The referee has to hold Mia back while Brandi chokes Leva in the ropes.

Malia with a flying forearm and then she hits a splash for a near fall. Brandi kicks Leva and then she punches Leva in the ribs. Brandi with a snap mare but Leva gets her foot on the ropes. Leva with punches and then she hits a Codebreaker and both ladies are down. Mia tags in and she goes up top and hits a missile drop kick. Mia clotheslines Malia and then she kicks Brandi. Mia with a round kick and drop kick to Malia. Mia throws Malia to the floor.

Mia with slaps and kicks to Brandi followed by a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Leva comes in and Leva hits Sliced Bread #2. Malia pulls Leva out of the ring. Mia goes for a Lionsault but Leilani trips Mia and Brandi gets the three count.

Winners: Malia Hosaka and Brandi Wine

Match Number Seven: Last Woman Standing: Jessicka Havok versus Allysin Kay

Kay takes her time getting into the ring so Havok goes after her. Kay gets into the ring and she leaves again as the referee starts the match. Kay stays on the floor while the crowd wants bad things to happen to her.

Allysin finally gets in the ring and Havok pushes the referee out of the way. Kay with a clothesline and the referee starts his count. Havok gets back up and Havok with an Exploder suplex and Kay is down so he starts his count. Havok with punches and she screams. Havok tosses Kay around by her hair and then into the corner.

Havok with forearms and then she tries for a running elbow in the corner but Kay moves and Kay kicks her. Kay chokes Havok and then Havok with punches and then she kicks Kay in the back of the leg and she falls to the mat. Havok stomps on Kay and then she hits a running boot into the corner.

Havok sets for another running boot across the face and connects. Havok tries for a third but she takes too long and Kay with a kick to the head. Havok is down and the referee starts his count. Havok gets up and Kay kicks her in the midsection. Kay goes to the floor while the referee starts his count. Kay grabs a chair and brings it to the ring. Havok goes to the floor and Kay drops the chair. Havok grabs the chair and she follows Kay around the ring. Kay throws a drink in Havok’s face (and most of the one side of the building). Kay slams Havok’s head into the apron. Kay chops Havok and dedicates it to a fan. Kay with another chop. Havok with chops and then she chokes Kay with the chair against the apron.

Kay with a rake of the eyes. Kay with a kick and she sends Havok into the pole. Kay gets the chair and tries to hit Havok with it but Havok moves and Kay hits the pole. Havok with kicks and then she slaps Kay across the face. Havok with a forearm and then she whips Kay with a belt. Kay tries to get away but Havok continues to whip Kay.

Kay with a rake of the eyes and then she whips Havok. Kay sends Havok into the ring steps. Kay kicks Havok and the referee starts his count. Havok sends Kay into the ring steps a few times and then she has some choice words for Kay before sending her into the steps another time.

Kay tries to escape under the ring and Havok pulls her back out and Kay hits Havok with a trash can lid. The referee starts his count and Havok starts to get up so Kay hits Havok in the back and Kay sends Havok into the apron. Havok Irish whips Kay into the pole and then she hits Kay with the trash can lid.

They work their way onto the stage. Kay punches Havok and Havok punches back. Kay tries for a pile driver on the stage but Havok counters with a back body drop. The referee starts his count but Kay gets up. Havok with a kick and a boot to Kay. Havok kicks Kay down the steps. Havok with a knee to the head.

Kay slaps Havok and connects with a series of forearms. Kay chokes Havok with a cane and then she hits Havok in the midsection with the cane. Kay rolls Havok into the ring. Kay goes for more weaponry and she emerges with scissors. Havok stops Kay and Havok punches Kay. They go back and forth with forearms.

They both hold each other up after the exchange of forearms. They each connect with boots and both are down as the referee starts his count. Kay rolls to the floor while Havok is still down. Havok gets back to her feet and Kay looks under the ring and she has a chair. Havok charges at Kay and Kay throws the chair at Havok and Havok goes down.

The referee starts his count and Havok gets up. Kay puts Havok in the chair and Kay with kicks to the chest. Kay goes to the turnbuckles and Havok gets up and Havok hits an Air Raid Crash on the chair. The referee starts his count. Havok tries to get up but she is unable while Kay gets to her feet.

Winner: Allysin Kay

After the match, we see Su Yung emerge from under the ring and she tied Havok’s legs to keep her from getting up.

Havok grabs Kay and she cuts Allysin’s hair as Kay tries to get out of the ring.

Kay goes to the back and Havok holds her bounty.

Match Number Eight: SHINE Championship Match: Ivelisse versus Serena Deeb (with April Hunter)

Before the match starts, Ivelisse and Serena stare each other down.

They have something to say to each other before locking up as they try to establish a dominant position in the ring. Ivelisse goes for the leg but Serena moves out of the way. Ivelisse teases a kick and then she connects with a kick to the midsection. Ivelisse with a waist lock and she takes Serena to the mat. Serena with an arm drag.

They lock up and Serena takes Ivelisse down but they hold on to the collar and elbow tie up. Ivelisse with an arm drag. They tease a test of strength but Ivelisse with a kick. Ivelisse with another kick and she applies a front face lock. Serena with a front face lock of her own and Ivelisse with a near fall. Serena works on the ankle and Ivelisse reaches for the ropes but Ivelisse with a head scissors.

Serena starts to work on the back and she kicks Ivelisse in the back. Serena with a neck vice and Ivelisse with an inside cradle for a near fall. Both ladies try to get the victory with an inside cradle but they can only get near falls. Serena with a kicks and elbows to the ribs. Serena turns her attention to the leg and she kicks Ivelisse in the hamstring. Serena with an elbow drop to the leg but Ivelisse with a choke and body scissors.

Serena is able to get a near fall and Serena gains control with a side head lock. Ivelisse with knees to the head and then she applies a head scissors with extra pressure by grabbing the ankle. Serena bites the leg and Ivelisse has to release the hold. Serena pulls Ivelisse into the center of the ring and she kicks Ivelisse in the hamstring.

Serena slaps Ivelisse in the head and then she applies a front face lock. Ivelisse with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Ivelisse with a chin lock and she gets a near fall. Serena reverses but Ivelisse rolls over and Serena gets to the ropes.

Serena with a knee drop and she gets a near fall. Serena and Ivelisse exchange chops with Ivelisse winning this round. Ivelisse with a chop and side head lock and take down. Ivelisse gets a near fall. Ivelisse with a wrist lock and then she kicks Serena in the back of the leg and then the ribs. Ivelisse gets a near fall.

Ivelisse with a rear chin lock on Serena and she leans back in a modified camel clutch. Serena escapes the hold and gets to the apron. Serena with a forearm and Ivelisse with a forearm of her own. They go back and forth. Ivelisse tries for a suplex and after a few attempts to block it, Ivelisse connects and gets a near fall.

Ivelisse with a forearm and then he sends Serena into the corner. Ivelisse gets ready to punch Serena on the turnbuckles but Serena pulls the hair to send her to the apron. . Serena with a suplex and she gets a near fall. Serena slaps Ivelisse in the back of the head and then she drops a knee to the back and then connects with a leg drop for a near fall. Serena with another near fall.

Serena and Ivelisse exchange slaps and then Serena with a wrist lock. Serena with rake of the face and then Ivelisse with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Ivelisse with a reverse chin lock. Ivelisse gets a near fall. Ivelisse kicks Serena in the back of the leg. Ivelisse with more kicks to the leg but Serena with forearms and shoulders in the corner.

Serena with more shoulders after the referee warns her. Serena with a slam followed by a knee drop as she comes off the ropes. Serena with kicks to Ivelisse. Serena stands on Ivelisse’s hair and she pulls Ivelisse up. Ivelisse with a kick to the back of the leg. Ivelisse with more kicks to the back of the leg. Ivelisse with shoulders in the corner. Ivelisse with a running boot into the corner.

Ivelisse with a bronco buster and then Ivelisse applies a Boston Crab. Serena tries to get to the ropes and April does whatever she can to make it easier for her to get to the ropes and Serena gets to the ropes. Ivelisse asks the referee about April and Ivelisse gets distracted by April and that allows Serena to take Ivelisse down to the mat and she punches Ivelisse. Ivelisse rolls Serena over and punches her.

Ivelisse with forearms and then she hits a body scissors take down. Ivelisse chops Serena but Serena with an Irish whip. Serena charges into boots from Ivelisse. Ivelisse gets to the apron and Ivelisse with a forearm. Serena with a forearm that knocks Ivelisse off the apron and to the floor. Hunter picks up Ivelisse and the distraction allows Deeb to clip Ivelisse.

Serena rolls Ivelisse back into the ring and she starts to devote more time to the injured leg but Ivelisse gets to the ropes. Deeb puts the leg on the ropes and she turns her focus to the ankle. Ivelisse retreats to the corner. Deeb wraps the ankle in the ropes as she continues to wear down Ivelisse.

Serena wraps the ankle into the ring post. Serena rolls back in to break the referee’s count. Deeb wrings the ankle into the post. Serena returns to the ring and she gets a near fall. Deeb gets another near fall. Deeb with an ankle lock while standing on the other leg to add more pressure to the injured leg.

Ivelisse gets to the ropes and Serena releases the hold reluctantly. Serena with a boot to the leg but Ivelisse kicks back. Serena with boots in the corner. Serena with more boots to Ivelisse while the referee warns her. Ivelisse kicks Serena in the head. Serena with a front face lock. Deeb applies a stretch muffler while adding more damage to the ankle. Ivelisse with a kick to the back to get out of the hold.

Deeb puts Ivelisse in the Tree of Woe. Ivelisse kicks Deeb in the head and Ivelisse tries to get out of the tree of woe. Ivelisse lands on her feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Ivelisse with a single leg crab. Ivelisse with a Scorpion Death Lock and then she adds a body scissors. Serena makes it to the ropes.

Ivelisse returns to the legs with a series of kicks. Serena falls to the floor and Serena pushes Ivelisse away as she tries to recover on the floor. Serena sends Ivelisse to the apron and she goes for a shoulder but Ivelisse moves and she kicks Serena in the midsection. Serena falls to the floor. Ivelisse comes off the apron and Serena catches her and hits a power bomb on the apron.

The referee starts his count and Serena gets back into the ring at seven to stop the count. She returns to the floor to work over Ivelisse and she gives the champion a back rake. Ivelisse kicks Serena while the referee continues his count. Serena rolls in at nine to stop the count.

Ivelisse slaps Serena and chops her. Serena backs Ivelisse into the apron and the refere gets to eight before Serena breaks the count. Serena rolls Ivelisse back into the ring. Serena gets a near fall but Ivelisse grabs the ropes to stop the count.

Ivelisse with elbows in the corner but Serena grabs Ivelisse’s hair. Serena pulls Ivelisse to the mat and she gets a near fall. Serena with a body scissors and April gives extra leverage to her charge. Ivelisse grabs the leg and Serena with forearms to the back. Serena sets for a back breaker but she takes too long and Ivelisse with an Octopus. Serena escapes and hits a back breaker for a near fall.

Ivelisse with a waist lock and then she applies a surfboard and she has her knee in Serena’s back. Serena with a snap mare and knees to the back. Ivelisse punches Serena but Serena with a back rake. Ivelisse with a front face lock and a gator roll.

Serena backs Ivelisse into the corner and April holds Ivelisse and then Serena pulls Ivelisse hard to the mat but Serena can only get a two count. Serena gets a near fall. Serena with a neck breaker and she gets a near fall. Serena with a cravate. Ivelisse with two butterfly suplexes but before she can hit a third one, April pulls Serena to the floor.

The referee sends April Hunter to the back.

Serena sends Ivelisse shoulder first into the ring post and then she kicks Ivelisse in the arm and hits a leg drop to the arm for a near fall. Serena with a key lock. Serena gets Ivelisse on her shoulders and hits a gutbuster. Serena goes for a spear into the corner but Ivelisse moves and Serena hits the ring post.

Ivelisse with a kick to the ribs followed by an arm wringer. Ivelisse works on the shoulder and hits a back breaker for a near fall. Serena and Ivelisse exchange forearms. Serena backs Ivelisse into the corner.

Serena gets Ivelisse on her shoulders but Ivelisse counters with a sunset flip and gets a near fall. Serena and Ivelisse exchange punches. Ivelisse with chops and then they both connect with forearms and both hit clotheslines at the same time and both ladies are down. Ivelisse with clotheslines and kicks. Ivelisse with an enzuigiri and an axe kick to the head. Ivelisse gets a near fall. Ivelisse goes for a dragon sleeper but Serena gets on the ropes. Ivelisse with Roll the Dice but Serena kicks out at two. Ivelisse is caught by Serena and Serena with a sit out front driver for a near fall. Serena with an atomic drop.

Serena with jabs to Ivelisse and she takes too long to finish it and Ivelisse with an arm drag. Ivelisse with a cross body for a near fall. Serena with a head butt to the midsection followed by kicks. Serena with forearms while she has Ivelisse on the turnbuckles.

Ivelisse knocks Serena off the turnbuckles. Ivelisse is crotched by Ivelisse and she lands awkwardly on the apron. Serena sends Ivelisse into the apron and then she chops Ivelisse. Ivelisse with chops to Serena and they get back into the ring. Ivelisse gets a near fall as she holds her knee, which she may have injured when she fell to the floor.

Serena with a full nelson using the legs and Ivelisse leans back to get a near fall. Ivelisse with punches and slaps followed by a back heel kick to the head. Serena goes down. Ivelisse goes for a spinning heel kick and Ivelisse hits the referee when Serena moves. Ivelisse with a guillotine choke and Serena sends Ivelisse into the turnbuckles but Ivelisse holds on to the guillotine.

Serena has her hand on the ropes and the referee tells Ivelisse to release the hold while some feel that Serena may have tapped out while the referee was out. Serena throws Ivelisse to the floor. Ivelisse Irish whips Serena and she hits the ring steps with her leg. Ivelisse rolls Serena back into the ring and the count is broken. Ivelisse rolls Serena into the center of the ring and she gets a near fall.

Ivelisse with a guillotine choke as we pass the fifty-seven minute mark. Serena with punches as she has the mount position on Ivelisse. Ivelisse with forearms to Serena. Serena and Ivelisse exchange punches and forearms as they roll around the ring. Serena with punches to Ivelisse. Ivelisse with forearms and she takes Serena to the mat and she punches Ivelisse.

Ivelisse with a take down and Serena with punches and Ivelisse rolls her over and she punches Serena. Ivelisse with a body scissors as the hour time limit expires.


Thank you for following the coverage of Shine 20. I will have my thoughts in the Shine 20 Post Game Show in the Elite Section of the site.

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