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As a website, I'm sure you're aware what Net Nuetrality is but if you don't, there's a quick recap at the bottom I pulled from reddit user Xaotik-NG. With the launch of the network and their foothold in Social Media, don't you think WWE would have a much more public opinion regarding Net Neutrality? One would think if their revenue streams in the future are going to be more and more dependent on consumers' access to the internet, they'd stake a claim in this issue. Bonus question, where does PWInsider stand?
It doesn't surprise me that cable companies that also supply internet would want to regulate internet usage. After all, more and more people are canceling cable and streaming, which affects their bottom line. With that said, I don't have a problem with them selling service, provided it's uniform. If you bundle, you should get a price break. If you don't, you should pay based off of how much bandwidth you use.
Ever since Bray and the Wyatt Family debuted, I've found them extremely interesting. My first look at them made me feel as if I was watching Gangrel and the Brood from the Attitude Era. My question is, if these two factions had a dream six--man tag team bout, who would win?
Whoever the booker decided would win!
Is WM2 considered to be a failure. WM1 and WM3 are talked about but never WM2.
Not really, it was just the least memorable of the three since 1 started it all and 3 was epic. They did it in three different arenas, which made for an odd show, and the main event of Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy in a cage wasn't exactly an all time classic. But it wasn't a disaster either. It continued WWE's momentum and led to Mania 3.
When do you think WWE well do another King of the Ring? Would they every think about doing a PPV around it again? Personally I liked it better as a PPV compared to being on network TV, it makes wonder why they discontinued the PPV format. There were so many good matchups that would happen in that tournament. We also can't forget the nicknames that would come out of those like a Macho King, King of Harts, etc.
I honestly, I hope never. I think it was a concept that worked at the time but in 2014 would be hokey. Back then, you didn't get first run matchups on TV every week. The business has definitely changed.
I think the main criticism of John Cena is that his character is stale. The argument against turning him heel is that he sells too much merch as a face. Do you have any ideas how to freshen up Cena that wouldn't include a heel turn?
Sure, just make him more serious and less comedic. I would also have him start losing a little, to make him more sympathetic. Tonight would be a great place to start that.
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