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By Mike Johnson on 2013-10-10 08:02:36

October 10th

On this day in history in ....

1982 - Nick Bockwinkel defeated Otto Wanz for the AWA World Heavyweight Title in Chicago, Illinois to start his third reign as champion.

1998 - ECW ran at the ECW Arena in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with the following results:
- Danny Doring defeated Chris Chetti.
- Tommy Rogers defeated Little Guido.
- Chris Candido defeated Jerry Lynn.
- Masato Tanaka vs. Balls Mahoney ended in a no-contest when the Dudleys attacked both men, leading to the next match.
- Balls Mahoney & Masato Tanaka defeated The Dudley Boyz.
- ECW World Television Champion Rob Van Dam defeated Lance Storm.
- Tommy Dreamer, New Jack, John Kronus & Spike Dudley defeated Justin Credible, One Man Gang, Rod Price & Jack Victory.
- Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Sabu.

1999 - The infamous Heroes of Wrestling Pay-per-view was held at Casino Magic at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Here are the results:
- The Samoan Swat Team (Samu & Samoan Savage) defeated Marty Jannetty & Tommy Rogers.
- Greg Valentine defeated George Steele.
- 2 Cold Scorpio defeated Julio Fantastico.
- The Bushwhackers (who were called "Luke & Butch" due to WWF owning the name) defeated The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff.
- Tully Blanchard defeated Stan Lane.
- Abdullah the Butcher vs. One Man Gang ended in a double countout.
- Jimmy Snuka defeated Cowboy Bob Orton, Jr.
- Jim Neidhart & King Kong Bundy defeated Jake Roberts & Yokozuna. The match started as Roberts vs. Neidhart, but Bundy and Yokozuna, who were advertised for the main event in a singles bout, joined in to make it a tag match.

Buck Woodward reviewed the main event here on, calling it the "Worst PPV Main Event Ever". His article is reprinted below.
There are some wrestling bouts that are classics, matches that you remember as if they took place yesterday.

Then there are the matches that, no matter how hard you try, you can't forget. Why? Because they are HORRIBLE! They are the bouts that cement themselves into your psyche just because you can't believe how bad they were.

Recently, I was asked, "What's the worst PPV main event you have ever seen?" That question stirred memories of a horrible match, memories I had tried to bury deep inside, but had them brought back by this simple question. So, since misery loves company, I am going to make you suffer through my memories as well (provided you keep reading). Today, I review the worst PPV main event I have ever seen (yes, even worse than Curt Hennig vs. Dennis Rodman from that I-Generation PPV). It is the infamous main event from the 1999 "Heroes Of Wrestling" Pay-per-view!


The year is 1999, and wrestling fans have a variety of wrestling options thanks to cable television. There's something like nine hours of WCW, seven hours of WWE and two hours of ECW on television every week. And that's not including PPV's! Toss in a helping of lucha or indy shows (depending on where you live) and you've got plenty of action to provide your wrestling fix. Looking to make a mark in the wrestling game, the first "Heroes Of Wrestling" Pay-per-view looked to capitalize on a nostalgia factor, bringing in old NWA and WWF stars for a show at Casino Magic in Bay St. Louis.

Now, let's clear up a common misconception about this show. The whole event did NOT suck. Was it Wrestlemania? Nope. But I can think of a few WWE and WCW PPV events that left me feeling a lot more ripped off that this show did. There was a few redeeming qualities to this show, they have just been overshadowed by the fiasco of a main event and a few less than stellar undercard performances. So, I won't say the whole show was worthless ... just large parts of it.

To briefly review the undercard. ... The Samoan Swat Team (Samu & Samoan Savage) defeated Marty Jannetty & Tommy Rogers. One half of the Rockers and one half of the Fantastics (two of the best teams of the late-80's) did the best possible job they could in carrying the once-solid SST here. Samu pinned Rogers with a Stunner out of a fireman's carry. ... Greg Valentine defeated George Steele. Okay, this was not a good match. It was built around the idea that Sherri Martel tricked George Steele into thinking she was in love with him, and then she turned on him. Seriously. Sherri hit Steele with a chair so Valentine could get the pin. ... 2 Cold Scorpio defeated Julio Fantastico (Dinero). I didn't quite see where this match fit into the whole "legends" concept they were going for. For some reason, Scorpio wore one of those NWA World Title replica belts to the ring. Not an impressive match either, won by Scorpio with a badly missed Tumbleweed. ... The Bushwhackers defeated The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff.  Sheik did the Iranian Clubs bit before the match. That was the highlight of this one, which ended when Volkoff accidentally hit Sheik with a foreign object and Butch got the pin. ... Tully Blanchard defeated Stan Lane in one of the two matches that actually saved this PPV from being total dreck. They did a angle during the pre-show where Stan Lane attacked Blanchard as he was arriving at the building, and Tully then cut a great promo about how Lane rode on Bobby Eaton's coattails in the Midnight Express. Actually, the promo was probably the best thing on the whole show. Tully and Lane put on a good seven minute match, which ended with the old "both men's shoulders are on the mat" back suplex spot, with Tully lifting his shoulder for the pin. ... Abdullah The Butcher vs. One Man Gang ended in a double countout after spilling a few pints of plasma around the ring. From what I understand, Casino Magic didn't want to see blood on the show, but hey, it's ABDULLAH THE BUTCHER! What did they expect? It was your classic Abdullah bloodbath, which made it a thumbs up for me. Anytime you can watch a bloody Abdullah stab a fork into One Man Gang's head, you're watching something special. ... Jimmy Snuka defeated Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. with a flying bodypress. At ten minutes, this match was just too long, and couldn't follow the previous two matches.

The Match

"Heroes Of Wrestling" was promoted as having a double main event. Yokozuna vs. King Kong Bundy and Jake Roberts vs. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart. So, we kick things off with a Jake Roberts interview....

Now, Jake Roberts has always been highly praised for his interview skills. Roberts talks about how when you gamble, you lose (get it, because they are in a casino), yells at the cameraman to focus on him instead of the snake in the bag, and then tries to start a "DDT" chant, all while slurring his words. Not a promising start.

Neidhart comes to the ring first, and other than his ever-present gut, looks in good shape. Roberts comes to the ring, carrying his snake bag over his shoulder and wearing a T-Shirt. Roberts puts the bag in the corner, then walks back up the ramp and through he curtain. Roberts came back out, having ditched his T-Shirt (and given his physique, he should have left it on). Roberts high-fives some fans, then takes the hands of a female fan and rubs them on his nipples. Why? I have no idea.

The bell rings, and the stalling begins. Neidhart takes a walk around the ring and tries to get some heat by yelling at the fans. Neidhart got back in and grabbed an armwringer, and Jake armdragged out of it. Then they got up. They locked up, and went to the corner where the bag was, so Neidhart backed off quickly. Another lock up, and Neidhart hit some punches in a corner, then bit Jake in the head. Neidhart applied an armwringer, and they went into some very slow reversals of a hammerlock. Roberts went for a front facelock, and Neidhart slid out of the ring to avoid a DDT. The camera wisely went to a shot of the snake poking out of the bag on it's own, rather than Jake trying to lead the crowd in chants.

Roberts, seeing the snake poking out, went and decided to pull it out of the bag. Roberts then staggered about the ring, pretending that the snake was his, well, his genitals. Neidhart stood in the aisle, and appeared to be thinking of leaving, while Roberts made more "creative poses" with the snake. They went to some crowd shots, while the announcers talked about his boots.

Suddenly, King Kong Bundy walked down to ringside and started talking to Neidhart. It appears that someone called an audible. Roberts put the snake in the bag, and Neidhart attacked him from behind. Neidhart put him in a chinlock and grounded Roberts for a bit. Neidhart switched to a front facelock, but Roberts broke it with shoulderblocks in a corner. Neidhart missed a charge in the corner, and Roberts hit a short-arm clothesline. Bundy got on the apron, and Roberts gave him a middle finger. Roberts went after Bundy, and pretty soon Neidhart and Bundy were stomping Jake in the ring.

Yokozuna (who was grossly overweight at this point) walked down to the ring. There was a lot of awkward pauses at this point, then Roberts rolled out of the ring while Bundy and Neidhart started double teaming Yokozuna. The ring announcer quickly declared that this was now a tag team match.

Bundy and Neidhart accidentally collided, then went to the floor to regroup and confer, while Yokozuna was in the ring, and Roberts was lying on the floor, eventually getting back into the ring. Neidhart pulled Roberts to the apron and bit his head, and Roberts started laughing. Neidhart hit Roberts with a chair twice, while Yokozuna and Bundy stood on the apron in opposite corners. Neidhart hit Roberts with two chairs at once, then got back into the ring. Bundy went to the floor and hit Jake HARD with a chairshot to the head. Bundy rolled Jake into the ring, and Neidhart choked him on the apron. Bundy tagged in and hit a knee drop on Jake for a two count.

Neidhart pulled off one of Jake's boots and hit Jake with it. Bundy came in and pulled off the other boot and hit Jake with it for a two count. Jake hit low blows on Neidhart and Bundy, then tagged in Yokozuna. Yoko hit chops on Bundy and Neidhart, then choked Neidhart in a corner. Meanwhile, Bundy sort of shoved Roberts to the mat, hit a big splash, and the referee counted a very fast three (despite Yokozuna having just been tagged in) at the 16 minute mark.

Bundy and Neidhart headed to the back, while Bundy's manager (a bald Bundy lookalike that the commentators called "Little Bundy") was given a Samoan Drop by Yokozuna. Roberts put the snake on him, and was about to thrust the snake into his pants when the screen abruptly did a quick fade to black. It faded back in to show Yokozuna leaving the ring and the closing graphic.

The Aftermath

There was never another Heroes Of Wrestling Pay-per-view again.

Now that I've purged my soul of that, let us never speak of this match again (until next year).

2006 - WWE Smackdown star Psicosis (Dionicio Castellanos Torres) was arrested after allegedly stealing a car from 23 year old Alexander Valencia Ramirez of Rosarito, Baja California, according to a report by Mexican newspaper El Mexicano.

According to the article, Psicosis (identified as a professional wrestler, although WWE was not mentioned) asked to borrow Ramirez' black Mitsubishi and promised to return it later that night. When Ramirez refused, Psicosis allegedly pulled a gun wrapped in a towel on him, struck Ramirez and took off in the car.

Ramirez called the police, who set up roadblocks around Rosarito. They attempted to apprehend Psicosis, who instead took off, striking several cars in the ensuing chase. An 18 year old pregnant woman, Yesenia Sara Lopez, was riding in one of the cars that were hit. She was treated by paramedics at the scene but was OK. Psicosis was finally taken into custody, with the newspaper noting that he resisted but was subdued. Authorities discovered that the gun Psicosis allegedly used turned out to actually be a Buzz Bee toy company water gun. Obviously, there is more background yet to come out in regard to the story.

WWE would end up releasing Psicosis shortly afterward.

2006 - John Cena appeared on ESPN's Cold Pizza.  Pico sent the following report:

A clip of Cena wrestling the Undertaker and FUing Booker were shown.  They talked about the difference in preparing for wrestling and for acting.  He was asked if he would make a jump to acting like the Rock, and he stated that he would do both full time because there is nothing like the feeling of performing in front of a large audience. Than he was asked what it was like wrestling the Undertaker, and Cena put him over.

He was than told that Chicago White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski, who was in studio, was out to challenge him. They then showed a clip of A.J. in TNA, and he then came out with the X Division Title.  They compared his title to Cena's WWE Title, which he had in hand, and Cena noted that he thought he saw the X Division title in a "gumball machine outside the studio". He and  A.J. did a little back and forth, and after a little laughing the Marine was put over for its release Friday, and that was the end of the segment. Very short, maybe just 5 minutes.

2006 - WWE broadcast ECW on SyFy.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

Tonight's show starts off with a warning that tonight's program contains sexually explicit material intended for adult audiences.

Balls Mahoney welcomes us to tonight's show and he mentions that for the first time ever, the sexiest women on television will be playing a game of Extreme Strip Poker. He promises that one or more of the Divas will get naked. We get the introductions of the participants. Trinity is first to introduce herself. Kelly is next and she says that since she is an exhibitionist, she might not be wearing any underwear tonight. Maria is next, followed by Candice Michelle. Ashley is the next Diva to introduce herself and describe her outfit, and Kristal is last.

Balls says that they will not be playing five card draw or Texas Hold Em. Instead, they are going to be dealt one card and the lowest card loses and has to take off some clothing. They start off with a social drink but Kelly cannot participate since she is only nineteen. The first hand is lost by Ashley so she takes off her shirt and she hands it to Balls.

We are live on tape from Wichita, Kansas and your announcers are Joey Styles and Tazz.

Match Number One: CM Punk versus Rene Dupree
Punk with a hammer lock into a side head lock and a drop kick to the thigh. Punk with a snap mare into a cover.

We go to a split screen so we can see what is going on with the Extreme Strip Poker during the match. It turns out that Kelly has lost the next hand.

Meanwhile back in Kansas, Punk hits a series of knees in the corner. Dupree with a kick and punches but he misses a drop kick when Punk moves out of the way. Punk with more punches and knees. Punk with a back body drop but he charges into the corner and Dupree with a back body drop that sends Punk to the apron and then Dupree hits an elbow and drop kick that sends Punk from the apron into the announce table. Dupree rolls Punk back into the ring and he can only get a two count. Dupree with forearms to Punk's forehead.

We return to split screen action and Trinity is the next person to lose a hand. Dupree works on Punk's head and neck and he hits a series of elbows. Punk lands on his feet when Dupree tries for a belly-to-back suplex and both men exchange forearms. Punk with a series of kicks, but he misses the roundhouse kick. Punk with two back elbows and a jumping leg lariat. Punk with a running kick into the corner followed by a bulldog for a two count. Punk goes to the apron and he tries for a springboard move, but Dupree moves out of the way. Dupree with a kick and punch. Punk with a scoop power slam for a two count and then he puts Dupree in the Anaconda Vice and Dupree taps.
Winner: CM Punk

We return to the Extreme Strip Poker and it is time for the next hand and Maria and Candice tie. Balls makes the ruling that both ladies have to remove some clothing. Maria removes her stockings and Balls catches one in his mouth. Candice removes her skirt. We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for more poker. This hand is dealer'ss choice so he gets to choose the article of clothing the loser has to remove. Kristal loses the hand and Balls has Kristal take off her skirt. Kristal gets in Ashley's face and they have some words before we return to Kansas.

Match Number Two: Kevin Thorn (with Ariel) versus Tommy Dreamer
Dreamer backs Thorn into the corner and Dreamer with a series of kicks and a few Irish whips. Dreamer charges into the corner but Thorn moves out of the way and Dreamer goes shoulder first into the ring post.

We go to more split screen action with the Extreme Strip Poker and Ashley has lost the next hand and she removes her shoes. Thorn kicks Dreamer in the shoulder as we return to the wrestling action. Thorn uses the ropes to work on Dreamer's arm.

The split screen is back as we see that Candice just lost a hand because she is taking off her top. In the ring, Dreamer with a rollup on Thorn for a two count. Thorn with a key lock on Dreamer followed by a slam. Thorn misses a diving head butt and Dreamer with a kick when Thorn charges into the corner. Dreamer with a series of punches and Thorn goes down. Dreamer with a suplex and then he hits a sit out spinebuster on Thorn for a near fall. Dreamer goes outside and grabs the walking stick from Ariel before she can use it. Thorn hits Dreamer from behind. Dreamer gets back into the ring and he kicks Thorn before Thorn can get back in and then Dreamer tries for an elbow from the second turnbuckle while Thorn is in the ropes. Thorn moves and Dreamer misses the elbow. Thorn hits a sit out uranage but Thorn can only get a two count. Dreamer with a punch to Thorn's leg and then he drops Thorn's back across the top rope. Dreamer with a DDT for the three count.
Winner: Tommy Dreamer

We return to the Strip Poker and Kristal loses the next hand. She removes her shoes. We go to commercial.

We are back with footage of Bob Holly's match with Rob Van Dam from two weeks ago when Holly lacerated his back on a suplex through a table from the apron to the floor. Then we go to footage from last week when Heyman refused to give Holly a match against Rob Van Dam; and Test attacking Holly with a chair.

We return to the poker and Trinity asks Maria and Candice about how hot John Cena is. Candice and Maria talk about how he is a movie star. Trinity says that she loves a man in uniform and Candice says that she loves a man out of uniform. Maria joins in the conversation by saying that she loves ponies and after a moment of silence from the ladies, Maria says that she thought they were sharing things. Trinity then asks about Batista. Kristal asks Kelly about her and CM Punk. Balls stops the conversation for the next hand. Kelly loses the hand and Kelly removes her skirt as well as her top. Kelly goes for the trifecta as she takes off her bra. We go to commercial before she can turn around.

We are back with the Marine premiere video package.

While Sandman drinks beer in Kansas, we see Ashley remove her skirt at the poker game. Kristal loses her top after losing a hand.

Match Number Three: Rob Van Dam, Sabu, and Sandman versus Big Show, Matt Striker, and Test
Van Dam and Test start things off and Test backs Van Dam into the corner but he misses a punch. Van Dam responds with punches but Test is able to turn the tables and he connects with elbows and kicks in the corner. Test with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow and then Van Dam hits a cross body for a two count. Test with a kick and punch but Van Dam with a spin kick followed by the step over spin kick. Sabu is tagged in and they hit the Rolling Thunder combination on Test and Sabu gets a two count. Test with an Irish whip and Sabu moves out of the way when Test charges and Sabu hits a springboard leg lariat for a two count. Sandman tags in and he punches Test but Test with a back elbow. Test with a punch to Sandman and Striker is tagged in. Striker punches Sandman while Test holds Sandman.

Time for some more split screen action as Maria has lost the next hand and she loses her skirt.

Striker holds on to the ropes and he tags in Sandman. Show tosses Sandman to the mat and he punches Sandman in the corner followed by a head butt.

More split screen action and Trinity loses the next hand and her skirt. Sandman gets a chop from Big Show but Sandman with a thumb to the eye and he tags in Sabu. Sabu punches Show but Test hits Sabu as he comes off the ropes. Show punches Sabu and he tags in Test. Sabu punches Test but Test with a knee. Sabu comes off the ropes but Test hits a clothesline and we go to commercial.

We are back and Test hits a back breaker followed by a side slam for a two count. Striker tags in and he punches Sabu. Sabu punches back but Striker rakes the eyes. Sabu blocks a hip toss and he tries for one of his own, but Striker blocks that and connects with a thumb to the eyes and a neck breaker for a two count. Striker with a running boot across the face that sends Sabu out of the ring. While Show holds Sandman and Van Dam at bay, Test runs Sabu's back into the ring post. Striker with a neck vice on Sabu followed by a series of knees and a short arm clothesline for a two count. Show tags in and he punches Sabu and then he gets Sabu up for a vertical choke and then he tosses Sabu to the mat. Show teases Van Dam on the apron as he keeps Sabu from making the tag. Show with a chop and then he mocks Van Dam. Sabu with a punch and a flying clothesline but Show stays on his feet. Sabu tries for another move off the ropes, but he runs into a shoulder from Show.

We go back to the split screen as it appears that Maria has lost another hand and her top comes off.

Show sets up for a choke slam, but Sabu counters with a DDT and both men are down. Sabu rolls over for a two count. Show makes the tag and he pulls Sabu towards his corner. Test enters the ring and he kicks Sabu and puts him in a bear hug. Sabu gets out of the hold, but he runs into a clothesline from Test. Striker tags in and he comes off the turnbuckle, but Sabu hits a back kick. Sabu with an enzuigiri and then he tags in Van Dam. Van Dam with clotheslines to Striker followed by a spin kick and a monkey flip. Van Dam hits a running spin kick in the corner on Striker. Van Dam hits a side kick from the top turnbuckle and then he goes up top for the Five Star Frog Splash. Test comes in and Van Dam leaps over Test and then he hits a super kick on Test. Sabu hits Air Sabu off Van Dam's back. Sandman with a clothesline that sends Test over the top rope to the floor. Van Dam and Sabu with a double drop kick to Show's knees and Show hits the apron as he goes to the floor. Van Dam goes up top and he hits the Five Star Frog Splash. Sandman wants to tag in to take care of Striker and Van Dam obliges. Van Dam hits a pescado onto Test while Sandman punches Striker in the center of the ring. Sandman hits a swanton bomb for the three count.
Winners: Sandman, Rob Van Dam, and Sabu

We return to the poker game and Candice loses the hand and she is about to take off her bra but she wonders why there are so many aces on the table when she gets a two. Maria wonders if Candice is embarrassed. Candice accuses Maria of cheating and Maria says that she does not know how to cheat. Candice rips off Maria's bra and Maria returns the favor. Then Candice takes off Maria's panties. While Candice celebrates, a digitized Maria removes Candice's panties. Ashley, Trinity, and Kristal try to separate the Raw Divas as Balls pounds the table and chants ECW. We go to credits.

2007 - Krissy Vaine, who just debuted on the Smackdown brand on 9/28 in an angle where she laid out Torrie Wilson, is already gone from World Wrestling Entertainment.  The word going around within the company is that Vaine and Ryan O'Reilly (who are involved) both asked for their respective releases because of the travel and distance apart while working the main roster.

Vaine signed with WWE in January 2006 and had worked for Deep South Wrestling and Florida Championship Wrestling while under her developmental deal.  Before signing, she was a regular in the Mid-Atlantic independent scene, most notable as one half of the Team Blondage tag team with Amber O'Neal.

Ryan O'Reilly signed with WWE in August 2005 and at one point, was slated to be part of the revived ECW brand when it launched a year later as part of a tag team with Derek Neikirk.  He never made it to WWE TV as a regular performer but was a major part of DSW during its time as a WWE developmental area and was in FCW in recent months.

O'Reilly had just been sent on the road in recent weeks for the Raw brand.  Vaine was set to be on the Smackdown side of the roster, so the reality of that time and distance apart is said to have prompted the couple's decision to approach the company and ask to be let go from their deals.

Vaine would never return to the company, but O'Reilly would sign a new developmental talent deal several years later, eventually making his own WWE debut on NXT as Conor O'Brian.

2007 - Dr. Phil Astin, the doctor to Chris Benoit who was charged with illegally dispensing medication to several patients in the wake of the Benoit family tragedy, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on 10/1.  Astin's petition listed his assets as between $0 to $10,000, and liabilities of between $0 to $50,000.  Those are the default numbers the bankruptcy software uses when the full schedules are not prepared.  No Trustee to Astin's estate has been appointed yet.

2007 - WWE developmental Ohio Valley Wrestling ran Louisville, Kentucky.  Daniel Hughes filed the following results:


*Majors Bros. beat Paul Burchill/Drew McIntyre
*Charles the Hammer Evans def. Andrew Vain
*Derrick Neikirk over Lupe Viscara
*Ace Steel beat Stu Sanders
*OX def. Al Barone
*Colt Cabana/Jacob Duncan over Sean Spears/Anthony Pulaski


*Matt Sydal over Jamin Olivencia
*Los Locos beat Gothic Mayhem in a Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match
*Jay Bradley def Chris Cage
*Atlas DaBone over KC James
*The Insurgency beat Scott Cardinal/Dirty Money in a Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match
*Anthony Pulaski def. TV Champ Manbeast by DQ TV Title does not change hands

2008 - WWE began airing vignettes to promote ther Kizarny character portrayed by Sinn Bodhi.

2008 - World Wrestling Entertainment announced that Dolph Ziggler (Nick Nemeth) has been suspended 30 days following a WWE Wellness test failure.  Ziggler had not made his in-ring debut on television for the Raw brand, but had been a regular making cameo appearances to introduce the character.  Nemeth worked for Florida Championship Wrestling TV taping doing a job to TJ Wilson the night before the suspension was announced.

2008 - Police were called to the hotel TNA was for the Bound for Glory PPV following a brawl in the hotel's bar.  According to several who were at the bar, a drunken patron got into it with former ECW wrestler Hack Myers, who helps backstage at TNA events.  The two began going back and forth with the patron's wife also getting into it.  It wasn't clear what sparked the initial incident.
Several TNA talents including Brother Devon and Homicide as well as Atlas Security came over to try and quell the situation.  The patron responded loudly to that attempt, screaming and cursing.  I was told the patron then began using racial epithets while claiming he wasn't afraid of anyone.  As you could imagine, that set off quite the scene and I was told that if Atlas Security hadn't been there to step in between the wrestlers and the couple, we'd have likely been writing about some workers being arrested as it was an ugly, intense scene.
During the brawl, a chair was tossed and a glass table was broken.  The couple ended up arrested as about 10 local police officers arrived on the scene.  At some point, the female was subdued by the throat and was screaming as she was walked out in handcuffs that she should be the one pressing charges.  The racial comments continued the entire time the couple were marched out the lobby of the hotel, which in one of those "only in wrestling" surreal moments, took place just as the TNA workers who had performed in Davenport, Iowa walked into the hotel.
There were fans on hand so the belief within TNA is that photos and/or video of the incident would likely leak to the Internet, although that never happened.  No TNA talents were arrested.

2008 - A roast for the Iron Sheik in Monroe, New Jersey turned ugly when a comedian made a joke that Bill Apter's career had "fallen harder than Owen Hart", prompting Scott Hall, who had just entered the room and was not in a healthy condition, to go after the comedian.  The footage was eventually released as part of the event on DVD by Kayfabe Commentaries.  Hall, who had other issues that weekend as well, ended up banned for life from the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Roundboy” Jimmy Graham, the comedian in question, posted a blog on his MySpace page discussing the encounter between himself and Scott Hall and the Iron Sheik Roast on October 10, 2008. The entry reads as follows (all spelling errors are as they appear in the blog):

:Last night while roasting the legendary Iron Sheik, I told a fairly off color joke. I'll let you be the judge!
I said, ‘After the Sheik and Hacksaw Jim got caught sniffing coke in the parking lot his career fell faster than Owen Heart’
This didn't go over so well!

Scott Hall otherwise known as Razor Ramone rushed the stage, threw the podium and grabbed me by the throat. He jammed me into the wall, the whole time I was smiling (although I wasn't sure if it was schtick or not).

Who am I kidding I pooped myself!

My good buddy King Kong Bundy came to the rescue, along with several security guards and pulled the drunken bohemoth off of me!
I had some fans there to see me tear the sheik up and they were screaming from the audience to run roundboy run!
Even my buddy Scotty Schwartz (Flick from A christmas Story) was trying to help get the beast off of me.
About 10 minutes later the cops showed up and hauled Ramone away after tazoring him outside the lobby of the Crowne Plaza.
The whole thing will be on DVD and I'm sure youtube.

I just want to say the joke was pure evil but I was paid to write a ROAST!

I loved Owen Heart as a wrestler and a man. I think he would have laughed!”

2009 - The East Coast Wrestling Association held the 13th annual Super 8 Tournament in Newark, Delaware with the following results:

13th Annual Super 8 Tournament - First Round
Quiet Storm def. Mikaze
Dan Eckos def. Metal Master
Tommaso Ciampa def. Mike Tobin
Nick Logan def. Prince Nana

Bazooka Joe & Andrew Ryker def. Freak Nastty & Chase Del Monte

13th Annual Super 8 Tournament - Second Round
Tommaso Ciampa def. Dan Eckos
Nick Logan def. Quiet Storm

The Logan Brothers won the Tag Team Summit

The Logan Brothers def. The Arion Brothers for the Tag Team Titles

13th Annual Super 8 Tournament - Final
Nick Logan def. Tommaso Ciampa

2009 - Ring of Honor ran Indianapolis with Survival of the Fittest 2009.  Mike Chavez filed the following live report:

The Survival of The Fittest was amazing. Got to the show a few hours early to watch the wrestlers arrive. Rhett Titus, Grizzly Redwood, Ernie Osiris, and a few others walked out of the arena to get into a van. My friend started bad mouthing Redwood and then, they drove over. Turns out Redwood just wanted to know where I got my shirt from.

Austin Aries arrived and we all clapped as he got out and he said "Stop f***ing clapping for me. What? You got no lives so you have to show up three hours early?"

During the show, my wife got the hotel room key from Rhett Titus.

Jim Cornette came out for the main event and actually walked around so he could watch.

A lot of comedy from the Kevin Steen vs. Colt Cabana match.

The main event was incredible as Tyler Black dove into the 3rd row onto Roderick Strong.

Jim Cornette opened the show with a promo talking about how ROH is the future of wrestling.

The Young Bucks went over House of Truth

Colt Cabana went over Kevin Steen (Lots of comedy)

Roderick Strong over Rhett Titus

Tyler Black over Kenny King

Claudio Castagnoli over Petey Willams (No Canadian Destroyer)

Chris Hero went over Kenny Omega

The Briscoe Brothers went over Austin Aries and Davey Richards.  Richards and Aries spent the whole match trying to one-up each other. One of the Briscoe got busted open the hardway. Aries left near the end of the match which left Davey Richards alone to get pinned.

Tyler Black over Roderick Strong, Chris Hero, Delirious, Colt Cabana, and Claudio Castagnoli
Chris Hero went to hit Colt Cabana with an elbow, but struck Claudio. Cabana pinned Claudio and then Delirious rolled up Colt to eliminate Claudio Castagnoli and Colt Cabana.

Next elimination was Delirious by Roderick Strong after a nice kick.
Tyler Black eliminated Chris Hero with God's Last Gift,
Roderick Strong got pinned by Tyler Black, but it looked like Strong kicked out at two.

Tyler Black got on the mic and talked about Cornette saying ROH is the future. Black said "Well, the future is now." And at one point Tyler Black accidentally called Cornette, Jim Ross.

Overall, it was an amazing show and incredible main event. This is a must own on DVD. No return was announced. Jim Cornette and Cary Silkin greeted fans as we were leaving the arena.

2010 - TNA presented Bound for Glory from Daytona, Florida.  Richard Trionfo filed the following PPV report:

The pre show starts with comments from Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Rob Van Dam, D’Angelo Dinero talking about how big Bound for Glory is. Ken Anderson talks about being in the main event of the biggest show of the year for a company that he loves. A company that has reignited his passion for the business. Jeff Jarrett says that the work and effort behind the scene and in the ring is built for Bound for Glory. Ric Flair talks about how the show gains viewers every day. Mick Foley says that 10/10/10 sounds like the day for the perfect storm and tonight will deliver. Mick says that he knows how to work in a big money atmosphere. Samoa Joe says that there are times when you up your game and tonight will be no exception. Dixie Carter predicts that this will be the biggest pay per view in TNA history.

The Before the Bell Special starts with Kurt Angle talking about how he feels the same way that he did when he won the Gold Medal in 1996. He says that he wanted to earn the title and if he cannot prove that he can be the champion, then maybe he shouldn’t wrestle any more. Angle says that if he gave his best and fell short, then maybe it is time for him to step out. Will Kurt Angle win his 14th World Title tonight? Kurt says that he has been champion before but he has never been more prepared physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Kurt says that he is the most intense wrestler and he only knows to go at full speed.

Ken Anderson earned his spot in the match by defeating D’Angelo Dinero. Ken says that he got into the business to win titles, make money, and travel the world. He has made money and traveled the world. Tonight, he will win the title. Ken quotes another Green Bay icon, Vince Lombardi about his goals tonight. Ken was told that if you screw up the first time, don’t bother doing it at all. Ken says that he has something to prove because he has never captured a major title. He says that he feels that he has to prove something and he will do that. It is a matter of when and where. Ken says that will be in Daytona Beach.

Jeff Hardy is one of the most popular wrestlers in the world. He returned to TNA in January and coming up short is not an option. Jeff says that TNA is the freshest and dopest wrestling company. He says that if you are the TNA champion, you are the best. Hardy says that he has built to this before. He has been a World Champion, but not in TNA. He says that he doesn’t know how much time he has left because of the last few weeks. Jeff says that if he wins, it is for his fans. He says that he would be one of the best champions of all time because he puts his body on the line every time.

It is time to look at the Monster’s Ball match.

Mike Tenay says that you aren’t shocked by too many things when you have been involved in wrestling as long as he has, but the beating by Abyss was brutal.

Rob says that he knew he would be back. He says that you can’t kill him unless you kill his spirit.

Taz says that when you are taken out in the manner that Abyss took out Van Dam, you want to take Abyss apart.

Tenay says that the fact that Van Dam is back for Bound for Glory is a shock to him. He says that the doctors did not sign off on his return.

Dixie says that she is concerned about Rob’s health.

Rob says that many people have not been in the business for twenty years and be in the physical condition he is in.

Abyss says that ‘they’ told him to finish off Van Dam, but he did not get to finish the job.

Rob says that there is a score to settle and it is about balancing things out. Van Dam says that he is going to destroy Abyss.

Abyss says that Monster’s Ball is the most horrific match in TNA.

Van Dam says that he is not going to wait for a more convenient time to get in the ring with Abyss. He is taking advantage now.

Who is ‘They’?

Van Dam says that he is interested in finding out who ‘they’ is.

Sting says that he will let us take a look at things behind the scenes, but it is in the wide open for everyone to see. He says that something is going on. He is not going to talk about it because he has been there before and it doesn’t work out.

Kevin Nash says that Sting talked to him and Nash said that he found out that what Sting said was true.

Jeff says that Sting was turning to the dark side and Nash joined in. With Hogan and Bischoff coming in, along with the talent, things were changing.

Sting talks about Hogan and Bischoff and he says that he obviously has issues with them. He has deep issues.

Nash says that it is all about power with Hogan and Bischoff. He says that they are going to run the company into the ground. Dixie thought that Hogan would be the savior but Hogan is a snake. People don’t know who is wearing the black hat and the white hat.

Jarrett says that they are still on top now because of their political positioning and there are times when that is not good for business.

Sting says that he can see right through Jeff. He has people swerved and he is part of the problem.

Samoa Joe says that Sting can whine. Joe mentions that Jeff and him have had issues so it wasn’t a guarantee that he would help him. However, Hulk Hogan called him and asked him to help. Joe agreed to help. Joe wonders how are you going to quarantine a force like him.

D’Angelo Dinero talks about the deceptions going on. He says that when you are trying to play games like Hogan and Bischoff have, you cannot play a player.

Nash says that Dinero has a problem with Bischoff so at least one young guy is not being hoodwinked by Bischoff.

Dinero says that Jarrett is the founder and he gives him credit. What you can do is judge a man based on his character. The character of Jeff Jarrett is one that does not hold favor with him. He says that Samoa Joe is being led blindly by the forces of the darker side.

Sting says that it won’t be his words, but his actions. He will make sure people know by 10/10/10.

Jarrett says that Sting, Nash, and Pope talk about a big picture but all they have in common is that they aren’t getting what they want.

Nash says that he knows that him and Sting will be in the ring and they will be there to give the answers.

EV 2.0 was on top until Fortune attacked them on Impact. Their goal was to eliminate EV 2.0.

Dixie says that things got out of control. She says that she wanted to do something good for one night for them and the fans. Ric Flair took offense to it.

Flair says that EV 2.0 is a gimmick that didn’t work. If it worked, they would have their own company and they would be successful.

Foley says that Flair’s group is the future while some of the guys in EV 2.0 might be on the end of their run.

James Storm says that Dixie called EV 2.0 to the 90s what Hogan was in the 80s, maybe they should have stayed in the 90s.

Tommy Dreamer says that they are going to get revenge for what happened to their friends.

Dixie says that Lethal Lockdown is the perfect match to end this feud.

Storm says that most of them are past their prime.

Dreamer says that this is their bragging rights to show that they are better.

Robert Roode says that if they can beat EV 2.0, it will show that they are better.

Foley says that there is no place to run or hide. They will be like children on Christmas morning getting ready to play with their toys.

Dreamer says that Foley will be the perfect counter for Ric Flair and he talks about how he was there to see the fights between Flair and Foley.

AJ says that Flair is a wrestling god while Foley looks like a pack of mustard.

Roode says that Foley is a joke.

Foley says that he cannot guarantee that Flair won’t get involved, but if he does, he will be there.

Flair says that if Foley messes with him, he will be hurt.

Dreamer says that he feels bad for all of them because they will all leave the cage hurt.

Flair wonders why EV 2.0 would want to get into this match. Flair says that if he was dead and in a casket, he is still better than Foley.

We are live at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida and your announcers are Mike Tenay and Taz.

Tenay and Taz talk about the matches on Bound for Glory.

Match Number One: TNA Tag Title Match: Motor City Machine Guns versus Generation Me

Max and Shelley start things off and they lock up with Shelley applying a hammer lock. Max with an elbow in the corner followed by kicks to the head. Shelley with chops followed by a side head lock. Shelley with an arm drag and then he sweeps the leg and connects with a forearm. Shelley and Sabin pinball Max and then Shelley with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Shelley sends Max into Sabin’s boots and he tags in. Shelley with kicks and he chokes Max. Shelley knocks Jeremy off the apron. Shelley with a forearm and then Shelley and Sabin with elbows off the other’s back. Shelley with a near fall on a rollup.

Shelley with a back heel kick to Jeremy to send him to the floor. Shelley with a chop to Max but Jeremy trips Shelley and Max with a drop kick. Jeremy tags in and he kicks Shelley in the ropes. Jeremy works on the arm. Shelley misses a super kick when Max holds on to the ropes and he goes to the floor. Sabin with a kick to Max. Sabin and Shelley with their Dream Sequence to Max. Shelley and Sabin with a double suicide dive to the Bucks.

Shelley sends Jeremy into the ring and he hits a cross body for a near fall. Shelley tries for Sliced Brad but Jeremy sends him off the ropes. Jeremy distracts the referee and Max crotches Shelley. Max and Jeremy hit the MEDDT from the top turnbuckle.

Jeremy stands between Shelley and his corner and then he slaps Shelley in the face. Shelley with a slap of his own but Jeremy with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Max tags in and they hit a double hip toss followed by a double drop kick. Max gets a near fall. Max kicks Shelley in the head as he shows the champion no respect. Jeremy tags in and they hit a double kick. Jeremy with a gutbuster and Max with a running blockbuster. Jeremy with a side head lock but Shelley with elbows. Max kicks Shelley in the back.

Jeremy puts Shelley on the top turnbuckles and he tries for a superplex but Shelley pushes Jeremy off. Max grabs Shelley’s leg but Shelley pushes Max off the apron. Shelley with a double stomp and both men are down.

Shelley reaches for the wrong corner. Sabin and Max tag in and Sabin with flying forearms to Max. Sabin with a baseball slide to Jeremy that knocks him off the apron. Sabin with an elbow into the corner. Sabin puts Max in the tree of woe and Shelley with a baseball slide. Sabin with a hesitation drop kick. Sabin with a springboard cross body onto Jeremy. Sabin with a springboard clothesline for a near fall on Max.

Sabin misses a boot into the corner and Jeremy is on the floor. Sabin waits for Max to turn around and he slaps Max. The Machine Guns hit a neck breaker and dominator combination for a near fall.

Shelley with a knee to Jeremy but Sabin with a drop kick off Shelley’s back to knock Jeremy off the apron. Shelley misses a pescado. Jeremy with a slingshot X Factor. Max with a flip X Factor on Sabin for a near fall. Max and Jeremy discuss what they are going to do to Sabin and they go for the MEDDT but Shelley with a German suplex to Jeremy. Sabin moves Max into the corner and Shelley with an enzuigiri from the apron. They go for the Super Sliced Bread but Jeremy knocks Shelley off the apron. Max with a DDT from the turnbuckles. Jeremy with a dive over the ring post onto Shelley.

Max holds Sabin on the rope and Jeremy with a springboard 450 splash but Shelley breaks up the cover. Max with forearms to Shelley but Shelley hits a DDT and Flatline on the Bucks at the same time. Sabin is rolled into the corner for Shelley to make the tag. Shelley goes up top but he misses the double stomp. Jeremy with a drop kick while Max holds Shelley in a head scissors.

Sabin with a clothesline to Jeremy. Max sends Sabin over the top rope. Shelley misses Sliced Bread #2. Max with a spear and then Max and Jeremy a springboard splash and moonsault combination but Shelley kicks out. Jeremy is tagged in and hit More Bang for Your buck, but Sabin goes off Jeremy’s back and he hits a release German superplex. Sabin and Shelley hit Skull and Bones for the three count.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns

Christy Hemme is in the back with Tara and Madison Rayne. She asks Madison about being in a match where Tara can win the title. Madison calls Christy a clown and tells her to zip it. Madison says that she has heard all of the rumors about Tara turning her back on her. She says that they can keep dreaming. She says that Tara is grateful for what she did for her. She says that Mickie James can’t come into TNA and be the queen bee because it is here, even though Tara points to herself.

Match Number Two: TNA Knockouts Title Match: Angelina Love versus Madison Rayne versus Velvet Sky versus Tara with Guest Referee Mickie James

Madison yells at Mickie before the match starts.

Madison and Angelina start things off and Madison hits Velvet and she says that is a tag. Velvet and Madison yell at each other. They lock up and Angelina with a side head lock and hammer lock and rollup for a near fall. Velvet with a waist lock and snap mare for a near fall. Angelina with a leg sweep for a near fall. Velvet does the same thing and gets a near fall. Angelina and Velvet collide in the ring. Madison tags in and Angelina with a drop toe hold. Madison with an Irish whip but Madison grabs Angelina’s legs and slams her head into the mat. Madison chokes Angelina and then she yells at Mickie. Angelina with a forearm and then she brings Madison to the mat by her hair. Angelina with a slam but Tara breaks up the cover.

Madison tries to punch Angelina but Angelina blocks it and then hits a flapjack. Tara tags in and she pulls Angelina by the hair. Velvet tags in and she chops Tara a few times. Velvet with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and gets a near fall. Velvet with a kick to the midsection and then she puts Tara in an Octopus and then turns it into a sunset flip but Tara escapes and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Tara tries for a suplex but Velvet blocks it and hits a suplex of her own. Madison yells at Tara while Velvet hits a clothesline and back elbow. Velvet with a kick and bulldog for a near fall. Madison kicks Velvet in the back and Angelina hits Madison. Tara hits Angelina with a punch.

All four are in the ring and Tara with a spinning side slam. Madison with a facebuster but Angelina with a kick to Madison followed by a bareback from Angelina. Angelina with a pump kick to Tara. Madison with a neck breaker but Velvet with an implant DDT. Tara hits Velvet from behind and then she sets for Widow’s Peak but Velvet escapes. Velvet with a rollup but Tara rolls through and uses the tights to get the three count.

Winner: Tara

After the match, Madison yells at Tara and then she pushes Mickie out of the way. Mickie punches Madison. Tara and Mickie stare each other down and Mickie blows a kiss to Tara.

Christy Hemme is with Eric Young and he has a lot more ‘tattoos’ on his body. She asks Eric about his match with Orlando against Ink Inc. Christy asks about his relationship with Orlando. Eric says that he cracked the code. He says that Orlando thinks that he is a father figure. Orlando’s family abandoned him because of his lifestyle. Eric says it doesn’t matter if he is bi . . . polar.

Orlando enters in his white lace and Eric doesn’t realize it is Orlando.

Orlando offers his lollipop to Christy but she turns it down.

Match Number Three: Ink Inc. versus Eric Young and Orlando Jordan

Eric has the TNA rule book with him at ringside.

Orlando and Jesse start things off and Eric puts the referee on the apron as Jesse gets a near fall after an arm drag. Orlando pushes Jesse while Eric is forced back on the apron. Orlando with an Irish whip but Jesse with an elbow and a cross body for a near fall. Moore tags in and he hits a drop kick for a near fall. Orlando with forearms to the back and he tags Young back in. Eric tells Orlando to get back on the apron and that allows Moore to get a near fall with a rollup. Moore with a rollup for another near fall. Young with high fives to everyone and then he slingshots Orlando back into the ring. Moore with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors followed by kicks in the corner. Neal and Moore hit Jordan in the corner and then they Irish whip Young into the corner and he is kicked onto the ropes. Jordan is crotched behind Young and then Neal and Moore shake the ropes and Young and Jordan go to the floor.

They roll Jordan back into the ring. Jordan with a spinebuster to Moore and then he covers Moore very seductively. The referee sends Neal into the corner but Young will not cheat. Jordan with a suplex for a near fall. Jordan with an Irish whip but Moore with a sunset flip and Jordan holds on to the ropes but Young kicks Orlando’s arm to allow Moore to get a near fall. Moore and Jordan with clotheslines and both men go down.

Young reads some rules to Orlando and then Orlando knocks Neal off the apron. Jordan with a front face lock and Young goes into Ink Inc’s corner. Moore with an enzuigiri. Moore tags in Young and Shannon wonders what is going on. Jordan sends Moore to the floor. Young slaps Jordan and then he clotheslines his tag partner a few times and hits a discus clothesline. Young with a back body drop while Neal and Moore watch. They hit Mooregasm for the three count.

Winners: Ink Inc

After the match Eric hugs Orlando as he holds the rule book.

Christy Hemme is in the back with Jeff Hardy. Christy asks Jeff for his thoughts. He says that tonight is a new beginning. Jeff says that someone will feel the Twist of Fate followed by a Swanton Bomb.

Match Number Four: TNA X Division Title Match: Jay Lethal versus Douglas Williams

They lock up and Williams works on the wrist. Lethal rolls through but Williams takes Lethal to the mat. Lethal rolls through again but Williams blocks things again. Williams continues to work on the wrist and Lethal is able to reverse and he hits an arm drag into an arm bar. Williams with a kick followed by an Irish whip. Williams sends Lethal’s leg into the ropes followed by a clothesline. Williams with a European uppercut followed by an Irish whip. Williams tried for Chaos Theory but Lethal is able to use the ropes to escape. Lethal hits Lethal Combination but Williams goes to the floor. Lethal with a pescado onto Williams and then he returns Williams into the ring.

Lethal with a springboard drop kick but Williams moves out of the way. Williams with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Williams with a cravate on Lethal and he follows that with knees to the head. Williams with a knee lift and a clothesline for a near fall. Williams with a rear chin lock on Lethal as he continues to work on Lethal’s neck. Williams applies more pressure with a head lock. Lethal with an arm drag but Williams with a knee. Lethal with a back body drop.

Lethal gets a second wind and he punches Williams. Lethal with a flying clothesline followed by a drop kick and leg lariat. Lethal with a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Williams with an elbow and Lethal tries for the springboard back elbow but Williams catches him and in one motion hits a German suplex for a near fall.

Williams with a forearm to the head followed by an Irish whip and running knee followed by a suplex for a near fall. Williams with an European uppercut and Lethal tries for a German suplex but Williams with a kick and an Exploder suplex for a near fall. Williams signals for Chaos Theory as he waits for Lethal to get back to his feet. Williams hits Chaos Theory but Lethal is able to kick out. Williams argues with the referee about his count and that allows Lethal to recover a bit.

Williams slaps Lethal and Lethal slumps into the corner. Williams points to the turnbuckles and he puts Lethal on top. Williams hits a Frankensteiner but Lethal holds on and rolls through for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

After the match, Jay Lethal goes into the crowd to celebrate with the fans.

From out of nowhere, Robbie E attacks Lethal and Cookie joins them at ringside. Robbie kicks Lethal and sends him into the ring while Cookie tells him what to do. Robbie with a back elbow. Robbie hits a Diamond Cutter.

|Robbie and Cookie have mics and he tells Lethal that he is a disgrace to New Jersey. Robbie takes the belt and he says that after he wins the X Division Title, he is bringing it back to Jersey and blinging it out. He is going to add some class to it just like Robbie E and Cookie.

Match Number Five: Monster’s Ball Match: Abyss versus Rob Van Dam

Before the match starts, Abyss gets on the mic and he says that for months he has prophesized about their arrival and the date is upon us. Abyss says that it will begin with the destruction of Rob Van Dam. It will continue with the takeover as it has arrived. Ten . . . Ten . . .Ten.

Van Dam with a spin kick and punches Abyss. Van Dam with kicks and he chokes Abyss in the corner while the referee doesn’t have to do anything because it is no disqualification. Van Dam with punches and then he chokes him over the apron. Van Dam with a slingshot leg drop and Van Dam lands a bit awkwardly. Van Dam gets a chair and then he goes up top for a side kick and Abyss falls into the corner. Van Dam with the skateboard drop kick into the corner.

Van Dam goes up top and Abyss goes to the floor. Van Dam with a cross body from the ropes. Van Dam throws the barbed wire board into the ring. Van Dam with a baseball slide that sends Abyss to the floor. Abyss with a back elbow to Van Dam after Van Dam takes time to gesture to the crowd.

Abyss punches Van Dam in the head and then he prepares to choke slam Van Dam onto the board. Abyss catches Van Dam and tries to slam Abyss onto the board but Van Dam escapes the hold and he bulldogs Abyss onto the barbed wire board. Van Dam follows that with rolling thunder but Abyss moves and Van Dam hits the board.

Abyss looks under the ring and he gets a table and puts it on the apron and guardrail. Abyss grabs the trash can and he hits Van Dam in the head with it. Abyss puts the barbed wire board between the apron and guardrail on the other side. Van Dan and Abyss exchange punches.

Van Dam returns to the ring and Van Dam punches Abyss. Abyss tries to suplex Abyss to the floor but they land on the apron. Abyss grabs Van Dam for a choke slam attempt through the table but Van Dam with kicks and then Van Dam kicks Abyss onto the table. Van Dam with Rolling Thunder onto the table and they both go to the floor.

They return to the ring and Abyss misses with a chair shot and Van Dam with a spin kick into the chair. Van Dam puts the chair on Abyss’ chest and Van Dam sets up for a Van Terminator but Abyss gets up because Van Dam has to pose and Abyss throws the chair at Van Dam and it knocks him off the turnbuckles and Van Dam goes through the barbed wire board.

Abyss pulls the barbed wire board into the corner and Abyss shows his love to the people in Daytona. Abyss picks up Van Dam for a power slam into the corner but Van Dam counters and sends Abyss into the board. Van Dam sends the board into Abyss and then Van Dam goes up top for the Van Terminator into the board.

Van Dam goes up top for the Five Star Frog Splash and then he poses but he takes too long and Abyss moves out of the way. Abyss gets Janice from the announce table and he whispers sweet nothings to his giant black weapon. Abyss misses with Janice and Van Dam throws a chair at Abyss and hits him. Van Dam thinks about a Five Star Frog Splash, but Van Dam sees Janice and decides to pick it up. Van Dam hits Abyss in the midsection with Janice and then Van Dam hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the three count.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

After the match, Abyss is able to say 10/10/10 and get ready because here we come.

Match Number Six: Handicap Match: Kevin Nash, Sting, and D’Angelo Dinero versus Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe

Joe and Dinero start things off and Joe works on the arm but Dinero reverses and he puts Joe in a side head lock. Joe with a shoulder tackle and then he blocks a hip toss but Dinero with a few kicks and then he hits a flying shoulder tackle that takes Joe to the mat but Joe pops up. Joe with jabs to Dinero followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Joe with jabs in the corner and then he is warned by the referee. Now it is Dinero’s turn to punch Joe.

Joe with a flying leg lariat and Dinero backs into his corner and he tags Sting into the match. Joe psychs himself up but Sting goes after Jarrett on the apron. Joe punches Sting. Joe with an Irish whip but misses a back elbow. Sting with the Stinger Splash and then Sting tries for Jarrett. Sting tries for another Stinger Splash but Joe with a uranage to Sting and Sting goes to the floor.

Joe sends Sting into the guardrails and then he punches Sting. Sting with a kick and punch. Joe with an Irish whip into the guardrail but Nash with a kick to the back. Sting with a clothesline. Sting sends Joe into the guardrails. They go back into the ring and Sting stomps on Joe’s hand.

Nash tags in and he punches Joe and then he connects with knees and elbows in the corner. Dinero tags in and he kicks Joe and then he hits a hesitation elbow drop and gets a near fall. Joe with a chops but Dinero with a palm thrust. Sting tags back in and Joe hits a double clothesline but Nash stops Joe from making the tag. Nash with an Irish whip and a gingerly placed splash into the corner. Nash misses another charge and Joe hits an enzuigiri as everyone but Jarrett is down.

Joe crawls to make the tag and Jarrett comes off the apron and walks away. Joe looks like Jarrett kicked his puppy as he turns around to his three opponents. They point at what Jarrett did and Joe goes after Nash and Sting.

It turns into a three on one attack as they pummel Joe. Nash tags in and the straps come down. Nash with a knee and jackknife power bomb and Nash gets the three count.

Winners: Kevin Nash, Sting, and D’Angelo Dinero

Ken Anderson starts off his interview with Christy by apologizing to everyone for having to end Kurt Angle’s career. Anderson says that it all happened because Angle hit him in the nuts. Anderson says that he didn’t end this because he wanted to. Angle made him.

Team 3D come out and they have a big announcement to make.

Brother Ray wants to know if everyone is having a great time tonight. February 1996 in South Philadelphia they made a promise to become the most decorated tag team that wrestling has seen. They have busted their asses for 15 years because of the support of people like the ones in the building tonight. That is why they became the 23 time World Tag Team Champions. He mentions all of the companies that they have won titles in. He says that they are proud to be in a company that has the best tag team division in the world. There comes a time when you have to wonder what is left to do because they have conquered the world and tag team wrestling. As of this minute, Team 3D is officially retired. However, they have one last request. If they are going out, they want to have one more match. If they are going to have one more match, they want to face the best tag team in the world today. If you are the TNA World Champions, you are the best team in the world. He says that he is talking about the Motor City Machine Guns. He wants one more match. If the Machine Guns win, they can put on their resume that they retired Team 3D, but if they win, they retire as 24 time tag team champions.

We get one last . . . DEVON . . . GET THE TABLES and a final OH MY BROTHER . . . TESTIFY Scheduled for Bound for Glory

Taz says that he does not think that the Machine Guns should accept the challenge while Mike wonders if that is a way to cement their reputation. Taz says that the last thing he would want to do is accept the challenge.

Fortune is in the back with Christy Hemme and Flair asks if you can smell it. He says that excitement is in the air. Flair says that the heart and soul of TNA walks the ramp next. Flair says that EV 2.0 is done and Foley is going to kiss his ass, then he is going to kiss Christy’s ass.

Frankie says that they bury the antiques tonight. Roode says that they are also hardcore and they will finish them off at their own game. Matt Morgan says that EV 2.0 can brag about the ass kickings they have taken and they can brag about what happens tonight. AJ says that he says when it is over and it ends tonight. Flair wooos and struts.

We are reminded that Fortune has the advantage in this match.

Match Number Seven: Lethal Lockdown Match: Fortune versus EV 2.0

Flair and Foley fight before the match starts and Foley sends Flair into the cage. We have a verbal battle between the two teams and then the referee acts like he is in control.

Kazarian and Stevie Richards start off and Frankie with a side head lock and he punches Stevie. Frankie with forearms and knees. He sends Stevie into the turnbuckles and then he points to the cage but Stevie with a swinging neck breaker followed by a few more neck breakers. Stevie with a fourth neck breaker. Stevie slams Frankie’s head into the cage a few times. Stevie with a snap mare and kick to the back. Stevie misses a drop kick and Frankie kicks Stevie in the ribs. Kazarian with a slam followed by a springboard leg drop. Frankie stomps on Stevie’s chest.

Kazarian goes up top but he misses a leg drop. Stevie with a chop in the corner. Stevie does his version of the Flair strut and Flair freaks out. Stevie with a kick or two to Frankie and then he sets for the StevieT but he hits a suplex instead. Stevie with a Flatline into a Koji Clutch and then we get the second member of Fortune and it is AJ Styles.

Styles with a Phenomenal drop kick. Styles with chops and then Kazarian and Styles double team Richards and hit a leaping clothesline and belly-to-back suplex combination. Flair puts Stevie in the figure four leg lock while Kazarian stretches Richards. While this is happening Flair is climbing onto the cage.

They release the hold as Tommy Dreamer enters the match and he punches Styles but Kazarian hits him from behind. Dreamer with a double clothesline and then he spits into Styles’ face. He punches Kazarian and then he sends Styles into the turnbuckles. Dreamer with a chop to Frankie. Dreamer with a pump handle suplex. Stevie limps to Frankie and he holds him for a side slam while Dreamer hits an elbow from the ropes. Dreamer with a suplex to Styles and then he slams Richards onto Styles. Dreamer puts Kazarian on the turnbuckles and Stevie tries for a superplex but Styles turns it into a power bomb and Dreamer goes down as well.

Robert Roode is the next one in and he sends Dreamer into the cage and then he hits knees off Irish whips to Richards. Storm punches Dreamer while Styles has Dreamer against the cage. Kazarian slams Richards while Flair punches Dreamer through the camera hole. Styles and Kazarian work on Richards while Roode taunts Raven who is outside the cage waiting to enter the match. Roode yells at Dreamer while he chokes him. Kazarian with a Stinger splash to Stevie and Styles with one too.

Sabu is the next man in and he punches AJ. He Irish whips Styles into Roode. Sabu with Poetry in Motion to Kazarian and then he hits a splash on Roode and a springboard DDT to Styles. Sabu with a camel clutch to Styles. Dreamer with a power slam to Roode while Kazarian hits elbows on Styles while still favoring his knee. Dreamer with a snap mare to Styles. Sabu with a camel clutch to Roode while Dreamer has Styles in a Crossface. Kazarian punches Sabu and connects with a knee.

The fourth man in for Fortune is James Storm and he punches everyone. Storm and Roode with a double back body drop. Storm and Roode with a catapult into a DDT. They follow that with a double suplex on Sabu. They do the same to Dreamer. Styles kicks Richards in the corner and then we remember what Roode and Storm’s team name is. Richards with a Stevie Kick to Roode while Storm hits one on Richards. Dreamer is sent into the cage.

Raven is the fourth man for EV 2.0 and he connects with a shoulder to Styles. Raven with a bulldog to Kazarian while hitting a clothesline on Styles. Raven sends Roode into the cage and then he gets the snot rag and he gives it to Kazarian. Dreamer puts Styles in the tree of woe and he stands on A.J.’s groin while Sabu kicks him. Raven with a suplex while Dreamer works on Roode’s wounds. EV 2.0 is in control, but that will not last long.

It is time for the final member of Fortune to enter the match and it is Matt Morgan. Morgan punches Dreamer and connects with a knee to Sabu and then he hits a power bomb into the cage. Richards punches Morgan but Morgan with a clothesline to Richards. Styles with a Saito suplex to Richards and then Morgan with elbows in the corner to Dreamer. Richards is Irish whipped into the corner and Morgan hits a big boot. Fortune has things under control with the advantage. Morgan wipes blood on his chest. Morgan with an elbow to Sabu and Storm waits for Rhino to enter the cage.

Rhino with a spinebuster to Roode followed by a belly-to-belly to Morgan. Rhino hits a GORE on James Storm. Rhino raises his arms and it is time to look to the cage because the Lethal Lockdown begins.

Flair and Foley fight outside the ring and Flair with chops while Foley punches Flair.

Sabu goes to the ropes while Richards hits everyone with a cookie sheet. Rhino chokes someone with a chair while Dreamer has a trash can lid. Rhino uses a chair to choke Kazarian. Raven and Morgan have a battle with Morgan using a kendo stick while Raven has a trash can lid. We have a pile in the corner while Rhino punches Storm while Richards holds him. Morgan misses a running boot and hits the cage and he is holding his knee. Kazarian is thrown into the cage door and it opens. Rhino wants to go to the floor but Richards goes after Kazarian. Kazarian climbs the cage. Richards throws down the axe handle and he climbs the cage. Kazarian sets up a ladder on top of the cage. Kazarian wants to hit a Flux Capacitor onto the floor but Sabu with a suicide dive onto Morgan on the floor.

Richards sets up a table on top. Richards sets for a power bomb but Kazarian with a low blow and Richards is put on the table. A.J. and Dreamer are the only people who are still in the cage. Kazarian climbs the ladder but Brian Kendrick appears on top of the cage and he pulls Kazarian off the ladder. Kendrick back body drops Kazarian through the table. Styles goes to the top turnbuckles but Dreamer hits him in the leg with a chair. Dreamer sets for a super Death Valley Driver onto the chair and he gets the three count.

Winners: EV 2.0

Kurt Angle is in the back with Christy Hemme. Kurt tells Christy that he doesn’t want to talk right now because he is focused on his match. Every time that he has had to step up, he has. As much as he wants the TNA World Title, he has to win the title. He says that wrestling is his life. He guarantees that he will win the title tonight. He dedicates this to Hulk Hogan.

Match Number Eight: TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: Kurt Angle versus Ken Anderson versus Jeff Hardy

Hardy kicks Anderson and Angle joins in the attack on Anderson. Hardy punches Anderson and then they Irish whip Anderson into the corner. Angle charges into the corner and hits the post and goes to the floor. Hardy with a running forearm and punch. Anderson with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Angle kicks Anderson in the knee and then he punches Anderson in the head. Angle with an Irish whip to Anderson but Anderson with a kick. Angle with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and Hardy breaks up the cover.

Hardy kicks and punches Angle and then he climbs the turnbuckles and punches Angel. Anderson hits Hardy from behind and then punches him in the head. Anderson with an Irish whip to Hardy but Hardy moves. Angle with a German suplex to both men at the same time and Angle gets a near fall on Anderson. Angle throws Anderson to the floor and he gets a near fall on Hardy.

Angle punches Hardy in the head and then Hardy sends Angle over the top rope to the floor and Angle lands on his head. Anderson punches Hardy and kicks him. Anderson with a few elbow drops and then Angle pulls Anderson to the floor and punches him. Anderson and Angle exchange punches and don’t realize that Hardy was going for a pescado and he hits both men and all three men are down.

Angle goes after Hardy’s knee and then he hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Angle with a reverse chin lock but Hardy with clotheslines. He hits a clothesline on Anderson as well. Hardy goes up top but Angle climbs the turnbuckles and hits a belly-to-belly throw on Hardy. Anderson with a fireman’s carry slam but Hardy with a mule kick to Anderson. Hardy with a hesitation baseball slide on Angle. Hardy calls for a Swanton but he misses it and Angle gets a quick near fall.

Angle puts Hardy on the top turnbuckle and he punches Hardy and sets for a superplex but Hardy stops him. Anderson joins in and they turn it into a tower of doom move and Anderson gets a near fall on Angle. Anderson rolls over to Hardy and gets a near fall.

Angle with the Three Rivers German suplex combination to Anderson and then he does the same thing to Hardy. The straps come down and Angle puts Hardy in the ankle lock. Anderson tries to get involved and Angle puts both men in an ankle lock at the same time. They both roll through and Angle is sent into the ropes as the hold is released.

Angle goes up top but Anderson stops him and punches Kurt. Hardy goes to the apron while Anderson goes for a super fireman’s carry slam and he hits it. Hardy goes up top while Anderson has Angle covered and he hits a swanton. Hardy covers both men but they both kick out. Angle sends Hardy into Anderson on the apron and he hits the Olympic slam but only gets a two count.

Anderson goes up top but Angel comes over and hits Anderson. Angle sets for a super Olympic slam and he turns it into a belly-to-belly suplex. Hardy gets a near fall on Anderson. Angel with an Irish whip and Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind. Hardy with a Twist of Fate to Anderson and then he goes up top for the Swanton and he hits it on Anderson. Angle pulls him off and puts Hardy in the ankle lock. Anderson rolls over and he sees what is going on and Hardy escapes and sends Angle into Angle and Anderson hits the Mic Check and gets a super duper near fall.

Anderson picks up Angle and Angle with a sunset flip but Anderson rolls through and gets a near fall. Hardy with a near fall on a rollup. Hardy and Anderson with clotheslines and both are down. Angle goes to the top turnbuckle for the moonsault on Hardy and he gets a two count. Hardy falls out of the ring.

Anderson and Angle with punches. Anderson with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Angle tries for the Olympic slam but Anderson blocks it. Angle blocks the Mic Check. Angle clotheslines the referee when Anderson moves. Angle with a German suplex and then Anderson hits the Mic Check.

Eric Bischoff comes to the ring with a chair from Stage 19.

Hulk Hogan’s music plays and Bischoff stands frozen. Hogan is on the stage and he has crutches and Atlas Security to help him come to the ring. Hogan gingerly makes his way to the ring and Atlas holds the ropes for him. Bischoff throws the chair out of the ring. Hogan makes his way to Bischoff and he gives Bischoff a crutch.

Jeff Hardy rolls in and he comes between Bischoff and Hogan. Hogan gives the crutch to Hardy and Hardy hits Angle in the back with it. Bischoff is shocked at what he saw and says that was awesome. Hardy hits Anderson in the back with the other crutch. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Andeson and the referee makes the count while Bischoff kicks the referee.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match, Jeff Jarrett and Abyss come to the ring and Abyss hugs Hulk Hogan. Jarrett hugs Hardy and raises his hand. Abyss then celebrates with Jarrett.

Rob Van Dam comes out and wants to know what Hardy is doing. Hardy hits Van Dam with the title belt.

2012 - WWE broadcast Main Event.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are live on tape from San Jose, California and your announcers are Michael ‘Thornton’ Cole and The Miz.

Both Mikes are in the ring. Miz mentions that he is a network television star and Wednesday nights just got awesome. Cole mentions the main event of Randy Orton versus Big Show. Miz mentions that they have held twenty-eight titles between them. Miz says that Big Show is one of the most dangerous people in the WWE.

Cole mentions the contract that Big Show signed earlier this year and the path of destruction that has followed.

We go to a video package for the Big Show. He says that they saw him right away and saw dollar signs. Pat Patterson talks about how he is an attraction. Arn Anderson says that he has size and talent.

Show talks about the characters that he did. He says that he is fat and he is fed up. For eighteen years, he has been told to pull back to try to entertain people. He doesn’t care about being liked. He is not going to hold back or worry about anything. He is not an entertainer or someone who makes you happy.

Giants are might men of devastation. He is a giant.

We go to the locker room where Josh Mathews tries to get comments from Big Show about his match with Randy Orton. Show says that people think his win was a fluke. He is going to show that he is the most dominant force in the company. The WWE Universe is so fickle. That was when he realized that he was not going to cater to them.

Show holds his fist next to Josh Mathews’ face and he talks about what he can do to Josh’s face. It can happen so fast and your lights are out. Then you wake up and you have a headache for six days and he eat your dinner through a straw. He is going to reintroduce Randy Orton to this fist and no one will think that this win was a fluke.

We go back to the ring and Miz says that being a victim of the KO punch, he knows what it feels like. It is like a hammer going through your face. Cole mentions the size of Big Show’s fist.

We go to a video package for Randy Orton. People have called him cold, cruel, callous and that he only cares about himself. People say that he is ruthless, heartless, and merciless. Say what you will, but he is Randy Orton.

He was born to be a superstar as a third generation superstar.

Arn says that Randy had a lot of swagger and cockiness. John Cena says that he had a lot of talent. Triple H says that Randy Orton was the guy they wanted to put in Evolution. Randy was seen as the future of sports entertainment.

He is a natural with god given talent. He is motivated to be a better person in and out of the ring. There is nothing that can get in Randy’s way.

Randy is in the interview area with Matt Striker. Matt asks Randy about his recent set back, but he points out that Orton was not 100%. What can we expect from Randy tonight. Randy says that he is not here to make excuses. He will see Alberto Del Rio down the road, very soon.

He is not ashamed to lose to the Big Show, but he does not like losing. He does not believe that lightning strikes twice, but he knows that a viper can.

We go to commercial.


Match Number One: Randy Orton versus Big Show


Orton with kicks and punches to Show but Show puts Orton in the corner. Orton escapes and he punches Show. Show with a head butt and he sets for the Shhhhh chop but he takes too long and Orton with punches. Orton punches Show ten times in the corner and connects with a European uppercut but Show with a punch to the ribs.

Show continues to work on the ribs with another punch and then he hits the Shhhhh chop. Orton with punches but Show punches back. Show with a slam followed by an elbow drop for a near fall. Orton with punches to Show and he wants to connect with a clothesline but Show with a shoulder tackle.

Orton goes to the floor and Show follows. Show with a Shhhhh chop against the ringside barrier. Show tries to run Orton into the ring post but Orton escapes and Show is the one sent into the post. We go to commercial.

We are back and Show with a head butt and he walks across Orton’s chest. Show stands on Orton’s chest again. Show taunts Orton while he waits for Randy to get back to his feet. Show blocks a punch and connects with a punch of his own. Orton with punches to the head and body followed by a head butt.

Show with a bear hug as he works on the injured ribs. Orton with shots to the back of the neck to try to get out of the hold but Show continues with the vice grip on the midsection. Orton with head butts and he gets out of the hold. Show tries for a clothesline but Orton moves and Orton pushes Show over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton chops Show against the ringside barrier and then he punches Show in the head. They return to the ring and Orton stomps on the foot and he kicks Show. Orton with a modified Garvin Stomp and then he goes with the traditional version. Orton with a leaping knee drop and he gets a near fall.

Show punches Orton in the ribs to stop Randy’s momentum and Show is able to regroup. Show stands on Orton’s ribs again. Show with a claw to the ribs. Orton with punches but Show with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Show returns to the abdominal claw on Orton. Orton gets to his feet and he connects with some elbows to escape. Orton with a kick but Show with a short arm clothesline followed by another clothesline. Show with a running butt splash into the corner. Show sets for the running shoulder but Orton with a drop kick and he gets a near fall after crawling to make the cover.

Orton rolls to the floor and Show follows again. Show charges at Orton but Orton moves and he connects with a drop toe hold and it sends Show into the ring steps. Orton tries to pick up Show but he figures it is easier to win by count out.

Show gets on the apron and Orton with a boot to the head and Orton sets for the IEDDT on the top rope and he hits it. Orton gets a two count. Orton looks around and then he twists to the mat and he pounds it to set up for the RKO but Show does not get back to his feet. Eventually Show gets up and Orton hits the RKO but Big Show rolls to the floor and Orton shows some frustration.

Orton goes to the floor and he pounds the mat to set up for another RKO. Show sends Orton into the apron and Orton hits it with his ribs. Show sends Orton back into the ring and Show with an elbow drop to the back followed by the Colossal Clutch. Show releases the hold and then he drops three elbows to the back before reapplying the Colossal Clutch. Orton fights through the pain and he gets out of the hold.

Show with a choke slam for the three count.


Winner: Big Show


After the match, Matt Striker interviews Big Show on the stage. Show responds to the boos from the crowd. He says in two weeks at Hell in a Cell, he knocks out Sheamus and becomes the World’s Largest Champion.

The medical staff checks on Orton in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Josh Mathews is with Sheamus in the interview area. Josh asks Sheamus about Big Show’s comments. Sheamus says that when Show caught his Brogue Kick on Monday, he stopped him in his tracks. Big Show might be his biggest challenge. He came to the WWE to fight and Show is the biggest fight. If he can beat Big Show at Hell in a Cell, the win will be so much sweeter.


Match Number Two: Kofi Kingston versus Michael McGillicutty


The match is joined in progress and Kofi with a monkey flip for a near fall. Michael gets into the ropes to stop Kofi and then he punches Kofi followed by an axe to the back of the head. Michael with kicks to Kofi and then he sends Kofi into the turnbuckles and kicks and punches him.

Michael with a Saito suplex followed by a reverse chin lock. Kofi with punches but Michael with knees. Kofi with a head scissors that sends Michael into the turnbuckles. Kofi with a clothesline followed a chop and drop kick. Kofi with a Superman punch and he sets for the Boom Drop and he hits it.

Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Michael avoids it. Kofi hits SOS for the three count.


Winner: Kofi Kingston


After the match, Miz goes into the ring to interview Kofi.

Miz gives Kofi a mic and he tells Kofi that it was a nice win. Kofi thanks him and he says that it was a fun match. Miz throws out a few reallys after saying the match was fun. Vacations and roller coasters are fun.

Miz mocks Kofi saying it was fun. Kofi’s attitude devalues everything in the ring, including his Intercontinental Title. Miz says that he is a Wrestlemania Hall of Famer. He says that Kofi cheap shot him on Monday because that is the only way that he can be on Miz’s level. Miz tells Kofi that he will never be on his level.

Kofi asks Miz if he thinks he is a non-threat. Kofi suggests that maybe that is what he wants Miz to think. Maybe he is hiding a dagger behind that smile. He will never know unless Miz faces him one-on-one in the ring.

Miz tells Kofi to name the time and place.

Kofi tells him next week on Main Event, with the Intercontinental Title on the line.

Kofi asks Miz who is laughing now. Kofi reminds Miz that he was the Intercontinental Champion before. Miz doesn’t have to put the title on the line but that is because he was a better Intercontinental Champion than Miz will ever be.

Miz says that he will accept Kofi’s challenge.

Kofi says that sounds like fun.

Miz tries to hit Kofi but Kofi moves and Kofi with Trouble in Paradise. Kofi picks up the Intercontinental Title and he holds it over his head and he stands over Miz.

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