The Fabulous One- Jackie Fargo
The electricity he exuded when he entered a room, or an arena, was something that was truly rare and something that was never forgotten once witnessed. He set the bar for his ability to compel a wrestling audience to fixate on his every move and mannerism in the ring, and lead them through a myriad of emotions that made them beg for more.
Jackie was "often imitated, but never duplicated," although many who followed him tried. Having Jackie personally take Steve Keirn and myself under his wing and guidance while endorsing us to continue his lineage and legacy as "The Fabulous Ones" was a once in a lifetime blessing for me.
Remembering Jackie demonstrating to us at his house in Nashville over and over again on how to do his Fargo Strut correctly spoke volumes on how much he treasured his craft. Although we tried and tried, as many others have over the years, no one could do it quite like the original which is just the way it should be. He will be missed terribly, but spoken of often with a joy in our hearts and a smile on our face....
-Stan Lane
"The Fabulous Ones"
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