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By John Carr on 2014-03-24 11:27:40
Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart did a brief interview with Opie and Anthony this morning on Siruius/XM. They touched briefly on a number of subjects.

They asked for a Vince story after telling Hulk that Jim Ross got in trouble for telling the "Vince sharted" story last week. Hulk said Vince is the kind of guy who will do anything for you personally but when it comes to business you don't cross him.

Hulk blamed himself for any problems in their relationship. Hulk told a couple of stories about Rock III and working with Stallone and seeing him at an autograph signing recently.

They asked about the scene in his reality show when he took a boat past his old house and tearing up seeing the dog. Hulk told what happened with the shoe robbery last week. Hulk talked about his old band days and trying to get an audition with the Rolling Stones and Metallica after he became famous.

They asked about the sex tape but Hulk didn't answer and they moved on.

They asked if he'd be getting physical in the ring and he brought up how fun the angle with Cena and the Wyatts was and how the crowd was into it.

He did joke that guys have to run into his fist these days.

They finished by bringing in the executive producer of the show who is a huge Hogan fan. He once made a list of heroes and they were in order his dad, Hogan and Opie. They brought it up to embarrass the EP.

He did ask Hulk if he had plans with the WWE after Mania and the day after RAW. Hulk said he planned to be with WWE for a long time afterwards.

Jimmy Hart plugged WWE Network and Legends House.

It was an OK interview but was less than 10 minutes before Hogan moved on to the next channel.

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