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By Richard Trionfo on 2014-06-16 23:00:00
We are in Cleveland, Ohio and your announcers are John ‘Tony Gwynn RIP’ Layflield, Michael ‘I wonder if there will be any Lebron chants tonight’ Cole, and Jerry ‘Thome’ Lawler.

The roster is on the stage for an announcement by The Authority. The title belts are perched above the ring as Triple H’s music plays. The roster parts as Stephanie and Hunter make their way to the ring.

Stephanie says that she wanted everyone to know that they care and they know how disconcerting it was to not have a WWE Champion. Hunter says that WWE superstars lay it all on the line for an opportunity to prove that they are the best. They do it by having the honor of being called the WWE World Champion.

Stephanie says that when you are the champion, you are immortalized. Stephanie mentions her husband, Triple H. The company is only as strong as their champion. It is disheartening that the company has been represented by a B+ player like Daniel Bryan.

Hunter says it is not Daniel’s ability that is disappointing, it is his heart. He has no heart. His selfishness brought about his refusal to defend the WWE Champion. He refused to give everyone a chance. They deserve better than that.

Hunter says that standing on that stage may very well be the next WWE Champion. The Authority is all about opportunity. Stephanie asks who will join the five men already in the Money in the Bank match at the pay per view?

There will be a battle royal. Hunter says not everybody will get to compete in the Battle Royal. A few superstars have refused to evolve or comply with authority. Those superstars not in the battle royal are Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. John Cena is also not in the match. Hunter tells John that he gets his opportunity to compete, but Hunter knows that John loves to help people. Just like John wanted to help Daniel Bryan and The Shield. John can help them tonight. Hunter says that his Wife promised everyone there would be a particular type of match tonight. Because Daniel Bryan cannot compete, we have not been able to have that match.

John will get his opportunity to enter the WWE Title Match. All he has to do is win his match tonight. Hunter tells John that it will be a stretcher match . . . against Kane.

An ambulance makes its way into the arena and the stretcher is brought to ringside.

Kane makes his way onto the stage and we go to commercial as he stares at the ambulance.

Match Number One: Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollins

They lock up and Rollins with a waist lock but Ziggler with a hammer lock. Ziggler with a shoulder tackle. Rollins with a kick and punch to Ziggler followed by kicks to the midsection and head. Ziggler with an Irish whip and hip toss for a near fall. Rollins goes to the floor. Rollins returns to the ring and they lock up again.

Rollins with a side head lock take down. Rollins with a shoulder tackle. Ziggler with a drop kick but Rollins with an Irish whip that sends Ziggler sternum first into the ring post.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with a rear chin lock. Ziggler with a jawbreaker but Ziggler charges at Rollins and Seth moves. Ziggler goes to the floor. Rollins sets for a suicide dive but Ziggler punches Rollins. Ziggler leaps into the corner and he punches Rollins. Ziggler with a flying clothesline followed by a neck breaker attempt but Rollins with a boot to the Achilles.

Rollins with an enzuigiri. Rollins misses Black Out but Ziggler hits the hesitation DDT but he can only get a two count. Ziggler with an elbow and cross body followed by punches. Ziggler tries for the Fameasser but Rollins catches him and tries for the Buckle Bomb but Ziggler counters with a sunset flip.

Rollins with a back heel kick and Ziggler with a sleeper. Ziggler lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler waits for Rollins to get up for the Zig Zag but Rollins holds on to the ropes. Rollins goes for a quebrada but Ziggler moves and Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Rollins catches Ziggler on a DDT attempt and Rollins with a Buckle Bomb.

Rollins punches Ziggler in the back of the head and the referee warns him. Rollins with another Buckle Bomb followed by Black Out but Dean Ambrose comes into the ring and he attacks Rollins and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Seth Rollins (by disqualification)

Dean says that this is not going to be over until he gets his hands on Seth. Dean says that Seth doesn’t do anything without Triple H’s permission these days. He tells Seth to come to the ring and fight him like a man.

Seth teases coming to the ring, but Triple H appears on the TitanTron. He tells both men to calm down. If Dean wants to fight Seth, that is great, but Hunter’s got some bad news for him.

Match Number Two: Dean Ambrose versus Wade Barrett in a Non Title Match

The match is joined in progress and Ambrose with a chop. Ambrose with a cross body and punches. Ambrose with a shoulder in the corner and then he runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose. Ambrose with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Barrett with punches and kicks to Ambrose and then he chokes him in the corner. Barrett with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Ambrose with a belly-to-back suplex. Barrett with a back heel kick followed by a kick to the ribs for a near fall.

Barrett punches Ambrose but Ambrose with a Thesz Press and punches. Ambrose clotheslines Barrett over the top rope to the floor and then Ambrose with a pescado onto Barrett. Ambrose sends Barrett into the ring steps and then back into the ring. Ambrose goes to the turnbuckles but Barrett clotheslines Ambrose off the turnbuckles and to the floor. Ambrose holds his shoulder after landing on the ground.

Barrett kicks Ambrose off the apron and back to the floor. Barrett kicks Ambrose and then he sends Ambrose to the ground with an arm wringer. We go to commercial.

We are back and Ambrose hangs precariously from the apron before falling to the floor. Barrett with a hammer lock and he runs Ambrose’s shoulder into the apron. Barrett gets a near fall. We see footage from the commercial when Barrett sent Ambrose shoulder first into the ring post. Barrett with a top wrist lock but Ambrose gets out of the hold. Ambrose with a forearm and back elbow followed by a kick and he sends Barrett to the mat.

Ambrose with a shoulder in the corner followed by a forearm. Barrett with an Irish whip and Ambrose with an elbow. Ambrose with a tornado DDT and he gets a near fall. Ambrose with a cross arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Ambrose punches Barrett in the ropes and Ambrose wants to hit the drop kick against the ropes but Barrett with a Blackpool Slam for a near fall.

Barrett gets Ambrose on his shoulders for Wasteland but Ambrose with a crucifix for a near fall. Ambrose with a rebound clothesline and both men are down.

Seth Rollins appears on the announce table and Ambrose punches Rollins when he gets on the apron. Ambrose sends Barrett to the floor and then Ambrose with a suicide dive onto Barrett and Rollins. Ambrose goes after Rollins in the crowd and he gets counted out.

Winner: Wade Barrett (by count out)

After the match, Ambrose attacks Barrett and hits the Dean Driver.

Vickie Guerrero is in the back and Roman Reigns asks to get put into the Battle Royal. Vickie says that is not what the Authority wants. Roman says that it means something to be a Guerrero and she needs to stand up. She might want to kiss their butts and they also want some sweetener for their coffee.

Vickie goes to get the sweetener and Roman puts something in the drinks. Roman asks Vickie when is she going to tell them to take this job and shove it. Vickie sneezes and walks away.

We go to commercial and the Wyatts are here.

We are back and there is a ladder in the ring under the two belts hanging above the ring.

The Wyatts make their way to the ring.

Bray says you ain’t got nothing in this world without power. We would just be tiny little mice running from tigers if we did not have power. Power can be addicting. You need and crave power. Power is the downfall of all mankind as we know it. After all, a powerful man is to be respected. A weak man is less valuable than the dirt that stains their clothes. Power and influence is his game.

Those title belts represent all the power he could ever need. Bray says that he wants everyone to take a long hard look at his brothers. Judge them as you will, but every label you provide them, they are viewed as outcasts. Worthless like dirt. The world works in mysterious ways. At Money in the Bank, they are going to fight. At Money in the Bank, his brothers are going to destroy the Usos and take every bit of power they have.

Power and influence. Power and influence. At Money in the Bank, he will stand at the top of the ladder and he will change the world as it is forever. Hanging above this ladder is his absolution. Hanging above this ladder is his glory. Hanging above this ladder is the change that you have been praying for. All he has to do is reach up and take it. When he does, he will truly be able to say that he has the whole world in his hands.

Bray starts to sing and most of the crowd joins in.

Sheamus’ music stops Bray and he tells Bray that it is bad luck to walk under a ladder. Especially when you are going to be in the biggest ladder match in WWE history. Tonight, he wants to change the tune to ‘I Wanna Shove my Boot Down Your Throat’. It is time to fight . . . FELLA

Match Number Three: Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) versus Sheamus in a Non Title Match

They lock up and go to a stalemate. They exchange punches and Sheamus with punches in the corner but Wyatt with punches of his own. Sheamus with head butts. Wyatt with a kick and forearm to the back. Wyatt with an uppercut to Sheamus. Sheamus with a short arm clothesline. Sheamus with a European uppercut but Wyatt with a kick. Wyatt with forearms after taking Sheamus to the mat.

Wyatt with a knee to Sheamus followed by an Irish whip. Wyatt with punches but Sheamus with a suplex and he punches Wyatt. Sheamus with a neck breaker. Wyatt with punches in the corner followed by a punch to the midsection. Sheamus with a clothesline. Sheamus with a knee to the head and then he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a forearm and he gets a near fall. Sheamus tries for the forearms but Wyatt with elbows. Sheamus knocks Wyatt off the apron and then Harper and Rowan make sure that nothing happens to Bray.

The Usos music plays and we have a three on three situation as we go to commercial.

We are back and Wyatt with a reverse chin lock. We see footage from the commercial when Wyatt connected with a forearm to Sheamus on the turnbuckles. Wyatt stands over Sheamus but Sheamus gets his knees up on the back senton. Sheamus and Wyatt exchange forearms but Wyatt with an Irish whip. Sheamus with two double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner but Wyatt avoids the KNEE LIFT and then Wyatt with a clothesline for a near fall.

Sheamus with an elbow to avoid the Wyatt uranage. Wyatt goes to the apron and Sheamus with the forearms to the chest. Wyatt with a clothesline to the back of the neck followed by a European uppercut. Wyatt with a kick but Sheamus with a power slam. Sheamus looks around and punches his chest but Rowan and Harper grab Sheamus and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Sheamus (by disqualification)

All six men battle on the floor after the match ends. Sheamus with a Finlay Slam of the floor to Wyatt and then the Usos drop kick the ladder into Harper and Rowan. Sheamus sends Harper and Rowan to the floor with a ladder shot. Jimmy and Jey run up the ladder to hit planchas and then Sheamus throws the ladder on Harper and Rowan.

Hunter spills his drink on Vickie and he wants to know what he is supposed to drink so he tells her to get him another coffee. They complain about how long it took to get their coffees, but Stephanie drinks hers and she likes it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee Young is with Stephanie McMahon and Stephanie is loving her coffee. Stephanie says that she is excited about tonight’s show. She says that the Authority is all about opportunity . . . and may the best man win . . . Stephanie runs away.

Paul Heyman enters and he says that in chaos there is opportunity. At Money in the Bank, for the first time the champion will be determined by the ladder match. How would the WWE be if Bray Wyatt is the World Champion? What if Randy Orton wins the World Title? What about Alberto Del Rio or Sheamus? Only one man has a strategist in his corner. That is the same strategist who said that Brock Lesnar would end the Undertaker’s streak at Wrestlemania. Paul says that Cesaro will become the World Champion. He says that is not a prediction, that is a spoiler.

Lana addresses the crowd from the ring tonight and she tells everyone to shut up. She tells everyone to shut up and listen. America, you live in a nation founded by weaklings whose insecurities are symbolized in your faded American colors. Your American men that you blindly follow lack conviction in your leadership. Especially when you are compared to Vladimir Putin.

Lana says that your time is fast approaching that your emasculated nation will be forced to drop to its knees. Your monuments will crumble and new ones will be built in their place.

Rusev speaks in Bulgarian. He says your resistance is futile. He is the super athlete.

Heath Slater takes the mic and he says week after week, you come out and say how great Russia is. If you like it so much, why don’t y’all go back? Slater says that he is sick and tired of hearing it. The WWE Universe is sick and tired of hearing it. Tonight, you are going against the American Rock Star in USA.

Match Number Four: Heath Slater versus Rusev (with Lana)

Slater with a jab to Rusev followed by a kick and more punches. Rusev with a punch and a leaping kick to the head. Rusev is given the safe word and the foot goes into the back and the Accolade is applied and Slater taps out.

Winner: Rusev

Hunter wants to know if Stephanie is alright. Hunter wants to know what Vickie put in the coffee. Hunter tells Vickie she has to check on Stephanie. The door is opened and Stephanie vomits like she was in the Exorcist.

Hunter tells Vickie that she is in charge and to make sure that nothing goes wrong in the Battle Royal. Vickie screams and we go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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