The first cool thing was when we were in line for Roman Reigns and the table behind had some divas when this couple gets up there and the guy gets on his knee to propose! The crowd started chanting "YES YES YES!" It was awesome.
Also Jason Albert/Tensai was walking around with what appeared to be his daughter.
The staff did not know how to manage the lines. We stood and hour and a half in line for Reigns and didn't even get halfway through. They were letting people take way too much time. A staff member was taking the pictures with the fans cameras, taking more time. And they had people waiting by the barricade instead of up on the steps.
After that we went to the New Age Outlaws line. They were hilarious. Gunn had a camera guy's camera and shot into the crowd, and made good natured jokes about a few fans. They seemed genuinely happy to be there, unlike Brodus Clay. A guy near me in line showed me a picture and Clay looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.
Triple H made an appearance in the ring between Q&A sessions.
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