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Does anyone that works closely with Vince McMahon tell him that some of the creative decisions that he makes like the way they handled the summer of Punk or recently Brian Daniel's surge of popularity killed by "the best for business" are terrible decisions that only hurt the company and the talent? Or is Vince McMahon just surrounded by "Yes Man" that don't have the balls to speak up? Keep up the good work.
A lot of people try. Depending on their place in the hierarchy of the company, some have more sway than others. But at the end of the day, Vince makes the call and he sets the direction of the company. People that work for him quickly come to understand and accept that. But if you are asking if people know a lot of the courses that Vince has set haven't work, yes they do. They just understand the dynamics of the workplace and want to stay employed.
Are you surprised that Total Divas has more viewers than Impact Wrestling? I'm asking cause there's a lot of plain garbage coming out of those divas mouths but there still getting more viewers than TNA.
No, I am not surprised. WWE is a far bigger company than TNA and has a much larger fan base to draw from. The question I have now is whether Total Divas can retain their viewers. They are kind of a one trick pony.
With the ongoing speculation about WWE unifying the WWE and World titles, do you think the unification would actually help anybody on the roster? Since the World title seems to be the major title for the mid-card talents right now what would they have after that? The IC title seems to have lost all of it's prestige and I won't even talk about the US title.
They could always push the IC belt the way that they push the World Title now. To me, the titles aren't a determiner of whether guys get over. The booking is. If guys aren't pushed as being strong, a title won't make them appear that way. For example, look at Damien Sandow's run with the MITB briefcase. It did nothing for him because he was booked so poorly. If they don't change the way that they present talent, titles won't help them.
What is Vince McMahon's relationship with Ted Turner (if any) I’m sure back in the WCW days they hated each other, but do you think they’ve ever really talked?
Turner never really cared about Vince personally, certainly not to the extent Vince cared about him. The "war" was largely one-sided and only one guy was fighting it, Vince. Turner approached it from a business perspective since his empire was so vast.
I despise Eric Bischoff with all my heart, but I do give people credit where it’s due. What is the possibility of Eric Bischoff going into the WWE Hall Of Fame? I believe that is was Bischoff who took WCW to new heights by challenging WWF, and if it wasn’t for him there would have been no Attitude Era, no Austin vs McMahon, because they were all storylines to beat WCW and if Bischoff never took WCW to the heights he did, WWF had no one to beat.
I am no fan of Bischoff either but I think he deserves induction into the Hall of Fame. WWE would probably love to do it too, since they beat him in the end and won the war.
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.
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