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Is it me or is this whole TNA-Dixie Carter-AJ Styles angle eerily familiar to the CM Punk angle from 2011? Also is Dixie Carter a poor person's excuse for attempting to be similar to Stephanie or Vince McMahon?
It's similar to what happened with Punk in 2011, but remember that the second Punk won the WWE Title, Vince McMahon screwed the whole renegade aspect of his character up by making Punk a baby kissing good guy. TNA is allowing Styles to play the role much better than Vince McMahon ever did. As for Dixie, she is the owner/authority figure so of course comparisons will be made to The McMahons. She is anything but poor though. Her family is loaded.
Kindly excuse my ignorance, but what's the big idea behind trying to unify the World Title at the TLC PPV? I would have thought this scenario would be suited for a grander stage, say like WrestleMania. Given the inept state of WWE creative at this point in time, I'm not convinced they have a better idea for the Showcase of the Immortals. Hence my scepticisms. Also, I'm sure that baring any twists or non-finishes, it would mean the end of the World Title. Your thoughts please.
Come on, you don't think an idea "12 years in the making" can be adequately delivered in a period of less than a month? Well yeah, you are right. They are dopes. Then again, they feel no need to give us finishes on PPV, even though we pay for them, so right now I expect a screwjob finish that lets this carry over into next month, which starts WrestleMania season. So yes, I feel another PPV screwjob coming.
Do you see any situation in which Kurt Angle returns to WWE before he retires, perhaps in a limited role such as Jericho and RVD? I think he has more than earned the right to work part time and given this schedule, I think he could have 1 or 2 good runs left in him working with guys like Punk, Bryan, Dolph, and dare I say, one more match with Brock.
Since he has intimated that he is open to returning to WWE in the past, yes I could see it happening. That is, provided that he stays clean and doesn't have any more incidents with alcohol or anything else. If he does, WWE won't risk working with him.
It's Thanksgiving day and on Impact there is a Survivor Series-style elimination match. Coincidence or not?
Thanksgiving (and many holiday) shows are throwaways so the creative teams have a little fun with them. I think that they knew exactly what they were doing when they booked that match. I found it funny.
Punk vs. Bryan 60 minute iron man you ever see it happening? Possibly at Wrestlemania?
I'd love to see it but there is no plans for those two working against each other any time soon, let alone at Mania. I think in this day and age, WWE is afraid of short attention spans of its viewers. If/when The WWE Network starts, it may be an attraction for a show there but I just don't see them doing an hour long match any time soon on a TV broadcast or PPV.
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