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By Dave Scherer on 2014-01-19 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Will WWE put a replay of The Elimination Chamber on the WWE Network on the day it launches?

WWE has not commented on whether they will or not (we have asked) but I think it will be brilliant if they make it available immediately as a way to get people subscribe on day one. They want as many eyeballs on the product as quickly as possible. With WrestleMania six weeks away, putting the Chamber on day one would be a great way to get people to sign up immediately. Obviously, at some point it will be on the Network.

How do the people in charge, not to mention Dixie Carter herself, not realize that he character is awful (not in heel heat, but in turn the channel heat)? How do they not realize that they starting the show with half hour talk-a-thons makes people change the channel? How do they not realize that they are killing a wrestling product that I used to love?

I couldn't agree with you more. Dixie Carter is one of the worst lead characters in wrestling history. She makes me want to change the channel too. She just isn't compelling as a character to me. I feel the same way about the ridiculously long opens. Last week on Genesis, it was brutal. They could have wrapped that up in 10 minutes or less. I don't get the minute by minute ratings and maybe those long segments are poplular, that is why they do them. If they are not, I have no idea why they do. I am someone who appreciates that wrestling isn't all about what happens in a ring. You need stories and character development too. You don't need to listen to Dixie Carter ramble for a half hour though. That is cruel and unusual punishment. Her putting herself on TV as much as she does tells me she just get the wrestling business and is more interested in being a "TV star" than the good of her company.

While it appears that for sometime the foundation is being laid for a CM Punk vs HHH match at Wrestlemania is this really the best use for Punk? If so will Punk be looking up at the lights? Or would the more ideal scenario be have Punk vs Orton at Mania with Punk becoming the face of the company again?

If Punk decimates HHH, it doesn't hurt. If he ends up doing the job to a part time wrestler, it doesn't help him at all. WWE has their way of doing things and right now that isn't in the plans.

Who do you think should induct Ultimate Warrior into the Hall of Fame? Hulk Hogan sounds like the right choice just because the biggest moment in Warrior's career was against Hogan.

Hogan makes the most sense and he is the guy that is rumored to do the honors.

So as it relates to The American Wolves in TNA...was it more the Wolves didn't want to be in WWE because they'd have the "WWE names" & be called the Pitbulls...or was it WWE didn't want them because they were small & didn't see the appeal of the team?

They weren't offered a good deal by WWE. It was a short term, tryout type of thing. I don't blame them for turning it down. There wasn't much commitment there from WWE.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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