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By Mike Johnson on 2014-01-17 10:00:00
The American Wolves, Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards, are backstage at TNA Impact and will be debuting tonight. Can they use that name? Is that name copyrighted by ROH?

They are free to use the name if they choose. It is not copyrighted by Ring of Honor. Chances are TNA will give them new names so they can copyright them themselves, however.

I'm from Puerto Rico, which is a US Territory. Will we get the Network next month as was announced for the US or is Puerto Rico considered International, thus we will have to wait longer to receive it. Do you have any information about this?

The WWE Network will be available in Puerto Rico on 2/24 with the rest of the United States.

I have a question about something I've been wondering since the year 1998. How did The Undertaker escape the casket when Kane lit it on fire? There are 2 theories and I've reviewed video tape at least 20 times to see how they pulled it off. The first theory is that there was a trapped door on the side of the casket when they were still next to ringside, Taker made the escape. But looking closely, you never see the apron move. You would at least be able to see the apron move if a trapped door was opening. But then again, when Kane starts wheeling the casket by the stage, you can't see a trapped door line on the outside. Now when the casket was open during the match, you can see some compartment lines on the bottom and side of the casket. Those I imagined had the be the trapped doors. When they wheeled Take to the stage, it wasn't really a stage, it was just some proabably anti-flammable cloth on the floor. So, how did he truly escape?

There was a false bottom. He was inside the entire time.

ey guys, love the website reader since 2004. Two quick questions. Number one Rock Vs Cena at Wrestlemania won match of the year? Really? I find it odd that you guys have said little to nothing about how you felt about the match, but to me it was among the worst Wrestlemania main events in history from a letdown perspective, and I was there live. How did you feel about the match? Did you enjoy it, do you think it deserved match of the year?

It didn't win our match of the year. In fact, it received NO nominations for the award. I think that speaks for itself. The match sucked, but considering Rock was injured, they did as much as they could and you can't begrudge them for the lack of quality, considering what happened over the course of the match. Their bout in Miami was far better and I'd like to think we'd have seen something of similar quality had Johnson not gotten hurt over the course of the Mania 29 match.

Jack Swagger when he came back quickly got very over with his new persona because through Zeb, outside media coverage, and ruthless beatdowns that made Swagger very credible, it seemed that he had actually proved to be an entertaining main event player. However from Wrestlemania 29, that very moment in time (I mean they sent him out during the buildup video, he didn't get a real entrance) onward minus the awesome ladder spots a few weeks later, he was completely downsized back into the nobody card. Granted The Real Americans is arguably the most innovative tag team in WWE, why do you think Swagger's legit fire was pulled from beneath him? Did you feel like he was truly getting over in the build to Wrestlemania?

As well documented here on the site, Swagger was arrested for DUI shortly after his push began, which meant that the company wasn't going to keep him in any position of prominence after he embarrassed them. Thus, he's in a tag role.

Has there been any sort of update regarding WWE creating a cruiserweights show for WWE Network? And if WWE were going to create such a show, how large of a roster do you think they would need? Would you anticipate cruiserweights tag titles being in the mix, or just a singles title?

It was still discussed earlier this year but nothing concrete has been said and no talents have been reached out and booked for such a project yet. I think if they had 10-12 talents, they'd have enough to start such a project.

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