When told that small guys have won the Rumble before, Nas responded "I saw the board in the locker room. You realize it's a work correct. Dave was winning."
When someone joked about him being in a "Quad on a Pole" match at WrestleMania, he wrote "I was asked to be in the Rumble. Mania is a reward for those that busted ass all year. That said, whats the pay day?"
Mick Foley posted the following on his Facebook:
"A couple of days ago I mentioned in one of my posts that I was about 1/6 as excited about Wrestlemania as I was prior to the Royal Rumble PPV. I think we were all a little down that night. Well, the enthusiasm is returning – maybe not up to 100% yet – but somewhere in the halfway range. I am no longer thinking of selling my tickets, or canceling my flights and I am looking forward to being part of the biggest week of the year in our business. I might even serve in some type of official capacity for WWE – maybe even my own show somewhere during that week. But I don't think it's possible to overstate just how important it is that WWE come up HUGE on this elimination chamber PPV. I am doing a show in Minneapolis the night before the The Chamber and I intend to stick around for the PPV, even if I'm not a part of it – just because I get the feeling history might be made. For the sake of Mania, I think it NEEDS to be made."
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