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By Adolfo Acosta on 2013-10-26 21:04:00

First match: Silas Young vs. Mark Briscoe (to air on ROH tv): Good, physical match. Very stiff. Silas wins with a roll up with his feet on the ropes. Afterwards, Silas steals Todd Sinclair's belt and whips Briscoe with it.

Adam Page vs. Jimmy Jacobs: Jacobs pins Page after sick looking Sliced Bread from the top rope.

Mike Bennett (w/ Maria) vs. Kevin Steen: Hell of an entertaining brawl. Bennett wins with a piledriver after Maria distracted the ref. Afterwards, Bennett teases a piledriver on the ring apron but Lisa Marie Varon hits the ring and beats the holy hell out of Maria. Bennett pulls her off, Steen comes back in and brawls with Bennett. Chaos ensues as security and refs hit the ring. Brawl ends when Steen hits a top rope Swanson on Bennett and security to the outside. Lisa Marie goes back after Maria, Steen stops Maria from escaping and Lisa Marie hits the Widows Peak. Fantastic segment.

All previous matches were for ROH TV. Next set of matches are for another week's worth of TV. Bonny Cruise announces that due to a "settlement" Steve Corino is back in the announce booth. Chicago seemed happy to see him.

Jesse Sorensen vs Tomasso Ciampa:

Despite what you think of his decision to return, Sorensen looked in great shape, although he made nervous with every bump he took. Ciampa wins by submission. A trainer was called into the ring afterwards to look after Jesse, but he was selling and waves them off. Chicago crowd gave him respect and a "please come back" chant.

Outlaw Inc (Homicide & Eddie Kingston) vs ACH & Tadarius Thomas:

Homicide & Kingston take the own after pinning Thomas following the old Steiner top rope bulldog. Homicide & Kingston did a lot of comedy to play to the crowd. They cut a promo talking about how ReDragon are ducking them as challengers and called them a word that rhymes with "wussies".

TV main event: Paul London vs Roderick Strong: Best match of the night thus far. Absolutely brutal. Definitely earned the several "This is awesome chants." London wins after a Shooting Star Press. (Which was after a tombstone on the ring floor). Great stuff. Code of honor observed afterwards.

Main Event - 2 hour time limit:


ROH World Champion Adam Cole, World Tag Team Champions reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly, and World TV Champion Matt Taven vs. "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin, Jay Lethal, and C & C Wrestle Factory (Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander)

* If any member of the All Stars pins the World Champion they will get a future title match

This sucker was loooooong. 10 minutes in, Outlaw Inc came to ringside through the crowd and watched the match while ref Todd Sinclair tried to get them to leave. The match degenerated into a brawl a brawl early with the heels taking advantage. The babyfaces rallied and tied all four heels to the tree of woe... Each heel then receiving a quadruple drop kick. After another brawl erupted Homicide and Kingston got involved and were thrown out by security. During eh brawl Bobby Fish got his busted open in a really nasty fashion. Trainers started working on him on the outside so he could continue. It's disgustingly nasty. Cole got the first elimination by pinning Cedric Alexander about 35 minutes in. At one point Matt Taven super kicked Jay Lethal and a Hoopla Hottie (who was trying to interfere) off the top through a table. Sick bump! Cole pinned Coleman about 40 minutes into the match with a German suplex. Coleman is gone. Heels have advantage 4 on 2. Trainers fixed up Fish as he is back in the match now. Elgin is in by himself while Lethal sells the table bump. With Bobby Fish on his back, Elgin German Suplexes Taven then nails O'Reilly with a lariat to get the pin at 49 minutes. O'Reilly is gone to make it 3 on 2. Nigel is at ringside trying to prevent Lethal from wrestling, the fans chant "Let him wrestle!" Lethal pushes his way through in time for a hot tag from Elgin. Lethal cleans house with three dives to the outside before decking Truth Martini. Cole tags himself in while Lethal has Taven in a cloverleaf and nails him with a shoulder breaker for the pin. Lethal is eliminated at 55 minutes. 3 on 1. 2 minutes later Taven taps to an Elgin cross face. Taven is gone at 56 minutes. 2 on 1. Lots of feats of strength by Elgin tossing Fish and Coel around at the same time. The dude is wicked strong. Spinning powerbomb on Fish for the 3 count. Fish is gone at the 60 minute mark. 1 on 1. Fish gets a standing ovation as he leaves for finishing the match with a busted ear. He comes back in the ring and blasts Elgin with a chair, but Cole can't get the 3 count. Elgin and Cole go back and forth for another 10 minutes, hitting each other with signature moves. Cole hits the straight jacket suplex I the outside and almost gets a count out win. Back in the ring they trade submission holds without submissions. Cole escapes a buckle bomb attempt, hits a top rope hurricanrana and a flip piledriver but still just a 2 count. Elgin comes back with a ridiculously amazing backwards top rope powerbomb for the pin, winning the match at 75 minutes. Both guys are dead at the end of this and Nigel comes in to check on them.

Jay Briscoe hits the ring, carrying a black bag. Elgin confronts him but gets hit in the head with whatever is in the bag. Cole gets the same. Briscoe takes the mic and says he doesn't know how you can have a champions vs All stars match without the real World Champion. He then takes out what's in the bag: a new World Championship belt. Fun as hell but exhausting main event.

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