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By Mike Johnson on 2014-06-21 10:00:42
I know TNA is in "cost-cutting" mode but, if you were TNA would you look to try and bring in Drew McIntyre? I know he was booked so weakly by WWE for the past 3-4 years but, this guy has some true "top guy" talent in him.. He's 29 years old, he's a ring general, has a good look, size and also has charisma.. It would take a little while to get the "3MB stank" off of him but, he's honestly talented enough.. I've heard you say WWE dropped the ball on guys before and they have, but I truly believe they did with Drew, he was in the WWE doghouse for petty reasons, that they held against him for WAY too long.. Anyways, of all the guys released, I know you may think Curt Hawkins is the most talented since he's a Northeast guy but, I believe McIntyre on a national scale has the most upside potential.. It's not like I want TNA to bring him in and win the title in a month but, I would like to see him given a solid opportunity.. With TNA doing the cost-cutting, do you see them going after anyone? I mean how much more can they cut costs, they pretty much got rid of all the high-paid guys besides Angle and Hardy? So, if you were TNA would you go after Drew and possibly a Curt Hawkins? Those are the only 2 talents, that I believe are worth picking up..

If I am TNA, I go after Drew for sure. You can see where there is a lot of potential in him that WWE, for some reason, never got behind. I don't know if they can make him a top player since their creative is so haphazard, but based on potential alone, Drew is a must hire to me. Hawkins is a great hand and if it was me, I'd want him to be working good matches on my show.

Do you think that having Daniel Bryan back in the underdog position come Summerslam increase buy rates for the Network, as people will want to see him come out on top again?

I don't think any storyline is going to up the Network buyrates. Bryan the underdog and the Wrestlemania name was only worth 667,000 subscriptions. WWE needs to take the Network global ASAP.

I am a fan of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and this week they are filming at Universal Studios on Orlando. I remember hearing that the old Impact Zone was the largest studio on the lot. Is The Tonight Show using one of the buildings we know as the Impact Zone?

If they were using Soundstage 21, that was the original Impact Zone!

With the initial WWE Network six month subscription half over , what do you think VKM and the WWE will have to do to keep subscribers from opting out of the network?

It will be a different answer for each subscriber, but putting on a great in-ring product, having good creative, the right mix of older material and new, original content, etc. all help. There is no one silver bullet that will kill the werewolf with this story.

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