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By Dave Scherer on 2014-03-24 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

At the WrestleMania 30 Andre the Giant battle royal, could you see Alexander Rusev entering the match, and then winning it? Could that be a good way to get him over as a monster heel? He's one of the more enjoyable things about NXT, and I would assume that since he's big and powerful, Vince would naturally be really high on him.

Since he was in the Rumble, that would make sense. It would be a hell of a way to start his career. I could see it happening.

What would be the best place on the card for HHH vs. Bryan. There would obviously need to be some space between it and the main event. But if it goes on first, the fans might be worn out after, plus I would hate to be whoever is coming on after them.

To me, it has to be in the first hour. I would either open with it or have it headline hour one. Since I expect Bryan to be decimated after the match, they should use the time between the match and the main event to sell his injuries.

What is the likelihood that the WWE Network combined with WWE’s forthcoming new television contract would be a catalyst for a change in WWE’s demographic programming emphasis. I would imagine that most parents would be unwilling to invest the money or their children’s time In the network, and consequently most purchasers/viewers would be over 21. Further, if the WWE gets a tv contract which it expects, it would seem apparent that the broadcasting company would demand higher ratings, especially among the 18-49 demo. Is that likely to lead to more mature oriented booking/programming, even if not necessarily vulgar/ sexual content, at least something logically consistent to appeal to a fully formed mind?

Couple of things. 1. Parents buy their kids high end cell phones and data plans. 10 bucks a month is nothing compared to that. 2. WWE has to stay kid friendly due to their deals with companies like Mattel. The TV deal will be very important due to the money it will bring in so WWE will have to be cognizant of that, as they are now.

It seem that Daniel Brian is finally going to get his big WrestleMania moment. He has a huge following but in the end, if the buy rates don't rise and ratings go down, it's a failure. Will people then start to think perhaps he isn't the draw people want him to be?

Buyrates won't be as much of an issue with The Network. They sure won't be rising in the US or anywhere else once the Network is available. But if ratings fall, yes that will reflect badly on him. If WWE books him properly, that shouldn't be an issue.

With Wrestlemania on the horizon, and Bryan vs HHH pencilled in. Do you see this as a perfect opportunity to draw a line under the failed and half done HBK heel turn at HIAC when he superkicked Bryan? After all, HBK was back on WWE TV at the Rumble calling Bryan the future and acting like a face. Maybe HHH adding HBK to the match as Special referee in an attempt to stack the deck against Bryan, only for HBK to count HHH down for 3 and send Bryan on his way to the main event? Could be a really cool Mania moment also with teacher raising students hand on the biggest show of the year.

My main problem with that is after all Bryan has been through, I don't want him to get any help at all, from anyone. In fact, I want to see him have to overcome even more obstacles to get to the Title match and win it. All along, the story has been he is not big enough or good enough to be Champion. To end the story properly, they have to show that both counts were wrong and getting help undermines that.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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