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By Joshua Higham on 2014-05-25 18:56:07

Chikara "You Only Live Twice"
Live iPPV report
Easton Funplex, iPPV via

The Spectral Envoy (Ultramantis Black, Hallowicked, and Frightmare) vs. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares, Nokken, and Tursas w/ Milo Schnitzler)

As the Spectral Envoy made their way to the ring, Ultramantis Black tried to make a challenge, but was interrupted by Tursas attacking him from behind. So Tursas wrestled instead of expected Milo Schnitzler. Ares got the pin on Frightmare after hitting the triple-team Ragnarok.

"Kentucky Gentleman" Chuck Taylor vs. "Smooth Sailing" Ashley Remington

A bonus match as the newcomer Ashley Remington took on Chikara stalwart Chuck Taylor. Remington was introduced to Chikara audiences by the Rough Waters YouTube videos in the last few weeks. Remington got the win with the Anchors Away leglock, and then proceeded to give Chuck Taylor a fruit basket for his troubles.

Robbie Ellis, the man who bought Chikara at auction last year, and Shayne Hawke were introduced. Ellis took this opportunity to introduce the new Director of Fun, none other than "Lightning" MIke Quackenbush. Quackenbush took the mic, thanking the fans for their support. He talked about the community of wrestling for the fans and wrestlers alike, which is actually a point he's made in most recent interviews such as on The Art of Wrestling.

The Batiri (Obariyon, Kodama, and Kobald) vs. Sinn Bodhi and the Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly and Qefka the Quiet)

The Odditorium had control for most of the match, with Qefka and Grimsly working well together. The Batiri got the disqualification win after Bodhi very blatantly fouled Kodama in front of the referee.

Juan Francisco de Coronado vs. Jervis Cottonbelly

de Coronado got massive boos as he took the mic, but Cottonbelly got a huge reaction for his entrance, handing out roses as he walked to the ring. de Coronado won after spinning Cottonbelly's mask around and hitting a German suplex for the three.

Four Corner Elimination Match: 3.0 (Shane Matthews and Scott Parker) vs. Pieces of Hate (Jigsaw and The Shard) vs. GEKIDO (17 and deviANT) vs. The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and Mr. Touchdown)

Throughout the start of the match, it looked more like an atomicos (4 vs 4) match with the tecnico teams working together and the rudo teams cooperating. 3.0 is eliminated first after eating a double stomp from Jigsaw and a double cover from Jigsaw and 17. Dasher Hatfield rolled up deviANT to eliminate the GEKIDO contingent. After the elimination, Kid Cyclone, the new Equinox, and a third student from the Wrestle Factory went after 17, trying to get revenge for what happened to Private Eye Jr on National Pro Wrestling Day. (Private Eye Jr was the lookout at the back door where he encountered members of the Flood when they invaded,) The trio of students were pulled away by their trainer, Hallowicked. The Throwbacks eliminated Pieces of Hate after Mr. Touchdown pinned The Shard after a stalling superplex.

Under Chikara's original tag rules, that would give the Throwbacks 2 points, if those rules are still in place.

With that, we went to intermission.

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Archibald Peck

Jimmy Jacobs picked up the win with a springboard ace crusher after his goons got involved.

The Colony (Green Ant, Fire Ant, and Worker Ant) vs. The Colony: Xtreme Force (Missile Assault Ant, Orbit Adventure Ant, and Arctic Rescue Ant)

Xtreme Force scored the pinfall win when Missile Assault hits the Missile Launcher on Fire Ant into an exposed middle turnbucket. After the win, Xtreme Force celebrated with the King of Trios 2011 medals, which were given to them by Wink Vavasseur last April. The Colony then attacked Xtreme Force, and took back their medals.

An awesome Lego-themed video aired hyping the King of Trios 2014. No date or location was shown in the video. Gregory Davis, who was in attendance, told me the live crowd was told it would take place in Easton, presumably in September (since that month is free on their calendar so far).

Chikara Grand Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) defends against Icarus

As the match went on, the Chikara locker room emptied out to watch the match. Eddie Kingston focused on Icarus' neck throughout the match. Icarus kicked out at one after a super uranage.  The fans remained solidly behind Icarus, which is a crazy sight considering Icarus was top heel/most hated for so long. Icarus finally won the Grand Championship after Eddie Kingston passed out to the Chikara Special.

The iPPV went off the air and shortly returned to air with members of the Flood coming to ringside. With them was Soldier Ant and Delirious (under hoods) being led by a very large masked individual. Delirious attacked Ultramantis Black as soon as his hood was taken off, and Soldier Ant dove out on to his former Colony teammates. A giant brawl ensued until Kobald tried to spear the masked 7-footer, but was felled by a chokeslam to the knee. The Flood left as the Chikara locker room checked on Kobald. Chikarason, on commentary, was claiming that this 7-footer (size was his estimation) must be the leader of the Flood, and not Jimmy Jacobs. Kobald gets carried off as the feed goes offline for real.

Notes: Leonard F. Chikarason took his spot at commentation station with Bryce Remsburg joining for the first half of the event and Ultramantis Black for the second half. Newly appointed Director of Fun Mike Quackenbush replaced Ultramantis for the main event. Jon Barber was referee for the first four matches, before Dan Yost and Bryce Remburg rotated control for the last four matches.  The newly tecnico Icarus switched his gear once again, opting for the t-shirt and tights, presumably to cover his heat-getting tattoo. Hype videos for the return of the Podcast a Go Go and the Rudo Resurrection kickstarter were shown at breaks. Promos from the recent Event Centers played during intermission. Chikara returns to live action with events in Chicago and Detroit next month.

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