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By Dave Scherer on 2013-12-16 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

When Hogan/Bischoff first arrived at TNA, they change the set to include a hideous ramp going from the stage to the ring, not only making TNA look like WCW from the 80's, but also make the Impact Zone look even smaller. The ramp followed on the road for TV/PPV right up until Hogans departure, when it dissappeared. Obviously the new look permanent Florida set doesnt include it also. So I ask, was the ramp simple to aid Hogan's entrance to and from the ring and prevent him climbing stairs? We all know he's had multiple surgeries.

From what I was told that was definitely part of why those two pushed for it. How much, only they know for sure. But yes, Hogan needed help due to his limited mobility.

I was wondering about the last Raw with the title ascension. Was Cena's part of taking Bryan up front scripted or did he just played off the crowd reaction? Must have felt like a real slap in the face for "The authority".

The word we got was that it was a Cena adlib.

So with 5 Slammy awards due to ability/facial hair/crowd interaction, including the big one of Superstar of the Year, do the writers and, more importantly, Vince actually do anything about Bryan’s popularity and fans’ want of his title reign? Or, is this just another missed opportunity for the company?

I surely hope so, I really do. The fans sent a very clear message last week. Now it's up to Vince to decide that he was wrong when he didn't see Bryan as an "attraction". Hopefully, he will see the light and realize Bryan has a big fan base.

Why does creative give up on so many midcard storylines? I think Rhodes vs Sandow is perfect example, people got really behind it, but they had a rematch on RAW. They could really have elevated both of them into main event scene with a few traded wins at PPV’s. It just seems to me that creative don’t care for the midcard. Watching episodes from 1998-2002, every match on RAW had some form of feud/mini rivalry to it. Is it just because they don’t draw money?

I wish I could answer that, I really do. It is in part because Vince McMahon is more concerned with the top players but what gets lost in that is that if the midcard guys are booked to not matter, that is how people will see them. It's a really bad mistake that the company keeps making.

Do you think AJ Styles can still make a name/money for himself on the Indy's/Japan if he never sign's back to TNA or never goes to WWE? And if WWE were to "hypothetically" pick him up and put him on TV before TNA airs that show, wouldn't that just be one of the worst things that could happen to TNA right now?

He has already made a name and he will no doubt be able to get indy bookings. Whether that will bring in the amount of money he needs to make, I can't answer. Yes, it would make TNA look bush league if WWE signed him and did that, but I would hope that they have an agreement with him where he can't do that. And honestly, I don't think WWE is going to throw a big money deal just to screw with TNA. They don't see TNA as real competition.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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