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By Dave Scherer on 2014-01-15 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

How would you feel about CM Punk reviving the Straight Edge Society in an effort to "save" Daniel Bryan? I know having these two superstars as part of factions isn't the optimal situation but if it led to a one-on-one Bryan/Punk WM match with a decent, heated storyline behind it, might it be worth it?

It doesn't need to be done now but if things hadn't changed on Monday I think that if done properly, it could have been pretty cool. I am usually not a fan of regurgitating old storylines, but this one might be the exception given the talent involved.

Simple question. If TNA is unable to continue on its own and decides to sell, Who should buy it for its most valuable asset: tTNA’s video library? The McMahons/WWE or ROH with Sinclair’s backing? Other reasonable and viable options?

I don't think Sinclair would even want the library. They don't have a way to really make use of it. WWE does, so they are the most likely the right price.

My question is: can talents go about changing they hand they've been dealt? I know that quite a few of them (Cena/HBK/Taker) have earned respective pull within the company, but is there any indication that others can question the decisions of the creative team? Could someone like Ryback politely ask not to be used for comedy? Could someone like Zach Ryder point to his internet track record as leverage for more screen time? Are the talents themselves given the option to make their opinions known with respect to storylines, or is this done at their own political peril?

The higher you are up on the card, the more you can suggest. Cena has a lot of pull. Taker too. A Ryback? Not so much. Ryder? Not at all.

It seems like on old school Raw there was very little to no reaction for the majority of the legends. Do you think this is solely due to the very young age of the audience not knowing who they are? Or could there be other factors like the ongoing lackluster nonsensical booking, or the disappointment with the burial of Daniel Bryan?

They are appealing to younger viewers, for sure. But they also have been bringing the same guys back every year so the shock value isn't there for a lot of them.

I recently attended Old School Raw in Baltimore. I was sitting in the Hard Camera Section just above where I assume some of the production takes place (many video monitors on computer screens), on these monitors were the various camera angles being shot however on every monitor was a feed of the BCS Championship Game. Was the game on merely so the production staff could occasionally check the score while working? or is it a case of WWE monitoring the game in order to see when there was downtime (like halftime, etc) in the broadcast in order to put on there "big" segments to maximize viewership?

The official answer would be so that they can tell when the game goes to commercial, etc. But believe this, a lot of the guys were checking the game out too. It happens a lot at Raw during the football season too. It is kind of like the nice product that the photographer that does Diva bikini shoots gets.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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