Jim Andrews sent us this item.
I listened to Steve Austin's latest podcast with Ric Flair.
The subject of Flair's taking over the panel came up. This is what Flair said about it.
"I don't know what happened last night. They told me to entertain 'em and I did. But apparently it wasn't received the way it was supposed to be. The people who are running the game loved it but the problem is corporate WWE gets mad at me, number one, which upsets me because I love the company and respect them so much. I guess we just drifted and told stories and they wanted the focus of the evening to be about the game."
Note from Dave: Ric, you didn't see those papers in JR's hands, you know the script for how the panel was supposed to go? You didn't see Paul Heyman rip that script up? You didn't see Jim Ross through the confetti in the air when it became clear he couldn't get control back?
You can listen to Austin's podcast at: www.Podcastone.com/Steve-Austin-Show
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