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By Richard Trionfo on 2013-05-24 23:17:51

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Welcome to’s coverage of Shine 10 from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.

Tonight’s show will finalize the field for the eight woman tournament to crown the first SHINE Champion on July 12th at Shine 11. One of the four ladies who have already qualified, Jessicka Havok, will put her spot on the line against Portia Perez. Who will join Saraya Knight, Rain, and Jazz in July?

Lenny Leonard is in the ring as we start the show. He mentions that the final four qualifying matches for the SHINE Championship tournament on July 12th. Lenny mentions that there have been some changes in SHINE.

Lenny brings out Daffney to address those issues. She makes her way into the ring. Lenny asks Daffney about what happened after SHINE 9 and he gives Lenny the mic.

Daffney says that when they started talking about this company, she jumped in and she is proud of what has been accomplished. She mentions the talent that has wrestled in this company. They are on the verge of crowning their first champion. Daffney says that some of these ladies need a dose of Vitamin D and that stands for Daffney. She talks about the disrespectful rookies stealing her entrance.

Daffney says that she knew enough to steal from the best. It is not just the rookies. Mercedes Martinez has been around forever. Daffney says that revenge is a cake best served in your face. Daffney says that she is concerned about the people in Valkyrie. Daffney says that they would not be as successful without April Hunter.

Daffney says that if April gets involved, she will make sure that they do not deal with her future clients.

Daffney says that she has the midas touch and everything she touches turns to gold. For her final act as live event hostess, she wants to introduce her replacement . . .

Daffney introduces the new hostess for SHINE, Chastity Taylor.

Daffney gives Chastity her note cards and she leaves the ring with Lenny.

Chastity thanks everyone in Shine for bringing her in.

Nikki takes the mic and she appreciates what Chastity is doing but she says that there is only one person who can do her introduction and she brings Daffney into the ring to do her introduction.

Match Number One: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier Nikki Roxx versus Allysin Kay (with April Hunter and Taylor Made)

The referee forces Taylor and April to the floor after they try to distract him allowing Allysin to hit Nikki from behind. Nikki with a sunset flip for a near fall. Nikki with an inside cradle for another near fall. Nikki with a rollup for a near fall. Nikki tries for a backslide but Allysin stays on her feet and she drives Nikki’s face into her knee.

Allysin with a kick to the midsection followed by a knee to the head. Allysin chokes Nikki in the ropes and April punches Nikki while the referee is not looking. Allysin chokes Nikki again and the referee warns Allysin again. Allysin with a punch and Irish whip. Allysin with a splash into the corner and she gets a near fall.

Allysin works on the neck but she does it with class but Nikki bites Allysin’s pinky and then she sends Allysin to the mat. Nikki with an arm wringer followed by a snap mare and then she stomps on Allysin’s hand and Nikki mocks Allysin.

Nikki with a forearm and then she avoids an Irish whip with a forearm. Nikki with a drop toe hold and a slam for a near fall. April throws something to Allysin and Allysin hits Nikki with it. Allysin gets a near fall and then she punches Nikki. Allysin with a cravate and knees to the chest.

Allysin with forearms in the corner followed by an Irish whip but she runs into a boot from Nikki. Nikki with forearms and she sends Allysin to the mat. Nikki with a double sledge followed by an Irish whip and a running shoulder into the corner. Allysin blocks the running boot and then she avoids an O’Connor Roll and Nikki with a Fallaway slam for a near fall.

Nikki puts on the foreign objection that Allysin used earlier and she hits a splash into the corner. Nikki with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Nikki with a drop onto Allysin and she gets a near fall.

Nikki knocks April and Taylor off the apron and Nikki with a boot for a near fall. Allysin with a discus clothesline for the three count.

Winner: Allysin Kay (Allysin advances to the SHINE Title Tournament)

Match Number Two: Special Attraction Match Ivelisse (with April Hunter) versus Amber O’Neal

Amber and Ivelisse get chest to chest before the bell rings. Amber with a double leg take down and she punches Ivelisse. Amber with a snap mare and a seated full nelson from a split and then she rolls Ivelisse over and traps the arms and applies a version of Cattle Mutilation. Amber with an arm bar and hammer lock but Ivelisse tries to find a way to escape and she almost gets to the ropes but Amber pulls her to the mat.

Ivelisse gets on the middle rope and when the referee tells her to release the hold, she obliges and Ivelisse falls to the mat. Amber with an arm drag and Irish whip followed by a clothesline into the corner. Ivelisse slaps Amber to avoid the stinkface.

Ivelisse stays on her feet when Amber tries for a sunset flip. Amber slaps Ivelisse on the rear end a few times but Ivelisse sends Amber into the ropes and then she kicks Amber. Ivelisse with a near fall. Ivelisse with kicks to the chest and then she pushes Amber to the mat and gets a near fall.

Ivelisse sends Amber into the turnbuckles but Ivelisse misses a splash into the corner. Ivelisse avoids Amber’s charge into the corner and Ivelisse sends Amber into the turnbuckles. Ivelisse with a guillotine choke in the ropes and the referee warns her. April interferes while the referee deals with Ivelisse and Ivelisse gets a near fall.

Ivelisse kicks Amber and then she applies a front face lock and takes Amber to the mat. Ivelisse with a forearm followed by an Irish whip but Amber with a head scissors in the ropes. Amber with a rollup for a near fall. Ivelisse catches Amber with a clothesline when Amber charges at her and Ivelisse gets a near fall. Ivelisse picks Amber up by the hair and sends her back to the mat.

Ivelisse with another front face lock but Amber with an STO and both women are down. Ivelisse with a forearm but Amber fires back. They go back and forth until Amber gets the advantage. Amber with a shoulder tackle and clothesline followed by a kick and an X Factor for a near fall.

Ivelisse backs into the corner and Amber with a drop kick. Amber with a stinkface to Ivelisse. Ivelisse pulls Amber into the turnbuckles and then she applies the guillotine into a DDT for the three count.

Winner: Ivelisse

After the match, Taylor Made and Allysin Kay come out to celebrate with their fellow Valkyrie member. However, Rain is conspicuous with her absence.

Allysin and Taylor stay in the ring while Ivelisse and Amber go to the back. Allysin grabs Amber and Santana comes to the ring to take care of Taylor. Santana and Amber give Allysin a double side Russian leg sweep.

Match Number Three: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier Santana versus Kimberly

They lock up and Kimberly with a fireman’s carry. Santana with a waist lock but Kimberly with an elbow and a reversal. Kimberly with a waist lock take down and she does some pushups on Santana. They lock up and Kimberly tries for a fireman’s carry but Santana lands on her feet. Kimberly with a drop toe hold.

Santana with forearms to Kimberly but Kimberly pushes Santana away. Santana with shoulder tackles. Santana with a head scissors take down and Kimberly goes to the floor. Kimberly trips Santana and Santana kicks Kimberly away. Santana with forearms on the floor and then she rolls Kimberly back into the ring. Santana with forearms and the referee warns Santana.

Kimberly with a clothesline and then she curb stomps Santana. Kimberly pulls Santana up by the hair and then she applies a hair assisted Gory Special into a Gory Bomb. Santana with punches to Kimberly but Kimberly with a power slam but she takes too long to make the cover so she can only get a near fall. Kimberly with a series of near falls. Santana bridges and then she kicks Kimberly.

Santana with a monkey flip but they hold on to the Greco Roman knuckle lock. Kimberly with a monkey flip and Santana lands on her feet. Santana with clotheslines followed by a handspring splash into the corner. Santana with a kick to Kimberly but Kimberly gets a near fall with a rollup.

Santana with a side Russian leg sweep into a modified octopus. Kimberly leans back and gets a near fall. Santana with a wrist lock and she goes to the turnbuckles but Kimberly pushes her away. Kimberly counters a rana with a power bomb but she can only get a two count.

Kimberly starts to yell at her friend in the ring post and then she kicks Santana. She starts to focus on the hamstring but Santana kicks her away. Santana applies a cross arm breaker but Kimberly tries to fight through the pain and she is able to counter into a near fall and then she applies a Cloverleaf.

Santana crawls to the ropes and Kimberly has to release the hold. Kimberly eventually releases the hold but she starts to scream. Santana with an enzuigiri and then she tries for the handspring moonsault but Kimberly moves. Santana drops Kimberly across the top rope. Santana with a kick and then she hits the handspring moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Santana (Santana advances into the SHINE Title Tournament)

Chastity announces that at Evolve 22, Ivelisse will face Mia Yim in a SHINE Showcase Match.

Match Number Four: Sojo Bolt, Sassy Stephie, and Jessie Belle versus Heidi Lovelace, Solo Darling, and Luscious Latasha

Latasha and Bolt start things off. Bolt has some words for Latasha and she pushes her around the ring by the chest. Latasha pushes back and Bolt tries for a clothesline but Latahsa moves. Latasha with an arm wringer and drop kick. Jessie tags in and Latasha sends her into the corner and then she tags in Darling. Jessie escapes and she wants a test of strength because of her height advantage.

They lock up and Darling stomps on the feet and she takes Belle down with an arm drag. Stephie tags in and Darling with a drop toe hold and front face lock. Lovelace tags in and she hits a series of arm drags and applies an arm bar. Darling tags in and they connect with knees followed by a double suplex. Jessie tries to attack Darling and Lovelace but she falls victim to a double team attack.

They play tug of war with Bolt in the ropes and Darling and Latasha lets go and Bolt falls on her partners. Darling and Latasha with a double baseball slide that sends them back to the floor. Lovelace goes up top and hits a cross body.

Darling with a side head lock on Stephie and Bolt with a knee to the back when the referee was distracted by Belle. Stephie with forearms to the back and Belle tags in. They send Darling into the turnbuckles to work on the back. Bolt tags in and she hits a back breaker. Bolt gets a near fall. Bolt sends Darling into the turnbuckles and Stephie tags back in and she chops Darling and then Stephie applies a version of the Last Chancery.

Darling with a near fall. Stephie with a rake of the eyes. Belle tags in and she runs Darling’s eyes along the top rope. Darling with forearms to Bolt and Stephie on the apron and Latasha tags in and Latasha with a crucifix for a near fall. Latasha with a near fall on a rollup. Belle with a clothesline to Latasha for a near fall.

Bolt goes up top after being tagged in and she hits an elbow drop but she can only get a near fall. Stephie tags in and she works on the neck. Bolt tags in and she pulls Latasha to the mat and she gets a near fall.

Latasha with punches but Bolt with a knee to stop her. Latasha with elbows but Bolt sends her back to the mat and stops Latasha’s attempts to get to her corner. Bolt grabs Latasha’s leg but Latasha kicks her away. Belle tags in but so does Lovelace. Heidi with clotheslines and a back heel kick and an X Factor for a near fall. Darling takes care of Jessie.

Lovelace with a kick to Bolt followed by a head scissors driver but Bolt is not the legal person in the match so the referee does not count. Lovelace tries for a suplex but Stephie blocks it. Belle with a drop kick and Stephie with Kiss My Sass for the three count.

Winners: Sassy Stephie, Jessie Belle, and Sojo Bolt

Match Number Five: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier Leva Bates versus Taylor Made (with April Hunter and Allysin Kay)

Taylor wonders how ‘mad’ Leva really is in her ‘Mad Max’ gear.

Leva with a forearm and clothesline followed by kicks in the corner. Leva with a forearm across the chest and Taylor goes to the floor to regroup with Allysin and April. Leva with a drop toe hold and then she connects with forearms across the upper chest. Leva gets a near fall.

Leva puts Taylor in the tree of woe and then she connects with forearms across the chest. Leva with a running drop kick and Taylor falls out of the turnbuckles. Leva gets a near fall. Allysin grabs Leva’s foot and Taylor with kicks. Taylor slams Leva’s head into the mat.

Taylor puts Leva in the ropes and connects with a forearm. Taylor with kicks to Leva followed by a forearm and then Taylor yells at the referee. Taylor with a chop followed by a kick to the back of the leg. Taylor with a forearm but Leva with punches. Taylor with a forearm to the back for a near fall.

Leva and Taylor exchange forearms. Taylor gets the advantage and a near fall. Taylor with an Irish whip and then she facewashes Leva with her boot. April chokes Leva while Taylor and Allysin distract the referee. Taylor with a forearm to the back and she gets a near fall. Taylor with a step over toe hold and she pulls Leva into her assets and gets a near fall.

Taylor with a reverse chin lock and body scissors. Leva gets to her feet and she connects with elbows but Taylor pulls Leva back to the mat. Taylor kicks Leva and connects with forearms. Taylor sends Leva into the turnbuckles and chokes her in the corner. Taylor with forearms in the corner.

Leva blocks a clothesline and she hits the Stroke. Leva with a clothesline and kicks followed by a running knee lift for a near fall. Leva with a forearm and she sends Taylor shoulder first into the ring post and Leva with a drop kick that sends her into the post again.

Leva with a double stomp for a near fall. Taylor with Eat Defeat but she can only get a near fall. Leva hits a Pedigree for a near fall. Taylor gets a near fall. April gets on the apron to argue with the referee. Allysin gives Taylor a chair but Leva with a Van Daminator for the three count.

Winner: Leva Bates (Advances to SHINE Title Tournament)

Match Number Six: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier Mercedes Martinez versus Mia Yim

Mia gets a near fall with a rollup when Martinez argues with Daffney at ringside. Mia with a front face lock and then she gets a near fall with a La Magistral. Mia with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall followed by a head scissors. Martinez with a power bomb and she gets a near fall.

Martinez punches Mia and the referee warns her. Martinez sends Mia into the turnbuckles and she gives Mia the first of what will probably be many chops. Martinez with forearms and another loud chop. Martinez gets a near fall. Martinez chokes Mia and the referee warns her. Martinez tries for a delayed vertical suplex but Mia with a knee.

Martinez puts Mia on the top rope and hits a twisting suplex for a near fall. Martinez with forearms in the corner but she runs into a boot from Mia. Miz with a Tarantula in the ropes. Martinez with a boot that knocks Mia from the corner and Martinez with a drop kick to the head and she gets a near fall. Martinez chokes Mia in the ropes. Martinez with another chop and she chokes Mia in the corner.

Martinez with a thumb to the eyes and then she puts Mia on the turnbuckles and connects with a series of punches. Mia with a head butt to avoid the superplex and it sends Martinez to the mat. Mia with a cross body and then Martinez tries for the fisherman’s buster but Mia blocks it and applies an Octopus.

Martinez is able to escape but Martinez tries for a cross body and Mia ducks down and Martinez goes to the floor. Mia goes for a suicide dive and Martinez with a punch to Mia. Martinez gets a near fall. Martinez with two rolling suplexes followed by a brainbuster for a near fall.

Martinez misses a boot to the head but Mia with a back heel kick followed by a kick to the back of the head. Mia with a quebrada for a near fall. Martinez counters a wheelbarrow into a front driver and she gets a near fall. Martinez shows some frustration but she decides to transfer that energy into forearms and chops.

Mia with slaps and kicks followed by a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Mia goes up top and hits a missile drop kick that sends Martinez across the ring. Mia pulls Martinez out of the corner and she signals that it is over. Mia goes up top for a corkscrew moonsault but Martinez moves out of the way.

Martinez with a Saito suplex and she tries for the fisherman’s buster but Mia counters with an inside cradle and she gets the three count.

Winner: Mia Yim (Advances to SHINE Title Tournament)

Match Number Seven: SHINE Championship Tournament Spot on the Line Jessicka Havok versus Portia Perez

Jessicka has something to say to Portia before the referee rings the bell and Portia looks a little intimidated. Then the referee takes her airplane.

Portia lays down for Jessicka but Havok wonders if there is an ulterior motive and Portia set up the trap and gets a near fall with an inside cradle.

Portia with a rollup for a near fall as she tries to get the quick and surprise pinfall victory. Portia wants everyone to be quiet so she can concentrate against Jessicka. Portia wants a test of strength and some in the building wonder if that is a smart thing. Portia switches arms but when they finally lock up, Portia stomps on Havok’s foot and gets a near fall with a rollup.

Portia retreats into the ropes. Portia tries to apologize for what she did and she offers her hand. Jessicka shakes it but she kicks Portia to the mat and Portia goes to the floor. Portia decides to relax in a chair at ringside. Portia tries to rip a fan’s sign but she is not successful. Havok pulls Portia to the apron. They each miss punches but Portia drops Havok’s arm on the top rope and then she starts to work on Jessicka’s arm and wraps it in the ropes.

Havok with a shoulder tackle and then she catches Perez on a leap frog attempt and she puts Perez on the top turnbuckle. Perez flinches when Jessicka teases a punch. Havok follows Perez to the floor and she kicks Perez around the floor. Perez with a rake of the eyes while the referee continues his count.

Havok with forearms and then she chops Perez against the ring post. Havok goes for a running elbow but Perez moves and Havok hits the ring post. Perez continues to work on the arm. Havok with a back heel kick and head butts. Havok with more head butts but it hurts her as much. Perez does everything she can to avoid being power bombed onto the apron.

Havok misses a kick and Perez with a super kick. Perez returns to the ring and the referee starts his count. Perez puts on Havok’s mask while she waits for Jessicka to return to the ring. Perez with kicks but it only makes her angrier. Havok with a series of kicks followed by a knee to the back.

Havok yells at Perez and Perez covers up as she prepares for the onslaught of kicks in the corner. The referee warns Havok and Havok with a running boot into the corner. Havok with another running boot to the head in the corner. Perez with a flatline into the turnbuckles and both women are down.

Havok gets up first but Perez with a jawbreaker. Perez with another flatline but Havok kicks out at two. Perez waits for Havok to get up and she tries for a super kick but Havok blocks it. Havok with a boot to the chest and she gets a near fall. Perez tries for a sunset flip but Havok pulls her up and sends Perez into the turnbuckles. Havok runs into a boot or two.

Perez goes to the turnbuckles for a cross body but Havok catches her and Havok hits The Demon Drop for the three count.

Winner: Jessicka Havok (Jessicka remains in the SHINE Title Tournament)

Match Number Eight: Valkyrie Banned from Ringside Rain versus Angelina Love

Rain attacks Angelina during the introductions and then she Irish whips Angelina but Angelina with an elbow and kicks to Rain. Angelina with a flying clothesline and shoulder tackle. Angelina with a kick and a snap mare followed by a kick to the back and a drop kick. Rain with a kick but Angelina with a standing power slam for a near fall.

Rain holds on to the ropes and the referee forces Angelina to let go. Rain with a neck breaker. Rain does push ups while choking Angelina. Rain wraps Angelina’s arms in the ropes and then she connects with a running knee into the back and she gets a near fall. Rain kicks Angelina but Angelina with punches.

Rain with a knee to the head. Rain with a forearm to the back after sending Angelina into the ropes. Rain yells at Angelina and then she picks Angelina up by the hair. Rain with a hard Irish whip. Rain with another hard Irish whip as she continues to work on the back. Rain with knees to the back and she gets a near fall. Rain chokes Angelina in the ropes.

Rain with a back breaker for a near fall. Rain with a side slam for a near fall and she questions the referee’s count. Rain chokes Angelina. Rain tries for a superplex but Angelina blocks it and she pushes Rain to the mat. Rain with a running forearm to Angelina that staggers her. Rain gets Angelina on her shoulders but Angelina with a victory roll for a near fall.

Angelina with a back slide for a near fall. Rain with a kick and a cravate. Rain with a swinging cravate neck breaker for a near fall. Rain with a Gory Special and she does dips to add more pressure to Angelina’s back. Rain sends Angelina to the mat. Rain gets a near fall.

Angelina with a leaping flatliner and both women are down. Angelina with a running shoulder into the corner followed by a clothesline and elbow. Angelina with an Irish whip and bulldog and both women are down again. Angelina gets a near fall. Angelina with another near fall.

Rain goes to the floor but Angelina with a baseball slide that sends Rain into the wall. Angelina with a kick to Rain and then she sends Rain into the apron.

Allysin Kay comes out and she hits the referee from behind. Angelina returns to the ring and Allysin hits her with a bat. Daffney checks on the referee and Rain gets the three count.

Winner: Rain

Lexie Fyfe comes out and she wants Allysin Kay to show herself. Lexie says that Allysin will be suspended for 90 days due to her actions. She is out of the SHINE Tournament.

Security is called out to take Allysin out of the building.

Match is restarted

The match is restarted. Rain with a clothesline for a near fall. Rain tries for a power slam but Angelina with a bicycle kick for the three count.

Winner: Angelina Love

Thank you for following the coverage of SHINE 10. SHINE returns on July 12th with SHINE 11 and the crowning of the first SHINE Champion. I will have my thoughts on the show in the SHINE 10 Post Game Show in the Elite Section.

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