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By Dave Scherer on 2014-03-30 09:59:00

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Do you think WWE should do something like MLB where they wait five years before somebody is eligible for the Hall of Fame? I think it would make things more special. Also, do you see there ever being a voting committee?

I don't view the WWE Hall as being "legitimate" in that sense. It's more of an entertainment event, where respect is shown. So I don't have a problem with immediate entry.

There's been 100 different scenarios people have played out with this Daniel Bryan match at Mania. One that I think would be great is you scratch the Shield break-up for now, have Kane and the NAO come out to beat down Bryan only for the Shield to come out make the save in the name of "Justice". Giving Bryan the clean win over Hunter. I know the rivalry between Bryan and the Shield but WWE has never let rivalries come between face guys. I personally love the idea of having the Shield back Bryan against the Authority. Just want to know your take.

I wouldn't have a problem with that. As long as Bryan doesn't get help to win, I am OK with that. I would like it a lot if, when Bryan got the upper hand and started laying out H, that he uses a crotch shot and calls out Kane and the NAO. Before they even get to the ring, The Shield wipe them out. That would work for me.

I have stuck with TNA and their (at times astonishing) lack of logic, but they have baffled me with "Willow". I can only ask why? Jeff Hardy was over, so if they feel the need to repackage him, why send him into something that is so recognisably Jeff Hardy in a daft mask.

I got nothing. I too think it's ridiculous as well. They are lacking top names with credibility, so they do this why? There have been rumors for a while now that Vince Russo has been ghost writing Impact and of late, it certainly seems that way. Unfortunately.

As a HBK fan I was also disappointed in the half-baked ending to that situation with Bryan. He superkicks Bryan for a half-baked reason, Bryan forces a HOFer to "tap out" and...nothing? I agree with you, however, that Bryan has to do it on his own vs.HHH. But, perhaps, there is a way to tie loose ends. What if Kane comes out to help HHH and HBK superkicks Kane so that Bryan can get the clean win? Then their can be love and forgiveness between teacher and student. Just a thought.

I would be fine with it if it happened AFTER the match and Bryan has already won. That way, Bryan earns it on his own, Shawn prevents the beat down and he could celebrate in the ring with his student. That would be cool.

I have a bad feeling that WWE will put Daniel Bryan over at Mania and not wrestle on Raw the next night only to lose it the following Monday just so that the fans don't hijack the show. What do you think the odds are of this?

Considering that the fans hijacked the Raw after Mania last year with no real reason to do so, I think WWE learned their lesson and wouldn't even consider that. If they did, they would deserve exactly what they would get!

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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