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By Richard Trionfo on 2014-06-22 18:03:07
Welcome to’s coverage of the 2014 Florida Rumble from Full Impact Pro Wrestling. Due to an injury suffered by Chasyn Rance on Saturday night at an I Believe in Wrestling Show, there has been a change to today’s show. Instead of a Florida Heritage Title Match for the winner of the Florida Rumble, the final two men in the Florida Rumble will earn an Open the United Gate Tag Title Match against Lance and Harlem Bravado.

The order of elimination in the Florida Rumble match will determine many of the matches on the show.

Match Number One: 2014 Florida Rumble (with the Final Two Wrestlers Earning an Open the United Gate Title Match Against The Bravado Brothers)

The two men who will start the 2014 Florida Rumble are Lince Dorado and John Skyler. Skyler attacks Dorado before the bell rings and he punches Dorado. Dorado with chops and punches followed by another chop. Dorado is sent over the top but he lands on the apron. Dorado kicks Skyler from the apron and they he brings Skyler to the apron with a head scissors. They fight on the apron while hanging on. Skyler clotheslines Dorado back into the ring. Skyler is sent to the apron and Dorado with a kick. Skyler with a spear through the ropes.

Skyler kicks Dorado in the corner and then he tries to send Dorado over the top to the floor. Dorado holds on to the ropes to stay in the ring. Dorado gets Skyler over the top rope but he hangs on to the ropes and he brings himself back in. Skyler chops Dorado and sends him into the turnbuckles. Skyler with a chop but Dorado with a kick and chop.

Dorado tries to eliminate Skyler while Zane Riley makes his way to the ring as the third participant in the match. Riley rakes the eyes of Dorado and saves Skyler. Dorado kicks Riley and Skyler. Dorado with a chop to Riley but Skyler chops Dorado. Dorado ducks a double clothesline attempt and hits a double back elbow. Dorado bounces off Riley and Riley kicks Dorado in the corner. Riley picks up Skyler and then they try to eliminate Dorado, but it fails. Dorado with punches and chops to Skyler and Riley.

Skyler stays in the ring and then Dorado is sent to the apron but he stays in the ring.

Earl Cooter is the fourth man in and he joins Riley to work over Skyler. Riley tries to throw Dorado over the top rope but Dorado holds on to the ropes. Skyler with a forearm to Riley followed by punches. Cooter kicks Dorado in the corner while Skyler tries to pick up Riley. Riley bites Skyler’s head while Dorado jumps on Cooter’s chest.

The fifth entrant is Eddie Graves. As he makes his way to the ring, Dos Ben Dejos attack him from behind. Teddy Stigma comes out to help his tag team partner and they fight outside the ring while Cooter, Skyler, Riley, and Dorado continue to battle in the ring. Cruz and Graves fight through the crowd while Stigma and Rios continue to fight at ringside. Cruz sends Graves into the wall.

As they fight to the back, the action continues in the ring and Dorado and Skyler try to eliminate Riley but Cooter makes the save. The next entrant is Josh Hess, who gets chopped by Dorado and then he gets a wedgie and is sent to the apron, but MSL keeps him from going to the floor.

Skyler punches Hess and connects with a knee in the corner. Riley gets Dorado up but Dorado holds on to the ropes. Rhett Giddins is the next entrant in the match while Hess connects with a shot to Cooter. Giddins comes in and he takes care of everyone in the ring and he hits a uranage on Dorado. Everyone goes after Giddins and they eliminate him.

Hess takes credit for the elimination so Riley takes offense at that and Hess is eliminated. Skyler works over Riley and Dorado joins in. Jesus DeLeon is the next entrant in the match. Cooter with a splash to Skyler followed by a splash from Riley. Riley is eliminated by DeLeon. Cooter fights off Skyler and he tries to go after DeLeon.

Dorado chops Cooter. Skyler wants to show how well he can chop so he chops Cooter. DeLeon chops Cooter, but Dorado and Skyler try to eliminate DeLeon but DeLeon holds on to the ropes. The next entrant is Jonny andal. Cooter knocks DeLeon off the apron to eliminate him. Vandal goes after Cooter while Sklyer and Dorado battle. Vandal with chops. Vandal punches Cooter while Dorado sends Skyler to the apron. Skyler is somehow able to stay in the match and he returns to the ring and goes after Dorado’s mask.

Dorado counters a slam attempt and he sends Skyler to the apron. Vandal eliminates Cooter. Jason Cade is the next entrant in the match. Cade goes after Skyler while Vandal works over Dorado with kicks. Skyler chops Cade while Vandal goes after Dorado but Dorado moves on a cross body attempt and Vandal goes over the top rope to eliminate himself. Dorado with a chop and enzuigiri to Cade and then Dorado with a running drop kick to Skyler.

Skyler with a back heel kick and then he tries to power bomb Dorado to the floor but Skyler is eliminated. Cade eliminates Dorado. The next entrant is Aaron Solow. The tag team partners square off in the ring. While they are in the ring, The Savages and Dos Ben Dejos come back into the building to continue their brawl. Cade and Solow watch the action from the safety of the ring while the brawl continues in the crowd.

The next entrant is Maxwell Chicago and Solow tries to eliminate Cade and Cade is a little angered. Maxwell discusses strategy with Cade and Solow but that does not work and Cade and Solow decide to double team Chicago. Cade is eliminated by Chicago. Chicago puts Solow on the top turnbuckle. The next participant is Rich Swann. Chicago holds the ropes open for Swann but Swann thinks it might be a trap but they shake hands. Swann punches Chicago and he kicks Solow. Swann with a scissors kick to Solow.

Chicago wants to know when Swann changed, but Swann says that he is the same person. Swann kicks Chicago but Solow kicks Swann. Chicago puts himself over the top rope to the apron and he teases eliminating himself. Aaron Solow pulls Chicago up and Solow is eliminated. Caleb Konley is the next entrant. Konley punches Chicago but Swann sends Konley into the turnbuckles.

Swann and Chicago climb the turnbuckles to punch Konley and they give twenty punches of doom. Swann woos around the ring and Chicago wonders where his buddy went. Konley with a back heel kick to Swann and Chicago hangs from the ropes.

Joey Ryan is the next entrant. Konley tries to eliminate Chicago but Maxwell holds on for his life. Swann with an enzuigiri to Ryan and Chicago tries to eliminate Konley but it does not work so well. Ryan kicks Swann and then he gives a sexy party. Konley with a knee to Chicago’s midsection. Konley with forearms to Chicago and then he sends him into the turnbuckles. Ryan talks to Konley about trying to win but Konley attacks Ryan and he sends Ryan to the apron.

Swann kicks Ryan and then he drop kicks Ryan off the apron to eliminate him while Maxwell Chicago is eliminated by Konley.

Winners: Rich Swann and Caleb Konley

Mister Saint Laurent says that Josh Hess is the worst client he has ever had. Mister Saint Laurent says that he wants Josh to prove him wrong. He has seen the greats, but he is not great. If he proves him wrong tonight, he will think about Josh possibly not being the worst.

Match Number Two: Josh Hess (with Mister Saint Laurent) versus Rhett Giddins

Hess avoids Giddins when Giddins wants to lock up but he turns around and Giddins hits an F-5 for the three count.

Winner: Rhett Giddins

Dos Ben Dejos make their way to the ring and they take the mic. They call out Eddie and Teddy. They say that this has been going on too long. They are looking for exposure at their expense. They attack the things they love at their expense. Are they trying to get over with awesome looking videos? They challenge Stigma and Graves to a match.

Match Number Three: Dos Ben Dejos (Cruz and Rios) versus Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma

All four men battle briefly in the ring before things go to the floor. Stigma and Cruz battle while Rios and Graves brawl on the other side of the ring. Cruz sends Stigma into the guardrails. Cruz changes his focus to Graves while Rios and Stigma battle. Cruz hits Stigma with a beverage and then Cruz and Rios work over Graves. Cruz with a forearm to Stigma’s back. Cruz and Rios with a double hip toss that sends Stigma off the ropes and he falls to the floor.

Cruz with a kick to Graves in the ring. They hit a double kick to the knees followed by another double kick and a double drop kick. Graves flails at Cruz and Rios to stop their assault. Stigma gets in the ring and he goes after Cruz and Rios. Cruz hits Stigma from behind and then they send Stigma over the top rope to the floor. Cruz with a round kick followed by a drop kick from Rios. Rios holds Graves for a kick from Cruz. Rios gets a near fall on Graves.

Rios with a Yakuza kick but Stigma stops Rios from hitting a springboard move. The referee keeps Cruz on the apron while Graves works over Rios’ hamstring. Stigma tags in and he kicks Rios. Stigma kicks Rios in the leg and the referee warns him. Graves hits Rios while Stigma distracts the referee. Stigma slams Rios’ leg into the apron. Rios with punches but Stigma with a knee to the head.

Stigma with an Irish whip but Rios’ leg gives out. Stigma with a boot to Rios’s head and then he gets a near fall. Rios counters a power bomb with a sunset flip for a near fall. Cruz was knocked off the apron so Rios is unable to make the tag. Graves tags in and he applies a figure four leg lock. Stigma adds extra leverage to the hold.

Cruz hits a frog splash to get Rios out of the hold while the referee was arguing with Stigma. Cruz and Stigma tag in and Cruz with a seated senton followed by a head scissors. Cruz with a running forearm to Stigma and then he tries for an O’Connor Roll but Stigma holds on to the ropes. Cruz with a kick from the apron and then he goes up top for a cross body and gets a near fall.

Cruz with a thrust kick but Stigma with a European uppercut to Cruz and then he tries to press Cruz over his head but Cruz gets away and he hits a tornado DDT and he gets a near fall but Stigma breaks up the cover. Cruz chops Graves and Stigma with a boot to Cruz and then they hit a belly-to-back suplex and neck breaker combination for a near fall that is broken up by Rios. Graves misses Rios and goes over the top to the floor.

Cruz with knees to Graves while Cruz and Stigma exchange forearms and European uppercuts in the ring. Stigma with a kick and punch but Cruz with a running forearm. Stigma with a forearm in the corner. Stigma misses a boot in the corner and Cruz hits a Swanton followed by a 450 splash from Rios but Graves pulls the referee out of the ring. Cruz with a suicide dive onto Graves and the referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

Match Number Four: Jason Cade versus Aaron Solow

They shake hands at the start of the match but Cade and Solow each get quick near falls on rollups. Solow with a knee and forearm to the back. Cade with an arm drag out of a wheelbarrow and he tries for a drop kick but Solow blocks it and he gets a near fall. Solow punches Cade and then sends him into the turnbuckles. Solow with kicks in the corner but Cade with punches. Cade with European uppercuts. Solow with an Irish whip and clothesline in the corner. Solow gets a near fall.

Solow with a reverse chin lock. Solow sends Cade to the mat as he continues to dominate his tag team partner. Cade blocks a charge into the corner and then he connects with a knee but Solow with a back elbow for a near fall. Solow punches Cade and the referee warns him. Solow stretches Cade.

Cade with kicks to Solow followed by a leaping knee. Cade with clotheslines followed by kicks in the corner and a leaping round kick and a Fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Cade with a thrust kick followed by a round kick but Solow with a Regalplex for a near fall. Solow misses a splash into the corner and Cade is stopped by Solow. Solow with an Exploder Suplex into the turnbuckles for a near fall.

Solow gets Cade on his shoulders but Cade with a victory roll for the three count.

Winner: Jason Cade

After the match, they shake hands and hug.

Jason is interviewed after the match and he says that he did get the victory, but they are still a tag team and they will continue their road to the FIP Tag Titles.

Match Number Five: Zane Riley (with Earl Cooter) versus Jesus DeLeon

Jesus with a series of kicks to the leg. DeLeon with another kick but Riley backs Jesus into the corner and Riley with a knee. Riley with an Irish whip but DeLeon floats over. Riley with a shoulder tackle and back elbow. Riley uses his shirt to smother DeLeon and then he reaches low for DeLeon. Riley with a chop to DeLeon. Both men go for clotheslines at the same time. Riley with a body block to stop DeLeon.

Riley goes to the turnbuckles but DeLeon pulls Riley to the mat. DeLeon with a drop kick to Riley’s head. DeLeon with a round kick followed by an arm breaker. Riley gets his foot on the ropes. Riley punches DeLeon and then hits a jawbreaker. DeLeon goes for a German suplex but he cannot get Riley up. Riley with an elbow but DeLeon with a drop kick. DeLeon with a kick to the back of the leg.

DeLeon with a waist lock but Riley with a rollup. DeLeon hits a German suplex and he gets a near fall. DeLeon with kicks to Riley but Riley with head butts. DeLeon with forearms. Riley with a testicular claw and suplex. Riley with a clothesline and elbow followed by a monkey flip for a near fall.

Riley with a splash for a near fall. Riley pulls DeLeon up but he lands on his feet and DeLeon with a rana that sends Riley to the floor. DeLeon hits a suicide dive onto Cooter when Riley moves. Riley misses a dive to the floor and he hits Cooter instead. DeLeon hits an Asai Moonsault on Cooter and Riley.

DeLeon with a cross body for a near fall. DeLeon runs into a shoulder tackle from Riley and Riley with a cannonball and he gets a near fall. Riley gets DeLeon on his shoulders but DeLeon goes to the apron. DeLeon with an enzuigiri and DDT. DeLeon with a clothesline followed by a kick to the back for a near fall. DeLeon with a running forearm. Cooter gets in the way of DeLeon but Cooter misses DeLeon and he accidentally hits Riley. DeLeon takes care of Cooter and then DeLeon with a frog splash followed by a moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Jesus DeLeon

After the match, Earl yells at Zane for losing the match. He says that Zane had 33 chances and now he is making him look bad. Earl tells Zane to watch his match.

Match Number Six: Earl Cooter (with Zane Riley) versus Jonny Vandal

Vandal has a kick blocked by Cooter and Cooter gives Vandal’s foot to the referee to hold before Cooter with a low kick when the referee was not looking. Cooter with a shoulder tackle and a rana. Cooter with a head scissors and a drop kick. Vandal goes to the floor to regroup. Cooter with a pescado onto Vandal. Vandal and Cooter exchange forearms on the floor while the referee continues his count.

Cooter chokes Vandal and the referee warns Vandal. Cooter continues to fracture a rule or five as the referee continues to warn Cooter. Cooter with an Irish whip but Vandal floats over and hits a lungblower for a near fall. Vandal with a knee drop to the back. Vandal with a knee to the back. Vandal gets a near fall. Vandal with a knee to the midsection followed by chops. Vandal with a kick to the back.

Vandal with a slam for a near fall. Vandal with a shoulder in the corner and then he hits another one followed by a running shoulder into the corner. Vandal gets a near fall. Vandal with a bow and arrow against the ring post. Vandal with a boot to the head but Cooter with punches. Vandal punches back and he kicks Cooter in the midsection. Vandal with a hard Irish whip. Vandal with a chop in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Vandal sends Cooter to the apron but Cooter goes up top and misses a cross body when Vandal moves.

Vandal with punches but Cooter punches back. Vandal with a kick to the back followed by a cross body to the back. Vandal with a round kick for a near fall. Vandal goes up top but Cooter hits the ropes and it crotches Vandal. Cooter with a forearm to Vandal and then Cooter climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex. Cooter hits the superplex and both men are down. Cooter gets a near fall. Vandal with a knee and forearm followed by a back breaker but the referee is distracted by Riley. Vandal pulls Riley and his friend off the apron and he punches both men.

Cooter with a rollup and a handful of tights for the three count.

Winner: Earl Cooter

After the match, Earl is interviewed and Earl comments on the accent of the interviewer.

Match Number Seven: Non Title Match: SHINE Champion Ivelisse versus Candice LeRae

Before the match starts, Mia Yim and Leva Bates come to the ring. They say that they want to wrestle. Mia suggests that they have a tag title match right now.

Match Number Seven (Part Two): Mia Yim and Leva Bates versus Candice LeRae and Ivelisse for the SHINE Tag Team Titles

Leva and Candice start things off and they lock up. Leva with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up and Candice with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up again and Leva with a side head lock and snap mare into a body scissors. Candice leans back to get a series of near falls. Leva rolls Candice up for a near fall. Leva rolls Candice around the ring and both women are dizzy and Candice rolls up the referee and Leva makes the count. Candice returns the favor by counting out the referee when Leva covers her.

Leva with an arm drag into an arm bar. Candice uses the referee to get out of the hold. The referee warns Candice. Mia and Ivelisse tag in. Mia with a kick to the leg but Ivelisse kicks back. Ivelisse with a kick to the midsection. Mia with a kick to Ivelisse. They lock up and Ivelisse with a take down. Mia with a leg sweep but Ivelisse kips up. Ivelisse with a back leg sweep and Mia kips up. Ivelisse with a kick and side head lock.

Candice tags in and Mia with a suplex. Leva tags in and she goes up top and connects with a knee to the arm. Mia tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle followed by double stomp by Leva and a drop kick from Mia for a near fall. Leva tags back in. Leva with a hesitation knee and Mia with a cannonball. Leva gets a near fall. Mia tags in and Mia tries to use Leva for extra leverage but Candice blocks it and she sends both women face first into the mat.

Ivelisse tags in and she chops Mia and follows with a back heel kick and arm drag for a near fall. Mia with a clothesline to Ivelisse. Leva tags in and she connects with a double sledge to the back. Leva with a body scissors rollup and Mia with a kick to keep Ivelisse down but Leva can only get a near fall.

Mia with a reverse atomic drop followed by a drop kick from Leva. Leva with a kick to the head while Mia holds Ivelisse and Mia gets a near fall. Mia with a camel clutch on Ivelisse. Mia with a kick to Ivelisse for a near fall. Leva tags in but Ivelisse with kicks and a slap followed by a back heel kick. Ivelisse with a guillotine into a DDT for a near fall.

Candice and Mia tag in and Candice with a shoulder from the apron and then she goes up top and hits a head scissors. Candice with an Octopus with knees to add more impact to the hold. Candice with a head scissors to avoid an attack by Leva. Mia with a spear to Leva by accident. Mia with a clothesline to Candice but Ivelisse with an inverted DDT. Leva with a drop kick to Ivelisse followed by a leg drop to Ivelisse. Candice with a swinging neck breaker to Leva. Mia with a suplex to Candice and all four women are down.

Mia chops Ivelisse but Ivelisse chops back. They continue the exchange and then Ivelisse with chops and kicks. Mia with kicks, chops and slaps of her own. Leva with a super kick to Ivelisse followed by one to Candice. Mia with a package piledriver to Candice for the three count.

Winners: Mia Yim and Leva Bates

Match Number Eight: John Skyler versus Lince Dorado

Dorado chops Skyler before the bell rings and he continues the attack and sends Skyler into the turnbuckles. Dorado with more chops and shoulders. Skyler with a knee and a side head lock. Skyler with a shoulder tackle and a near fall. Skyler with a side head lock. Skyler with a shoulder tackle. Dorado with a head scissors and drop kick but Skyler moves when Dorado charges into the corner. Dorado with a drop kick for a near fall.

Dorado chops Skyler and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a progressive series of moonsaults but when he goes up top, Skyler moves and Dorado lands on his feet. Skyler with a shoulder from the apron and then he tries for a spear through the ropes but Dorado with a knee and then he tries for a sunset flip power bomb but Skyler holds on. Dorado goes for a suicide dive but Skyler moves and he sends Dorado into the guardrails.

Skyler throws Dorado towards the mobile studio and the referee starts his count. Dorado gets back into the ring before the twenty count and Skyler with kicks to Dorado. Skyler drops Dorado on the top rope and he gets a near fall. Skyler with a seated abdominal stretch on Dorado but Dorado with a hip toss to get out of the hold.

Skyler chops Dorado and he gets a near fall. Skyler with an Irish whip but Dorado floats over. Skyler sends Dorado to the apron and then Skyler with a knee to the midsection for a near fall. Skyler slaps Dorado and chops him. Dorado with a chop of his own but Skyler with a head butt and a shoulder in the corner. Dorado punches Skyler and connects with an uppercut. Dorado with a kick and then he tries for a springboard move but Skyler with a gutbuster and he gets a near fall. Skyler with a chop but Dorado chops back.

Skyler with a knee and forearm to the back. Dorado refuses to be Irish whipped so Skyler with a forearm. Dorado with a back body drop and drop kick. Dorado with a chop but Dorado with a handspring back elbow. Dorado runs into a boot from Skyler but Skyler misses a clothesline and Dorado gets a near fall with a backslide. Dorado with a kick and he gets a near fall.

Dorado goes up top but Skyler moves. Skyler with a super kick for a near fall. Skyler gets another near fall. Skyler with a waist lock but Dorado with head butts to get out and he gets a standing switch. Dorado with a full nelson. Skyler catches Dorado when he goes for a handspring move. Dorado with a counter into a rollup and he gets a near fall after a slam.

Dorado with a running drop kick into the corner and he puts Skyler on top. Dorado sets for a super rana but Skyler sends him to the apron. Skyler has Dorado on his shoulders and he hits a super Finlay Slam but only gets a two count. Dorado goes to the floor and the referee starts his count.

Dorado returns to the ring but Skyler with punches. Dorado with a rana for the three count.

Winner: Lince Dorado

After the match, Lince says that he wants a shot back at his Florida Heritage Title. He says that he is now the hunter and the champion is the prey.

Match Number Nine: Joey Ryan versus Maxwell Chicago

Before the match starts, Ryan wants a fan wearing an Impact shirt thrown out. Joey asks who wants his lollipop. Maxwell says that he is looking forward to being in a tag team match with Joey Ryan. Maxwell is shocked that they did not win the Florida Rumble.

Maxwell says that he has been watching Joey for years and he says that he is one of his heroes. Maxwell offers his hand and Joey wants to know if he can trust Maxwell. It does not matter because Joey kicks Maxwell and punches him. Joey with kicks to Maxwell and he chokes Maxwell in the corner. Maxwell with punches that have little impact.

Maxwell with a jawbreaker. Maxwell with a second jawbreaker. Joey avoids a third one. Maxwell avoids a kick and he gets a near fall with a roll up. Joey avoids a back body drop because Maxwell telegraphed it too much. Maxwell tries to discuss the move with Joey and he turns it into a jawbreaker. Maxwell screams and runs into a boot from Joey. Joey calls for a tornado DDT but Maxwell slaps him. Maxwell calls out for the high risk maneuver. Maxwell takes his time setting up for the hold and has trouble climbing the ropes. Maxwell with a weak chop and then he moves Joey to the middle turnbuckle but he is still too high. Maxwell with a rana.

Maxwell shakes the ropes and gets a high five from Joey but Joey with a clothesline followed by knees to the back. Joey punches Maxwell. Joey has a discussion with some fans in the crowd and he says that he has feelings. Maxwell yells at the fan as well. Joey with shoulders to Maxwell in the corner. Joey asks if the people want to see a suplex.

Maxwell gives the people a suplex instead. Joey with a thumb to the eye but Maxwell rakes the eyes. They continue to go back and forth with eye rakes. Maxwell gets some momentum behind himself for an eye rake. Joey with a clothesline and forearm. Maxwell returns to the eye rake. Each man goes for a clothesline and both men go down.

Joey calls for a lariat but he misses. Maxwell with a few clotheslines followed by a butterfly suplex and both men are down one more time. Maxwell kips up. Maxwell with a knee and a standing Fameasser for a near fall. Joey and Maxwell discuss the next move and Joey with a pump handle suplex.

Joey runs into an elbow and then he stops Maxwell with a spinebuster but Joey can only get a two count. Joey yells at Maxwell for disrespecting Arn Anderson. Maxwell with a modified Side Effect for a near fall. Maxwell goes to the turnbuckles. Maxwell goes up to the second turnbuckles, but it was too high for him. Maxwell misses a splash and then Joey with a super kick and he gets the three count.

Winner: Joey Ryan

Match Number Ten: Harlem and Lance Bravado versus Rich Swann and Caleb Konley (with Su Yung) for the Open the United Gate Tag Team Titles

Before the match, there is some tension between Caleb and Rich when Rich tries to hold the ropes open for Su Yung. Caleb and Rich continue to argue before the match starts.

Swann and Harlem start things off. Harlem asks Swann if he really wants a test of strength with him. Swann keeps switching arms and then he starts to dance. They lock up and Bravado backs Swann into the ropes and gives a clean break. They lock up again and Swann with a wrist lock. Harlem with a reversal. Swann kips up and then he applies a side head lock. Swann with a drop kick.

Harlem goes to the floor and Konley kicks Harlem and connects with a forearm. Konley hits Lance as well. Konley with a knee drop to Harlem and he gets a near fall. Swann tags in and he argues with Konley about his positioning. Swann with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Konley tags in and he punches Harlem. Konley with a shoulder to Harlem in the ropes followed by a double thrust. Swann tags in and they argue over which double team move to use and Swann with a drop kick because Konley wanted a double hip toss.

Harlem backs Swann into the corner and Lance tags in and he kicks Swann. Lance chokes Swann in the ropes. Harlem tags back in and he connects with a forearm followed by a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Harlem with a European uppercut and Lance is tagged back in. Lance with a kick to Swann and Harlem is tagged back in. Swann takes care of Lance and Harlem and Konley with a clothesline to Lance. Konley with a boot to Harlem and then he hits a double drop kick on Lance and Harlem.

Konley and Swann go after Lance and Harlem. Konley with a double sledge off the apron onto Lance followed by a chop. Harlem and Swann fight to the mobile studio. Harlem Irish whips Swann into the wall. Harlem hits Konley from behind. Swann punches Harlem and they return to the ring. Swann punches Harlem and hits a back heel kick. Konley tags in and Konley with a reverse atomic drop and drop kick. Konley with a forearm to Harlem followed by a kick. Lance pulls the ropes down and Konley goes to the floor.

Lance tags in and that allows him to distract the referee while Harlem works over Caleb on the floor. Lance with kicks to Konley and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Lance sends Konley into the turnbuckles but Konley slams Lance into the turnbuckles. Harlem makes the tag while the referee sends Swann to the apron. Harlem chokes Konley in the corner.

Harlem with a European uppercut and Lance is tagged back in. Lance with a kick to stop Konley’s attempt to make the tag. Lance with punches and then he knocks Swann down on the apron. Harlem tags back in and he slams Konley. Harlem with a forearm to Swann and then he drops Konley on the top rope and then he hits a Yakuza Kick to knock Swann off the apron and into the guardrails.

Both men go for cross bodies at the same time and both men are down. Lance and Swann tag in and Swann with a drop kick to Lance and then to Harlem. Swann runs into a boot but Swann with an enzuigiri and rana followed by a rolling frog splash for a near fall. Harlem with a clothesline to Swann but Konley with a kick to Harlem followed by chops. Harlem goes to the floor and Konley with a suicide dive onto Harlem. Swann with a pescado onto Lance but Lance catches him. Lance sends Swann into the guardrails. Harlem with a dive onto Swann on the floor.

Lance with a running Liger Bomb for a near fall. Harlem tags in and they set for the Gentleman’s Agreement but Konley breaks it up and he takes care of Lance. Konley with a leg sweep and back senton followed by a cutter combination by Konley and Swann for a near fall.

Swann flips over Lance into the crowd and then he hits a rana on Harlem on the floor. Swann goes up top but Harlem crotches him. Harlem with a running European uppercut and then he sets for a superplex but Swann knocks him off. Konley with a TKO followed by a frog splash from Swann but Lance breaks up the cover.

Konley punches Lance and Lance punches back. Konley with chops and Lance with forearms. Konley with a bicycle kick but Lance with a forearm. Swann misses a super kick and hits Konley. Lance with a clothesline and The Bravados hit Gentlemen’s Agreement on Swann for the three count.

Winners: Lance and Harlem Bravado

After the match, Konley attacks Swann and then the Bravados join the attack on Swann. Dos Ben Dejos, Lince Dorado, and Maxwell Chicago come to the ring to send the Bravados and Konley out of the ring.

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