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By Dave Scherer on 2014-06-04 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

With the success NJPW has been having in America on iPPV do you think a WWE/NJPW supershow in Japan & America would be successful?

In theory, sure because WWE could make it seem like a big event. But WWE doesn't want to do a supershow. They feel their own brand IS a supershow so they don't need another group to make it one. Plus, New Japan's product doesn't exactly jibe with what WWE does.

The whole topic of the referee not being clued in is getting excessively ridiculous. So, from a fan, not someone who runs the site, it makes perfect sense for the ref to call what he sees. Do you think it makes sense for the ref to hold a count? As fans, we deal with enough people telling us wrestling is fake and unbelievable. Imagine the very first time you watch and you see the ref pulling back on the count... why would fans want it to look more predetermined than it already is? And why do people keep asking the same questions, like the answers will change? It gets annoying.

Well said. Well said! Some people just think they know everything and won't admit when they don't.

What is the status of AJ Lee's leave of absence? Doesn't she have time to fulfill?

She is believed to be off until at least after her wedding to CM Punk later this month. After that, well just because she has dates doesn't mean

Why is it we don't see any WWE guys hosting SNL any more? Especially around Wrestlemania time. I mean its great promotion for the event and you have guys who would make great host, HHH, Cena, The Miz, etc. I mean The Rock did an awesome job before Wrestlemania 2000. What gives?

WWE isn't as popular as it was back then. If they ever make it back up to the upper echelon of Pop Culture, you will see their guys on again.

It was awesome to see Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and Hulk Hogan opening up Wrestlemania XXX. However I thought they could have blown off the roof of the Superdome (yeah I made sure to get that right) if Bret Hart and/or Shawn Michaels had been involved as well. I know that to a great extent the afore-mentioned three superstars did much to elevate the WWF/E in their time, but I think that the legacy and careers of the latter duo tend to be overlooked and hence their star-power downplayed eben though they were the reason stars like The Rock and Austin eventually became big due to the Montreal Screwjob. Is it right to make a case for Bret and Shawn being in that opening segment?

Honestly, with all due respect to Hart and Michaels, as great as they were, they were a tick below the three guys in the ring that night so I was fine with it the way it was done.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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