It may be, but some of the contracts were already coming up, so TNA would have to have gotten these deals done anyway if they wanted to keep them under contract.
If you were Dixie Carter, would you tell your writers/bookers to not watch WWE? The blatant rip-off of storylines by TNA is so obvious and so poorly done, it's depressing. Fans have been begging TNA for years to do something different, not be WWE-lite. Why don't they listen?
You'd have to ask John Gaburick and Dixie Carter this question. I wouldn't tell them not to watch, but I would tell them to watch and create a product that is completely different and alternative from what WWE produces.
Not to take away from Eric Young's tna title win because I think it's a great call and long over due... But given the obvious similarities between he and Daniel Bryan, do you think tna pulled the trigger on EYs title win merely to try and copy the wwe product yet again? I mean, only 4 days after Bryan's win and they both wrestled two matches in one night, among other glaring similarities.
It would be impossible to look at the title switch without comparing it to Daniel Bryan. I would like to think TNA didn't do it because of Bryan's title win but it's impossible not to see all the similarities.
I can't help thinking with pushes for Emma and Summer going on and with Paige's left hand flailing away that we are going to hear Monday that the ref missed a tapout and AJ still holds the title. Any opinion?
No, that's not where they are going.
Piracy: I frequently look on eBay for old Hardy Boyz and CM Punk shirts and always find quite a bit of bootleg items. I'm not talking about one person selling a collectors item t-shirt shirt, but a "store" selling bootlegs in various sizes ("25 available"). Not to mention I have seen one particular bootleg CM Punk shirt being sold since the 2011. How is it that they can get away with this?
WWE has employees who work with Ebay to try and stem the tide of piracy but when there is such a massive amount of illegal material released, you are never going to stop all of it. The material you see on Ebay just happens to fall under the radar for whatever reason but trust me when I say that WWE is working on catching as many bootleggers responsible for illegal merchandise. They want to make every penny they can and not leave any of it for someone who doesn't deserve it.
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