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By Dave Scherer on 2014-01-01 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Is Teddy Long still signed to WWE? It's a shame he's not being used. Even as a manager for an up and coming wrestler or tag team would be good for the WWE.

He is still under contract to WWE.

I watched the ending to the 12/9 Raw again and had a couple things go through my mind. Cena did his talk about giving guys like Dolph and Bryan shots when no one thought it was a good idea. Is that all talk, or does he really push for some talents despite Vince’s ideas? I seem to recall stories from the front office where they were making fun of Punk until Michaels spoke up in a meeting and said that he and Taker would be out soon, and that they needed to find new talent. Does Cena have that kind of clout where he can tell creative and Vince who should be the guys of tomorrow? If so, does he use it?

Cena definitely tells Vince what he thinks about things. Vince takes it under advisement and makes the final call. I have never heard that Cena is a guy that lobbies hard for things, but he does share his opinion on things.

Do you think with Cena arguing DB's case impromptu on Raw, and now that the belts are unified they might tease an Orton/Punk thing, but have Bryan win the rumble and eventually the unified belts at Wrestlemania as the ultimate underdog b+ upset hype? I'd love to see it, but given the way things go....

I will believe it when I see it but I agree. The fans voted for Bryan as the Superstar of the Year, so WWE hasn't killed him yet. I have him demand that The Authority give him the number one spot in the Rumble because he wants to prove himself. He goes the distance and wins. He then demands to defend his Mania Title shot at The Elimination Chamber, and wins there too. Then, he wins the Title at Mania. If they do that and push him as a guy who proved himself, Vince will find out he has an "attraction" after all.

As TNA has started trimming down their budget to operate effectively, how much can they really cut before ratings might start to go down? They got rid of Hulk Hogan(who arguably had the most star power), and their ratings didn't even budge from the norm. Even with AJ Styles gone(off TV come late January, early February), I don't think the ratings will take a hit even after. So is there really anyone TNA couldn't get rid of that could adversely affect their ratings? Could they even go as far as losing someone like a Bully Ray, Sting or Kurt Angle and still have a decent rating? And what does it say for the TNA fan that continues to watch? Do we watch it just because its wrestling and its on TV, so therefore people just support the fact it exists? Because when I ask myself the question of why I watch TNA, the only thing I really think to say is "its a little bit different than WWE." And do you think there's a potential audience for the ROH pure style of wrestling on national TV?

TNA is showing that, so far, losing Hogan and AJ hasn't hurt in their viewership. Obviously, there is a point where people will tune out but they are not there yet. TNA has a core audience and they are still happy with what they are getting. I don't think you can have a wrestling show that is devoid of storylines. They are an important part of the business. Just having guys do matches won't ever sell nationally, which is why no one does that.

Why is it that WWE is saying unifying the titles is "50 years in the making" when not even 12 years ago they unified the titles? Does the time of the Undisputed no longer count? Is it now Disputed?

That one is simple. Vince McMahon thinks facts are whatever he tells us they are, not what they actually are!

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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