I think it really depends on the region and the promotion because different groups held things together and protected the business far more than they would be protected by the average promotion today. I'd guess that at a big percentage in the 50s-70s believed in their heroes to the point that they felt it had to be legitimate, especially since there was no way to prove otherwise beyond rumor and speculation. As the industry evolved the truth leaked out, the percentage of those who truly believed fell off. Make no doubt about it though, even as late as a few years ago, there were fans going after CM Punk in WWE when he was heading up the Straight Edge Society, there were fans going after DX, there were fans going after heels on Raw and Nitro. Some of these people may have been drunken imbeciles, but some of them did it because they believed. You can never assume anyone sees things the way you do.
So, I was waiting for the release of the PPV buyrates for this quarter ever since watching the rather disappointing culmination of the Orton-Bryan feud at HITC. After looking at the buyrates in the latest Key Performance Indicators for WWE, I find it interesting that HITC 2013 was the only post-WM PPV that beat the buyrates in both previous years. But the very next PPV, Survivor Series 2013, was the only post-WM PPV that was beaten by both previous years. Of course, there might be other factors, but one could assume that fans were tuning in at HITC to see Bryan finally win, but then tuned out when he didn't. My question is if this assumption is fair and, if so, are there any indicators that WWE will finally change their view of Bryan and his contributions to what is best for business?
You very well may be correct. My feeling is that the audience believed it was the blowoff to the storyline and that they would be guaranteed a winner because Shawn Michaels was involved. It could be that they blew it creatively and hurt their return buyrates for Survivor Series by booking Orton to win. We'll never, ever know 100% for sure.
It has been well known that WWE has put on shows for the men and women of our armed forces. Why hasn't TNA done that? There are military bases not only in Florida but Georgia and North Carolina as well. Any possibility of TNA filming a show in front of male & female soldiers at a military base sometime next year? I realize its copying what WWE has so successfully done but in this case wouldn't the cause be worth the effort?
TNA has done charity work for the Wounded Warriors charity in the past. The obvious answer here is that WWE already does the Tribute to the Troops style show and have an existing partnership with the USO, so TNA just has never done it. WWE is also in the position to write off the expenses of such a show. TNA, at least in my view, isn't but they certainly have done their share of raising money for charity.
If Daniel Bryan were to somehow surpass John Cena in merchadise sales would that lead to the possibility of turning Cena heel?
Now that AJ Lee retained the Divas title at TLC will she be defending the title at Wrestlemania and if so against who? Natalya maybe? Will there be a Divas title match at Wrestlemania?
WWE Creative doesn't even know that answer yet.
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