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By Mike Johnson on 2014-05-17 22:45:00
Welcome to’s ongoing coverage of ROH War of the Worlds. You can order the show right now at


They aired videos previewing the main events.

ROH announcers Steve Corino and Kevin Kelly came out to a big reaction.

Silas Young vs. Caprice Coleman

Young took the mic and said that if Coleman was the best ROH has to offer him, he doesn’t want this. He will take his opportunities. Coleman the mic as Young worked out and said if he doesn’t respect what he’s given, he’s not a real man. Coleman then turned his attention to Jimmy Jacobs and dared him to come out for what he did to Cedric Alexander.

Jimmy Jacobs ran out and said if he wants to fight…and Adam Page attacked Coleman.

Caprice Coleman vs. Adam Page

Page worked him over but Coleman wiped him out with a leg sweet. Page was sent to the floor and Coleman hit a springboard moonsault off the ropes to the floor, glancingly nailing him.

Page took control when they returned to the ring. Page nailed a belly to back suplex for a two count. He cinched in a rear chinlock. Coleman fought his way out. He nailed a nice series of suplexes for a two count. Page cut off Coleman and scored a two count with a standing moonsault press.

Page went to the top but was cut off and nailed with a top rope rana. Coleman came off the top with a big leg lariat for the pin.

Your winner, Caprice Coleman!

Fun opener!

Jacobs was pissed at Page and kicked him when he was down, then slapped him. He ripped on Page and forced him to holds the ropes open for him as Jacobs exited.

War of the Worlds!

The show began and the fans chanted Ring of Honor and New Japan.

The Bullet Club – AJ Styles, The Young Bucks, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson – came to the ring. The crowd popped huge. They introduced Styles as the IWGP champion. The crowd chanted, “F*** TNA.” Styles said that people believe he is the leader but in the Club, they all lead.

Kazuchida Okada came out. He entered the ring and got in Styles’ face. Styles didn’t know what he was saying so Anderson translated. He said that Okada claims he can beat Styles. Styles said he proved that Okada can’t beat him. He said that he has his hands full against Michael Elgin tonight, so that’s that.

Out came Michael Elgin. He said that he is ready to fight Styles, but what they should do is make it a Three-Way with Okada. He called out ROH Matchmaker Nigel McGuinness. Nigel says that ROH and New Japan are fine with it but all three have to agree. Elgin and Okada agree. Styles confers with the Bullet Club and then says, “The Bullet Club is game.” We have a BIG three-way as the main event tonight!

Matt Taven & ACH & Tommaso Ciampa vs. The Forever Hooligans and Takaaki Watanabe

Ciampa and Kozlov started out and went back and forth. Kozlov backed off and tagged in Rocky Romero. Taven tagged in and Rocky took him down. Taven came back with a missile dropkick. Taven nailed him with a superkick and worked over his arm. ACH tagged in and cleaned house. He teased a dive but Watanabe tripped him.

Team New Japan worked over ACH. The Hooligans tagged in and out and worked him over. Kozlov put on his hat and nailed the Bolshevik kicks. He covered ACH but Ciampa broke up the pin. Watanabe tagged in and slammed ACH for a two count. ACH finally tagged out to Ciampa who nailed several big knees on Koslov. Romero nailed him but Ciampa fight him off.

Taven tagged in but missed a spinkick. He was drilled with a kick to the head. The Hooligans and Watanabe worked over Taven with triple-teams. Watanabe missed a charge and ACH nailed him with a double stomp. ACH charged and hit a springboard flip dive onto the Hooligans on the floor. The place exploded for that!

Back in the ring, Taven nailed a Famouser variation and scored the pin.

Your winners, Tommaso Ciampa & Matt Taven & ACH!

Really good opener with some fun back and forth tag team action and some cool highspots. ACH’s dive was something to see.

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