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By Dave Scherer on 2014-04-15 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

It's more of a rhetorical question, but I'd like to have your opinion on it, if you don't mind. If the TMZ report about WWE sending employees to Arizona to help out Warrior's wife Dana in this undoubtedly very challenging, sad time is right, does it further proof that Vince McMahon, despite all the questionable things that had happened in his company over the years and that he was certainly responsible for, is, simply put, a hell of a classy human being?

Anyone who thinks that Vince is a slug has missed out on a lot of good things he and the company have done over the years. Some people won't ever give him the credit that he deserves.

You said on the 4/11/2014 Q&A that the referee did not know about the finish to Undertaker v. Lesnar at WM30. How could the ref not have been clued in? If, say, the planned finish had been for the Undertaker to win and he had gotten hurt, wouldn't the ref need to know not to count to 3, find something that looks like a kick-out or some excuse not to hit 3, etc. to somehow cover the match until the Undertaker recovered? If the ref thought the Undertaker was supposed to win, he must have quite a bit of gumption to end something as significant (and potentially valuable as marketing for future WMs) as the Streak without knowing that management had cleared that decision. Or was he clued in during the match?

The refs have been told to call what they see and that is what he did. They are not always clued in.

How does Paul Heyman get to trash the commentary team? I know smart fans all agree with him that it's a joke since J.R. left, but if Vince feels the team is fine shouldn't calling out the announce team be prohibited? Are they building to anything with this? And why does Paul think JBL is good? The fans popped when Heyman lambasted the announcers, and I agree with him - just curious how he gets away with that!

It's a work. Lawler and Cole are faces, Heyman is a heel. It's that simple.

Does the Network allow the WWE to take more risks with PPV matches? Can anyone really demand their money back because of an ending they don't like when a show is $9.99 and it comes with a ton of extra content?

People can always demand their money back, and they have. Me, I think no matter how bad a PPV is, the Network is still a bargain at $9.99 but some people are less forgiving than I am.

Do you think more fans will buy the network now that Wrestlemania went off without any real glitches? It says a lot that some fans who have the network still ordered the PPV on cable as a just in case precaution. It stands to reason that some fans hesitated at first but will now buy in since Extreme Rules is still a bargain at $9.99.

I would hope so. The Network is a great value. The product has been pretty interesting. If people are wrestling fans, I don't see why they wouldn't want to watch all the Network has to offer at a cheap price, I really don't.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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