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By Richard Trionfo on 2013-12-07 21:40:43
Welcome to’s live coverage of Full Impact Pro Wrestling’s Violence is the Answer from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida. Tonight’s show is available on iPPV at along with past Full Impact Pro events!

Tonight’s show starts off with Lenny Leonard and Ron Niemi in the ring.

Lenny says that there will be violence in the main event when the former FIP Tag Team Champions, the Bravados face Dos Ben Dejos in a Street Fight. Lenny mentions that Roderick Strong and Rich Swann won the tag titles.

Ron says that Larry Dallas wrote a check that the Bravados could not cash.

Mister Saint Laurent comes out and he wants everything to stop. He says that he is here because he has advised World Champions. He has advised Fortune 500 companies. He has advised political candidates. There are no members of the active roster he advises tonight.

Lenny wonders why he is here.

Mister Saint Laurent says that he would rather be relevant than dead. He says that he will control the FIP World Championship again and he will have the company by the balls again and he will not let go.

Match Number One: David Starr versus Josh Hess

Hess says that he is doing this for Mister Saint Laurent who is watching from ringside. They lock up and Starr sends Hess to the mat. They lock up again and Starr sends Hess to the mat again. Starr with an arm drag into an arm bar. Hess backs Starr into the corner. Starr floats over on an Irish whip and Starr with an arm drag into an arm bar.

Hess misses a chop but Starr does not. Starr with another chop in the corner. They go to another corner and Starr pulls up Hess’ t-shirt and chops him in the chest. Starr presses Hess over his head and he drops him on the floor. Starr waits in the corner while Hess tries to get up.

Starr goes to the floor and he chops Hess. Starr rolls Hess back into the ring and he kicks him in the corner. Starr with a delayed vertical suplex and he gets a near fall. Starr runs into an elbow in the corner and Hess goes up top but misses a cross body.

Starr gets a near fall. Hess with a rake of the eyes followed by a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Hess misses a boot to the head and Starr with a modified Olympic Slam. Starr pounds the mat and hits the roaring elbow for the three count.

Winner: David Starr

After the match, Mister Saint Laurent goes to the back while Ron Niemi waits to interview David Starr after his victory. Starr says that this is his third win. After last night’s victory, he wants to know when he will get a shot at a title. If you cannot see how talented David Starr is, you need to take a step back.

Match Number Two: The Washington Bullets (Jon and Trey Williams) versus Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma

Jon and Graves start things off. Graves wants Jon to back up until he is ready. They lock up and Graves with a wrist lock. Jon with a reversal and he takes Graves to the mat. Graves with a reversal into a wrist lock. Jon rolls through and he takes Graves down with an arm drag into a wrist lock but Graves gets to the ropes.

They lock up and Trey tags in. Trey with elbows to the arm but Graves with a punch and kick. Graves with more punches in the corner followed by a knee to the midsection. Graves with an Irish whip but Trey floats over and he punches Graves.

Graves slaps Trey and then Trey goes after Graves and Eddie tags in Stigma. Trey with an arm drag into an arm bar. Jon tags back in and he connects with a forearm to the arm. Trey tags in and hits a double sledge to the arm from the turnbuckles. Stigma with punches and a European uppercut. Stigma with a snap mare. They exchange slaps but Stigma accidentally hits Graves.

While Graves and Stigma argue, Jon and Trey connect with kicks. They continue to argue on the floor and Jon and Trey send Stigma into Graves. Trey runs into an uppercut from Stigma. Stigma with a European uppercut. Stigma with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Trey with a shoulder but Jon tags in and hits a forearm. Jon and Trey with a double team sequence for a near fall on Stigma.

Jon goes through the ropes when Graves holds them open. While the referee deals with Trey in the ring, Graves works over Jon on the floor. Graves brings Jon back into the ring. Stigma with a slam and he tags in Graves and he hits a forearm from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Graves with a boot to the head.

Graves with an Irish whip and he talks to the referee while Stigma works over Jon. Graves and Stigma double team Jon. Graves with a suplex and Stigma tag in for a leg drop from the turnbuckles and he gets a near fall. Jon with punches to Stigma but Stigma with a drop kick for a near fall.

The referee warms Trey for interfering while Graves gets in a shot on Jon. Stigma with a reverse chin lock. Jon with elbows and an enzuigiri. Graves tags in and he keeps Jon from making the tag to his brother. Graves with a take down and he gets a near fall. Graves with a forearm to the back. Stigma misses a clothesline from the apron but Jon with a roaring elbow followed by a jawbreaker to Graves.

Trey tags in and he connects with clothesline followed by a leaping leg lariat to Stigma. Trey with jabs to Graves and a running curb stomp for a near fall. Stigma hits Trey from behind. Stigma falls through the ropes and Jon with a flying kick to Graves and Trey gets a near fall.

Trey puts Graves on the turnbuckles and he tags in Jon. Jon with an uppercut and lawn darts Graves into the turnbuckles while Trey kicks Graves. Stimga with Eat Defeat followed by a neck breaker and belly-to-back combination for a near fall. Stigma tags n and they hit a side Russian leg sweep and Yakuza kick combination but Trey pulls Stigma off Jon

Trey with forearms to Stigma. Graves hits Trey but Graves goes to the floor. Jon with a lungblower followed by a stunner by Trey and Jon gets the three count.

Winners: Washington Bullets

After the match, Graves and Stigma attack The Bullets. The referees try to get Stigma and Graves to stop but Stigma with a European uppercut to Jon’s back.

Ron Niemi tries to interview Eddie Graves but Eddie tells Ron to stop asking him questions. They have ruined this place for him. From here going forward, you can expect more of the same. They are done playing nice. Teddy Stigma tells people to be just like them, eat steak, lift weights, and drink Jack Daniels.

Match Number Three: Maxwell Chicago versus Earl Cooter

Cooter charges at Maxwell and he goes to the apron. Maxwell takes the mic and he tells Jeff Foxworthy and King of the Hill to calm down. He tells Earl that this is FIP and the Orpehum. Here they take action seriously. Maxwell says that there is no room for characters here. He calls for Roderick but when Maxwell turns around, Earl hits him from behind.

Maxwell rakes the eyes and then he stomps on his foot. Maxwell trips Earl and then he hits the Earthquake splash for a near fall. Maxwell with a butterfly suplex. Maxwell with a kip up. Maxwell with an Irish whip but Earl with an uppercut and clothesline from the turnbuckles. Cooter kicks Maxwell and punches him.

Cooter with a snap mare and boot to the head for a near fall. Cooter with a slam followed by a leg drop. Cooter with an Irish whip but Maxwell gets his feet up and he kicks Cooter to the mat. Maxwell with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Cooter with a jawbreaker. Maxwell with an inside cradle for a near fall but Cooter with a neck breaker.

Cooter goes up top and misses a moonsault. Maxwell sends Cooter into the turnbuckles and then he rakes the back and hits a neck breaker. Maxwell gets a near fall. Maxwell sends Cooter into the ropes and Maxwell with a springboard cutter but Cooter has his hands on the ropes and Maxwell doesn’t realize it.

Cooter with an Irish whip and kick in the corner followed by a shoulder. Cooter gets a near fall. Maxwell runs Cooter into the corner and the referee is knocked down. Cooter takes a chair from a fan and swings at Maxwell but misses. Maxwell ducks down and Cooter gives Maxwell the chair and Cooter falls.

The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Earl Cooter (by disqualification)

Ron Niemi asks Earl about his victory. Earl says that he is 4-0 in FIP.

Match Number Four: Lince Dorado versus Jesus De Leon (with Saso Rivera)

De Leon backs into the ropes to avoid Dorado. They lock up and Dorado backs De Leon into the corner and he gives a clean break. They lock up with a test of strength and De Leon takes Dorado to the mat for a near fall. Dorado with a rollup for a near fall. De Leon goes to the floor and Rivera makes sure that everything is okay.

De Leon gets back into the ring and De Leon with a side head lock. Dorado bits De Leon followed by a side head lock and shoulder tackle. De Leon with an arm drag but Dorado lands on his feet. Both men try for drop kicks and they go to a stalemate.

Dorado offers his hand and De Leon throws his glove at Dorado. Dorado with chops. De Leon with chops. Dorado with a leg lariat and chop. Rivera trips Dorado but Dorado kicks De Leon’s leg and De Leon kicks Rivera on the floor.

De Leon with a super kick followed by a kick to the back for a near fall. De Leon with a slam. Del Leon runs the ropes and then settles for a reverse chin lock. Dorado with elbows but De Leon with a drop kick. Dorado with chops but De Leon with a delayed vertical suplex. De Leon misses a moonsault. Dorado with a clothesline and a rana followed by another clothesline.

De Leon goes to the floor and Dorado with a suicide dive and he hits Rivera. Rivera sends Dorado into the ring post. De Leon slams Dorado’s head into a chair but Dorado hits Rivera and De Leon with chops. Dorado with forearms and then De Leon holds Dorado but Rivera hits De Leon.

Pinkie Sanchez’ beer was spilled and he throws what is left on Rivera and the referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

Sanchez attacks De Leon while Rivera battles with Dorado.

Sanchez gets in the ring and he demands his shots.

Match Number Five: Pinkie Sanchez and Lince Dorado versus Saso Rivera and Jesus De Leon

Dorado and Sanchez send De Leon to the floor while Dorado and Sanchez work over Rivera in the ring. Rivera with a head butt to Sanchez. Rivera with a forearm across the chest and De Leon tags in. De Leon with a chop. Sanchez with a chop and they go back and forth until Sanchez connect with punches. De Leon with a flying back elbow. Rivera tags in and he punches Sanchez.

Rivera with a head butt. De Leon tags in and Rivera slams Sanchez. Rivera slams De Leon on Sanchez for a near fall. Rivera with an elbow drop for a near fall. Rivera with a forearm. Rivera sends Sanchez into the turnbuckles. Sanchez with forearms that stagger Rivera but he stays on his feet.

Rivera misses a charge into the corner and Sanchez with a kick using the turnbuckles. Dorado tags in and hits a missile drop kick. Dorado chops Rivera. De Leon tags in and Dorado with chops. Dorado with a handspring back elbow followed by a running chop. Dorado is sent to the apron and Dorado with an enzuigiri and cross body.

De Leon with a kick but Dorado with a slam. Dorado goes up top and hits the shooting star press but Rivera breaks up the cover. Dorado and Sanchez work over Rivera. Rivera picks up Dorado and Sanchez and slams them both. De Leon goes onto Rivera’s shoulders for a splash but Dorado kicks out. De Leon with a super kick to Dorado for a near fall.

Rivera goes up top but Sanchez with an uppercut. Sanchez and Dorado go for a double superplex. Dorado with a pescado onto De Leon. Sanchez goes up top for a seated splash. He goes up top for a second one and gets the three count.

Winners: Lince Dorado and Pinkie Sanchez

After the match, Ron interviews Pinkie and Lince after their victory. Lince says that he might have come up short last night against Trent, but they have proven that they can go toe to toe with anyone.

Match Number Six: Jonny Vandal (with Trina Michaels) versus Latin Dragon

Dragon with a wrist lock but Vandal gets to the ropes. Vandal with a head scissors but Dragon escapes. Vandal with a shoulder tackle. Dragon with a head scissors. Dragon with a suicide dive. Dragon with a near fall. Vandal with a flying kick for a near fall. Jonny talks to the referee while Trina hits Dragon.

Vandal and Dragon exchange chops. Vandal with a clothesline for a near fall. Dragon with a rollup for a near fall. Vandal pulls Dragon to the mat and then he kicks Dragon and punches him. Dragon with an Irish whip and enzuigiri from the apron. Dragon with a cross body and then he slaps Vandal. Vandal with a German suplex and boot to the head for a near fall.

Dragon with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Vandal blocks a rana attempt with a power bomb and a kick to the head for a near fall. Vandal with chops in the corner. Vandal puts Dragon on the turnbuckles and Vandal sets for a superplex but Dragon pushes Vandal off. Dragon sets for a 450 but Trina pulls Dragon down and Vandal gets the three count.

Winner: Jonny Vandal

After the match, Ron interviews Jonny Vandal. Ron hugs Trina before asking him the first question. He asks what is next for Jonny. Jonny says that he deserves a shot at one of the titles.

Match Number Seven: FIP Tag Team Title Match: Roderick Strong and Rich Swann versus Andrew Everett and Caleb Konley

Caleb and Swann start things off. They lock up and Konley with a side head lock into a hammer lock. Swann with a reversal. Caleb with a shoulder tackle and springboard arm drag. Konley kicks Swann away and hits an arm drag and drop kick. Strong tags in. Strong with a front face lock and Everett tags in. Everett with a side head lock but Strong with a wrist lock take down. Strong with a wrist lock.

Strong with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Everett with a springboard rana and drop kick. Caleb tags back in and he takes Strong to the mat. Caleb with a rollup. Everett tags in and connects with a forearm. Everett with a punch and wrist lock. Caleb tags in and he applies a body scissors.

Everett tags in and he punches Strong. Everett tries for a cross body but Strong catches him and hits a back breaker. Strong sends Everett into the turnbuckles. Strong with chops and he tags in Swann. Swann gets a near fall. Swann with a drop kick for a near fall. Strong tags in and Strong with a kick and forearm. Strong with a running chop and snap mare for a near fall. Swann tags back in and they send Everett into the turnbuckles. They Irish whip Everett and Swann with a clothesline and Strong with a forearm followed by a uranage back breaker. Strong flips Swann onto Everett for a leg drop and he gets a near fall.

Swann with a kick to the back. Swann sends Everett into the apron and then he pulls Caleb off the apron while Strong chops Everett. Strong tosses Everett onto the apron for a back breaker. Swann with a rolling splash but Everett gets his knees up. Caleb tags in and he kicks Swann. Caleb with an Irish whip and forearm for a near fall.

Everett tags in and they send Swann into the turnbuckles. Caleb with a forearm and Everett with a kick followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Everett keeps Swann from making the tag and Caleb tags back in. Caleb with a chop. Caleb with another chop while trying to show Strong who is better at chopping.

Caleb tags in Everett and he puts Swann in the tree of woe. Caleb with a baseball slide and then Everett with a hesitation drop kick to Swann. Caleb and Andrew take care of Strong. Everett with a chop in the corner but Swann with a kick to Everett. Swann runs into a boot but Swann with a leaping super rana and both men are down.

Strong and Caleb tag in Strong with a clothesline to Caleb followed by a power slam to Everett. Strong suplexes Caleb onto Everett and Strong gets a near fall. Strong with a running knee into the corner followed by a running forearm. Strong with a drop kick to Caleb for a near fall.

Caleb kicks Swann and gives Strong a forearm. Strong is sent to the floor. Swann sends Caleb to the apron. Caleb with a moonsault onto Strong and Swann on the floor. Everett with a plancha. Everett with a springboard drop kick to Strong followed by a tornado DDT by Caleb to Strong for a near fall.

Caleb with a German suplex for a near fall. Strong with an enzuigiri. Swann with a springboard cutter for a near fall. Caleb with a forearm to Strong and Swann. Strong with a forearm and then Swann with a super kick. Strong with Death By Roderick and then Swann with a near fall when Everett breaks it up.

Everett with a Pele kick to Strong. Swann sends Everett over the top rope. Swann with a back heel kick to Konley. Swann goes up top but Konley catches him and hits a Samoan drop for a near fall. Everett tags in and Swann is put on the turnbuckles.

Swann with forearms to Caleb and Strong with a sick kick. Strong with End of Heartache and Swann hits a frog splash for the three count.

Winners: Rich Swann and Roderick Strong

After the match, Ron interviews Roderick and Roderick says that he is the best. They better be better than that if they think they can beat him. Ron asks Rich about wanting to face Roderick. Rich says they are the best two guys.

Roderick says that he is the World Tag Team Champion.

Match Number Eight: SHINE Showcase Match Leva versus Su Yung

They lock up. Su tries for a drop toe hold but Leva stays on her feet. Leva with a drop toe hold for a near fall. Su with an Irish whip but Leva floats over and Leva with an inverted DDT. Su goes to the floor. Leva with a double knee splash onto Su on the floor.

Su with a boot to the head when Leva tries to get back into the ring. Su with forearms and kicks. Su with an Irish whip and side slam for a near fall. Su with a rocking chair and she drops Leva to the mat. Su with a Jericho cover for a near fall. Su with an Irish whip and she puts Leva in the tree of woe. Su with kicks to the back.

Su with a hesitation drop kick into the corner for a near fall. Su and Leva exchange forearms. Leva with forearms to Su. Leva with a round kick to the chest followed by a facebuster. Leva with a pedigree for a near fall. Leva with a running drop kick that sends Su into the corner. Leva with a hesitation kick in the corner for a near fall.

Su with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Leva goes to the apron and she puts Su in a Dragon Sleeper but she has to release the hold. Leva misses a double stomp from the turnbuckles and Su has her hand on the ropes when Leva covers her.

Leva with a forearm in the corner and then she goes up top. Leva with a sunset flip power bomb for a near fall. Leva gets Su on her shoulders and runs Su into the turnbuckles. Su with an airplane spin into a Death Valley Driver and she gets a near fall.

Leva with a super kick and a second super kick the three count.

Winner: Leva

After the match, Larry Dallas comes out with The Bravados and Trina Michaels come to the ring. Larry says that it was a miscarriage of justice last night. There should not be a tag title match without a contract. This street fight has no need to happen until they get their tag match.

Larry says that he has a plan for him and Leva, one on one.

Dos Ben Dejos come from behind and they go after The Bravados.

Match Number Nine Ybor City Street Fight: Lance & Harlem Bravado (with Larry Dallas and Trina Michaels) versus Dos Ben Dejos of Jay Rios and Eddie Cruz (with Leva)

Rios and Lance fight by the bar while Harlem and Cruz fight by the mobile studio. Lance sends Rios into the ring post while Harlem with a European uppercut to Cruz. Rios goes after Larry but Lance stops him. Lance goes after Cruz while Harlem focuses on Rios.

Lance goes under the ring and he pulls out the guardrail and Cruz is down. Harlem chokes Rios and Lance throws a trash can into the ring. Cruz with a kick and forearm to Lance. All four men are in the ring and Harlem hits Rios with a boot. Lance kicks Cruz. Harlem hits Cruz with a boot and he gets a near fall.

Rios with a forearm to Lance but Lance with a kick. Harlem goes over the top rope to the floor and so does Lance. Rios and Cruz with a stereo suicide dive. Dallas goes up top but Leva stops him and she connects with forearm. Leva with a head butt and Larry falls onto the guardrail. Leva with a cross body onto Lance and Harlem.

Harlem and Rios are in the ring and Rios with a reverse atomic drop and then Rios holds Harlem for Cruz to kick him in the head and Cruz gets a near fall. Cruz gets a ladder and he hits Harlem in the back with it. Cruz puts the ladder against the ropes. Cruz and Rios back drop Harlem onto the ladder and they get a near fall.

Lance clips Rios and Cruz and Harlem with a back senton onto the ladder. Lance clotheslines Rios over the top rope and both men go to the floor. Harlem goes to the apron but Cruz moves and Harlem with a slingshot double stomp followed by a flip dive onto Rios and Cruz. Harlem demands some chairs and she takes them from the people in the crowd.

Lance kicks Rios and Cruz but they try to fight back while Harlem participates in Extreme Chair Makeover in the ring. Harlem gets Cruz up to send him into the chairs but he escapes and he slams Harlem’s head into the chairs repeatedly. They put Harlem onto the chairs and then Cruz sets up a ladder.

Cruz climbs the ladder and he hits a splash onto Harlem and the chairs collapse like a house of cards. Cruz covers Harlem but Lance makes the save. Lance with kicks to Cruz. Lance puts Cruz on the turnbuckles. Rios punches Harlem on the floor. Lance tries for a superplex but Cruz pushes him off. Cruz comes off the turnbuckles and Lance catches him and hits a power bomb onto the chairs but Rios breaks it up.

Rios chops Lance and then hits a springboard cutter for a near fall when Harlem breaks it up. Harlem takes the ladder down and he kicks Rios while setting up a chair. Harlem puts the ladder between two chairs. Harlem slams Rios’s head into the ladder and then Harlem picks up Rios and hits a Michinoku Driver onto the ladder but Rios kicks out at two.

Cruz with a drop toe hold to Harlem on the ladder. Lance with a kick to Cruz and then he tries for a belly to back suplex but Cruz escapes. Cruz with a Shiranui followed by a springboard 450 splash by Rios but Larry pulls the referee out of the ring. Harlem hits Cruz and Rios from behind by a chair. Harlem gets a bag from Larry and it is thumbtacks. Leva climbs on Harlem’s back and she rakes the eyes and hits Harlem low. Cruz with a super kick and then Leva hits Larry with a chair and he falls near the thumbtacks.

Lance with a lariat to Leva and then when Cruz covers Leva to protect her, Lance with a German suplex for a near fall. Harlem hits Cruz with the trash can and then Lance with a TKO onto the trash can for a near fall when Rios breaks up the cover. Rios hits Harlem and Lance with a ladder.

Rios sets up the ladder in the corner and then he hits Harlem with the trash can. Rios with a double knee drop to Harlem through the table. Rios with a double knee splash to Lance followed by a frog splash by Cruz for a near fall. Trina trips Cruz and Lance runs Rios into the ladder. Lance with three rolling German suplexes and the third one sends Rios into the ladder but Rios kicks out.

Cruz with a super kick and a double super kick to Lance and Rios gets a near fall. Lance chops Rios but Cruz hits Lance with a trash can. Rios and Cruz alternate hitting Lance. They put a trash can over Lance and they go up top for a double coast to coast. Rios gets the three count.

Winners: Dos Ben Dejos

After the match, Teddy Stigma and Eddie Graves attack Cruz and Rios and send them to the floor.

Graves kisses Leva and then Stigma with a boot to Leva. Rios hits Stigma with a chair and they leave the ring.’

Cruz tells Stigma and Graves that they trained together. He wants to face them.

Thank you for following tonight’s coverage of Violence is the Answer. I will have a post game show with my thoughts on both nights of the FIP Double Shot.

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