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I have bought every WrestleMania for as long as I can remember but I am not feeling it this year. Why should I buy the show tonight instead of just reading the site?
I haven't liked the build either, but if you have bought a lot of shows, I would say buy it because it's WrestleMania and you want to see it. You love the business and this is the biggest day of the year. You should be part of it if you can afford the astronomical price. If that price is too much, find a place that is showing it and watch it cheaper. Honestly, I think there will be some good work on the show.
I read your blog over the weekend and I am wondering should I buy WrestleMania tonight or the Supercard of Honor replay? I don't mind watching via HDMI.
If it's an either or question, it's no contest. Buy ROH's replay at I already know that show is awesome, and you will save a LOT of money.
Dixie Carter has an action figure. Does it act badly? Why does she have one when so many of her wrestlers don't? Is she that big of a mark?
I have no answer that justifies a woman in her late 40s having an action figure. I find it ridiculous as well, plus the guys and girls that take bumps should have figures.
Dixie Carter tweeted about meeting Stephanie McMahon-Levesque. Stephanie didn't acknowledge it. Doesn't Dixie realize how pathetic she is? And I thought it was bad that she actually tweeted about Reid Flair's funeral.
Updated: When I typed this up yesterday, Steph hasn't responded. 15 hours after Dixie wrote the tweet, Steph wrote "Thank you Dixie!" With that said, it did come across to me as an attention seeking gesture as well. No way I see Stephanie tweeting Dixie first.
Over the weekend, I noticed that one of the two sites I go to for wrestling news charged for things like ROH's iPPV and Evolve results, even though they were free here. Why do they do that? They have a pay site like you do, but PWInsider doesn't do that.
I can't answer why someone makes the business decisions that they do but I do know that if the site has a pay side, they were probably trying to get people to subscribe. There are a few sites that work a lot of hours to put out original information and they need to generate revenue where they can, especially when a lot of people rip them (and us) off. Personally, I think "pay only" should be used in rare cases, like less that 5% of the total articles, and it should be for things that are exclusive.
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