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By Dave Scherer on 2013-08-19 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Straight up, do you think that WWE and Darren Young set up his coming out or was it purely by chance?

The whole thing felt staged to me from the second it happened.  The reporter just HAPPENED to ask a gay man that question?  I don't believe that for a second. I think Young was ready to come out and WWE helped him do it, at a great time no less as it happened the week of SummerSlam.  Plus, now WWE can trumpet having an openly gay star, which puts them in the same class as The NBA, while getting them a ton of mainstream publicity.  Yep, I have a hard time believing it happened spontaneously.

Ok, we all know that another Monday night war will likely never happen. But what about a Thursday night war and a wrestling promotion competing with TNA? Do you think that would have any impact on the business? Your thoughts.

The only way I see that happening would be if WWE sold Smackdown to a different network (like the new Fox Sports channel for instance) and the network decided they wanted the show on Thursday nights.  For whatever reason, SyFy likes it on Friday night (which makes no sense to me since it's a dead night on TV).  Other than WWE, no one else has national TV and I don't see anyone else getting it any time soon.  The only impact I could see is that it would cost Impact viewers and wouldn't be good for TNA.

If Goldberg comes back will he go after The Undertaker's streak?

In his dreams!  First off, Bill is going to be 47 years old by next year's Mania.  For another, his first run in WWE didn't go all that well.  And beyond that, I don't see him being committed to the wrestling business.  So, I don't see any chance of him taking on The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30.

What do you think is of more significance (currently), the NXT championship or the Intercontinental/United States championships?

I would go with the WWE titles because at least it means you have made it to the top roster and have been given something of a push (and yes, I know there are varying degrees of those pushes).

Ok, now that Darren Young has come out, and seeing as how the McMahons are obsessed with mainstream coverage, it must be asked: is he conveniently going to start receiving a singles push and a singles title in the coming months? I'm not saying they will acknowledge his sexuality as part of a storyline, but the whole 'first openly gay superstar to hold a title/be a STAR/we're an anti-bullying, tolerant company' deal seems to good for WWE to pass up...

I think he will get a push in the PR department, as you mentioned.  I hope his sexuality stays out of the storylines and it wouldn't be fair to give him a push just because of his sexuality, but it could happen. 

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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