The iPPV starts off with Rich Swann performing All Night Long.
Your announcer is Lenny Leonard.
Match Number One: Special Attraction Match: Brian Kendrick versus Rich Swann
The crowd is split for Swann and Kendrick based on the chants for the wrestlers. They shake hands. They lock up and Kendrick backs Swann into the ropes and he gives a clean break. They lock up again and Kendrick with a wrist lock as he takes Swann to the mat. Swann rolls through and reverses and he puts Kendrick in a hammer lock. Kendrick kicks Swann to escape.
Kendrick with a key lock and he takes Swann to the mat one more time. Swann with a reversal and he does a headstand into a bridge to add more pressure. Swann gets a near fall. They lock up again and Kendrick with a hip toss but Swann lands on his feet. Each man tries for a hip toss but they are thwarted by their opponents. Swann uses the ropes for a take down and rollup to counter a hip toss from Kendrick.
Kendrick with a side head lock and he connects with shoulders in the corner. Swann with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot from Kendrick. Swann with an enzuigiri and a leaping rana that sends Kendrick from the turnbuckles to the apron. Swann with a running forearm and then he hits a senton from the apron and both men are down.
Swann sends Kendrick into the ring and Swann takes his time getting back into the ring. Swann with a handspring into an Ace Crusher for a near fall. Swann with a slam and he goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall.
Swann with a chop and Swann puts Kendrick on the turnbuckles. Swann calls for a brainbuster while on the turnbuckles but Kendrick with punches and he pushes Swann to the mat. Swann runs into a boot and Kendrick leaps over Swann and hits a Burning Hammer for a near fall.
Kendrick with a full nelson on Swann but Swann gets to his feet. Swann escapes with an arm drag but Kendrick with a rollup as Swann charges at him. Swann with a round kick and shooting star press from the mat for a near fall. Swann tries for a suplex but Kendrick gets to his feet. Kendrick gets out of a suplex attempt and Swann avoids Sliced Bread #2 and Swann with an enzuigiri for the three count.
Winner: Rich Swann
After the match, Chuck Taylor comes to the ring and he has a mic. Chuck sits on the apron and he tells Brian that he saw his funny little promos and he calls them artistic or autistic. Chuck says that Brian talks about the Gentleman’s Club is pissing away any opportunity that they have. Brian says that is ironic because of all of the talent that Brian pissed away.
Brian had everything he could have wanted in wrestling and he pissed it away. Brian is back in DGUSA and he can’t even beat Rich Swann, the laughingstock of Dragon Gate USA. Chuck says that they are not going to make the same mistakes that Brian did. They are good at what they do and they are better than Brian is and has ever been.
Chuck wants to know if Brian is going to hit him but Brian takes the mic. He says that Chuck makes a lot of good points. The good news is that they will have a chance to find out tomorrow. Brian tosses the mic at Chuck and leaves the ring.
Chuck picks up the mic and says that they are going to find out tomorrow. Last year we had the Chuck Taylor Invitational. There are five other assholes in the back who think they can take care of him so why not bring them out here.
Match Number Two: (Chuck Taylor Invitational) Six Way Freestyle: Chuck Taylor versus Arik Cannon (with Pabst Blue Ribbon) versus Jigsaw versus Anthony Nese versus Fire Ant versus Shane Strickland
Taylor and Fire Ant start things off. Taylor tells people not to clap and that did not work. Taylor charges at Fire Ant and Fire Ant takes Taylor down. Fire Ant with a springboard into an arm drag and then he chops Taylor and hits a head scissors take down. Taylor goes to the floor and Jigsaw is tagged in. Cannon also enters the match. Jigsaw takes Cannon to the mat and he works on the ankle but Cannon with a side head lock.
Cannon with a side head lock take down but Jigsaw with a head scissors. Cannon tries to escape and he is successful and he applies a side head lock. Cannon with a wrist lock but Jigsaw with a reversal. Cannon with a reversal and Irish whip. Jigsaw with an arm drag and drop kick. Cannon goes to the floor and Jigsaw with a pescado onto Cannon.
Strickland and Nese enter the ring. Strickland with an arm drag and drop kick. Nese sends Strickland to the apron and Strickland with a sunset flip attempt but Nese stays on his feet. Nese with a quebrada for a near fall. Nese with a slam to Strickland and he tags in Taylor. Taylor kicks Strickland.
Taylor with a drop kick and Taylor is impressed with himself. Taylor with a near fall. Jigsaw tags in and he works on Strickland’s ribs and follows with chops. Jigsaw with a drop kick for a near fall. Fire Ant tags in and he gets a rollup on Fire Ant for a near fall. Fire Ant with a snap mare and then he hits a snap elbow drop or tow and then he hits a senton splash. Fire Ant gets a near fall.
Strickland with a forearm and chop followed by a punch and elbows. Fire Ant with a chop and he tags in Cannon. Cannon pushes Fire Ant away and he chops Strickland. Cannon with a delayed vertical suplex. Cannon tags Nese in and he kicks Strickland. Nese with a punch to the chin and he gets a near fall. Taylor warns Nese about cheating.
Cannon tags himself in and he pushes Nese away. Cannon with a European uppercut on Strickland followed by a forearm. Cannon with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot from Strickland. Jigsaw is tagged in and he kicks Cannon. Jigsaw with a rana to Cannon that sends him to the floor and Jigsaw with a plancha. Jigsaw stops Fire Ant. Taylor with a plancha. Fire Ant with a springboard dive. Strickland sends Nese to the floor and then Nese trips Strickland when Shane tries for a dive to the floor. Nese hits the Fosbury Flop onto everyone on the floor.
Strickland rolls into the ring and he tries for a dive to the floor but he falls off the ropes into the ring. Strickland with a suicide dive that does not completely hit its target.
Arik Cannon teases a dive to the floor but it is the beer frame. Chuck has a sip and then Strickland drop kicks Cannon and Taylro drops his beer. Jigsaw with an overhead suplex to Strickland. Cannon and Jigsaw exchange chops. Jigsaw with a kick to Cannon but Cannon with a lariat. Cannon misses a moonsault from the turnbuckles.
Fire Ant comes in and Jigsaw gets an assist on a DDT to Cannon. Nese with a package power bomb on Fire Ant for a near fall. Nese with elbows to Taylor but Taylor with an uranage and kick for a near fall. Taylor with a forearm to Nese but Nese with an Irish whip. Taylor with a knee but Strickland sends Taylor to the floor. Fire Ant with a cross body. Cannon with a kick to Fire Ant. Cannon with a punch but Jigsaw with a super kick to Cannon.
Everyone is down in and around the ring. Strickland goes up top but Cannon crotches him. Cannon hits a spider suplex on Strickland but Jigsaw with a drop kick. Fire Ant avoids Awful Waffle and Fire Ant with a guillotine choke and then a stunner. Jigsaw with a brainbuster to Fire Ant. Nese with a rollup into a single arm buckle bomb. Nese with a running kick to Jigsaw’s head.
Nese goes up top but Strickland crotches him. Strickland is stopped by Cannon but Strickland with a kick. Strickland is caught by Cannon but Strickland hits a flip pile driver on Cannon. Nese with a 450 splash onto Strickland for the three count.
Winner: Anthony Nese
Match Number Three: Derek Ryze versus Scott Reed (with Larry Dallas)
Before the match starts, Larry Dallas takes the mic and the crowd is not happy that he is speaking. Larry says that he gave Caleb Konley the night off.
Reed with a kick and forearms to the back. Ryze with a kicks to Reed and he kicks Reed in the head. Reed holds the ropes to stop an Irish whip. Ryze with a kick to the head. Reed with a double pump power slam and a kick to the midsection. Reed sends Ryze to the floor.
Reed with a forearm across the chest. Reed with a pump handle back breaker and then he punches Ryze in the head. Reed gets a near fall. Reed with a chop and knee to the midsection. Reed with a kick to the head and he tries for a suplex but Ryze escapes and he kicks Reed. Ryze with an inside cradle for a near fall. Reed with Smash Mouth for the three count.
Winner: Scott Reed
After the match, Caleb Konley makes his way to the ring and Larry tells Caleb that he was given the night off and Caleb takes the mic and he tells Larry to shut the f*** up and he will do the talking tonight.
Caleb calls Larry a greasy slimeball and they are done with this. Caleb says that Larry has not helped them. They are sick of Larry’s lies and Scott tells Caleb they are better than this.
Scott attacks Caleb from behind and Reed with a kick but Konley with a spinebuster and he clotheslines Reed over the top rope to the floor. Dallas tries to escape but Konley grabs Larry and Marti Belle slaps Larry and she takes Dallas to the mat and she connects with forearms. Konley with a Michinoku Driver and Scott pulls Larry out of the ring.
Match Number Four: Jon Davis versus Trent?
The bell rings and Jon stays in the corner and waits until he is ready. Jon finally gets up and they lock up. Jon backs Trent into the corner and Davis with a clean break but the stare is not as clean. They lock up again and Davis sends Trent to the mat. Trent with a chop and Jon is not happy. Jon misses a punch and Trent with another chop. Trent with a side head lock.
Davis with a shoulder tackle and forearm to the back. Davis with an elbow to the back of the neck. Trent with a head scissors and drop kick to the knees and Davis goes to the floor. Trent with a plancha onto Davis.
Trent returns Davis to the ring and gets a near fall. Trent with a chop. Davis blocks the head scissors and he gets Trent on his shoulders but Trent with elbows. Davis tosses Trent into the air and Davis with a flying Yakuza kick.
Davis knocks Trent off the apron and into the guardrail. Davis goes to the floor and he chops Trent and then he teases another one and he throws Trent back into the ring and he gives the fans the finger. Davis with a kick to the back and then he slams Trent. Davis with a forearm to the head followed by an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Davis with a German suplex and he gets a near fall.
Trent with forearms to the midsection but Davis with a knee to the head. Davis slams Trent and he kicks Trent in the upper back. Davis with a kick to the midsection and then he throws Trent to the floor.
Davis goes to the floor and Trent with forearms and chops but Davis hot shots Trent onto the guardrail. Davis runs Trent into the apron a few times. Davis sends Trent back into the ring and Davis with shoulders to the kidney area. Davis puts Trent on the turnbuckles but Trent with elbows to knock Davis to the mat.
Trent sets for a corkscrew dive onto Davis and he hits it and gets a near fall. Trent with chops and forearms followed by an enzuigiri. Trent with a second one and Davis stays on his feet. A third one takes Davis to the mat. Trent goes up top and hits a missile drop kick. Trent tells Davis to get up and he hits the flying knee and he gets a near fall.
Davis gets back to his feet in the corner and Trent with the double jump elbow but Davis with a choke slam and Shining Wizard for a near fall. Trent has trouble getting back to his feet and Davis waits for Trent to get up. Trent slaps Davis and Davis pushes Trent into the corner and he head butts Trent repeatedly but he does not stop and the referee makes the five count.
Winner: Trent? (by disqualification)
After the match, Davis clotheslines the referee and then he gives Trent Three Seconds Around the World.
Davis demands the mic. Jon says that he could give a s*** less what the idiots want. After he had victory stolen from him last night, he is a man who has nothing to lose. If he is going to be miserable, they are going to be miserable. Everyone is going to be miserable. Jon says if everyone wants to play favorites, he will challenge anyone to come into the ring to face him right now. He wants to know who everyone’s favorite is so he can face them.
The fans chant for Super Dragon.
Jon says that nobody in the back wants anything to do with him.
The fans chant for Hogan and Davis says that he would beat the s*** out of him.
Match Number Five: Special Tag Team Attraction Match: Super Smash Brothers versus EITA and Tomahawk TT (CIMA’s Secret Weapon)
They shake hands before the match begins. Uno and EITA start things off, but Dos takes his place. They lock up and EITA with a waist lock but Dos with a standing switch and side head lock. EITA with a drop toe hold and a front face lock. EITA works on the wrist. Dos with a reversal into a side head lock. Dos with a shoulder tackle.
EITA with a drop kick to the head when Dos expects EITA to leap over him. EITA with a forearm. Dos with a head scissors but EITA with a chop and Dos is in pain. Dos needs a minute and he tags in Uno. Uno says that he is not scared of him and he asks EITA to tag in Tomahawk TT. Uno and Tomahawk push each other. Uno with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Tomahawk stays on his feet. Tomahawk with a shoulder tackle and Uno stays on his feet. Neither man goes down after almost a dozen shoulder tackles. Uno with a forearm but Tomahawk with a chop and Uno goes down to his knees. Uno tells Tomahawk to stop when he comes off the ropes because he is still in pain from the chop.
Tomahawk with a shoulder tackle and Uno blocks a kick. Uno gives the referee Tomahawk’s leg so he can hit a neck breaker. Dos tags in and they hit a double back elbow followed by a standing moonsault and fist drop combination for a near fall. Dos with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Dos sends TT into Uno’s boot and Uno tags in. Uno slams TT and then the Smash Brothers pose. Uno with a chop to TT and he gives him another chop. Uno with a third chop and TT is ready to chop Uno and Uno is not happy. Uno with a forearm. TT with a squat delayed suplex. EITA sends Dos to the floor.
TT chops Dos into the crowd. EITA with a forearm to the back of the head. EITA and TT drop Uno on the top rope and they hit a running double drop kick for a near fall. Uno with a head butt to EITA’s midsection. Uno with a chop but EITA with a chop. EITA and TT with a double kick and double chop. EITA and TT with a double hip toss followed by a double drop kick. TT sends Dos to the floor with a drop kick.
EITA with kicks to Uno. EITA chops Uno in the corner but Uno chops back. They go back and forth and then they go to double thrusts. Uno with a downward spiral. Dos with a cross body onto TT and then he drop kicks EITA off the apron. Dos with a German suplex and then he hits a suicide dive onto EITA. Dos tries for a quebrada but TT catches him. Dos counters with a DDT and he gets a near fall.
Uno tags in and they hit a side slam and springboard elbow drop combination but only get a two count. Dos holds Uno and he tags in. EITA and TT with kicks but Dos with a double Pele kick. TT with a forearm to Dos. Uno with a punch to TT. TT with a kick to Uno. Dos with a leg lariat to TT and then Uno puts TT in the Sharpshooter. Dos tries to hold EITA back but EITA sends Dos into Uno to get TT out of the hold.
EITA and TT alternate chopping Uno. EITA chops Uno and TT with an inverted suplex for a near fall. TT chops Dos. TT with a running chop to Dos followed by one from EITA. TT lifts Dos into the air and they hit the Doomsday Lungblower but Uno breaks up the cover.
Uno with jabs to TT and EITA but EITA and TT with kicks. EITA misses a splash into the corner and he kicks TT. Dos with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on TT into EITA.
Dos goes up top and he hits a 450 while Uno hits a cannonball onto EITA. TT kicks out at two. Uno calls for Fatality and Dos goes up top. EITA crotches Dos. TT with a lariat to Uno. EITA with a tightrope rana on Dos and then TT holds Dos. EITA with a moonsault onto Uno on the floor. TT with Night Ride for the three count.
Winners: EITA and Tomahawk TT
After the match, The Super Smash Brothers applaud the performance of their opponents and they shake hands and hug.
Match Number Six: Special Attraction Match: Akira Tozawa (with Christina Von Eerie) versus Ricochet
They lock up and Tozawa works on the wrist. Ricochet with a reversal. Ricochet stomps on the hand and then he kicks at Von Eerie’s hand when she goes to check on Tozawa. Ricochet with a front face lock on Tozawa but Tozawa with an escape and hammer lock. Ricochet with a wrist lock once he gets back to his feet.
Ricochet with a hammer lock. Ricochet with a head scissors and Tozawa escapes. Tozawa misses a kick and Ricochet misses one, but Ricochet connects with a kick. Ricochet with a head scissors followed by a drop kick that sends Tozawa to the floor. Ricochet with a double jump shooting star press onto Tozawa.
Ricochet sends Tozawa back into the ring and Ricochet gets a near fall. Ricochet with a rollup for a near fall. Tozawa backs into the corner and Ricochet chokes him. Tozawa grabs Ricochet but Ricochet with a forearm and kicks to the back. Ricochet with a snap mare and then he hits a standing moonsault and gets a near fall. Ricochet works on the wrist and he gets Tozawa on his back in a bow and arrow and he runs Tozawa’s head into the turnbuckles.
Ricochet with a forearm to Tozawa. Tozawa holds on to the ropes on an Irish whip attempt. Tozawa misses a kick but he does not miss with a running kick to the head and then Tozawa with three suicide dives onto Ricochet. Von Eerie kicks Ricochet in the back while Tozawa deals with the referee. Von Eerie suplexes Ricochet on the floor.
Ricochet is sent back into the ring and Tozawa gets a near fall. Tozawa with a punch and he sends Ricochet into the turnbuckles. Tozawa chokes Ricochet and kicks him. Tozawa slams Ricochet and hits a back senton and gets a near fall.
Tozawa with the rapid fire chops to Ricochet in the corner. Tozawa slows down and he picks up the pace. Tozawa stops and then connects with a jab to the side of the jaw. Tozawa gets a near fall. Ricochet punches Tozawa but Tozawa kicks Ricochet.
Tozawa with forearms but Ricochet with punches. Ricochet with the advantage but Toawa with a jab. Ricochet with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner and an enzuigiri followed by a springboard clothesline and both men are down. Ricochet and Tozawa exchange forearms. Ricochet with a running cutter followed by a running shooting star press for a near fall.
Tozawa with an Irish whip and Tozawa with a brainbuster but he can only get a two count. Tozawa tries for another brainbuster but Ricochet escapes. Tozawa with a running knee for a near fall. Tozawa puts Ricochet on top and he sets for a superplex but Ricochet blocks him and sends Tozawa to the mat. Ricochet with a delayed Regalplex for a near fall.
Ricochet with a slam and he tries for the Phoenix Splash but Tozawa moves. Tozawa and Ricochet with elbows. Tozawa with a Saito suplex followed by a kick and both men are down. Tozawa and Ricochet exchange forearms. Ricochet throws in a kick but the exchange continues. Tozawa with a forearm followed by a roaring forearm. Ricochet tries for a Regalplex from the apron into the ring but Tozawa blocks it and he brings Ricochet to the apron. Ricochet tries for a German suplex on the apron but Tozawa blocks it. Tozawa with a bicycle kick and then he hits a delayed German suplex on the apron.
Tozawa sends Ricochet back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Tozawa with a waist lock and he tries for the German suplex but Ricochet blocks it. Tozawa with a bicycle kick to the back of the head. Ricochet lands on his feet on a German suplex. Ricochet leaps to Tozawa’s shoulders and Tozawa counters into a German suplex. Tozawa with a deadlift German suplex into a bridge for a near fall.
Tozawa goes for the straitjacket German suplex but Ricochet counters with a rollup for a near fall. Tozawa with a punch but Ricochet with an enzuigiri. Tozawa tries for a German suplex but Ricochet blocks it. Tozawa blocks a back slide attempt. Ricocher hits the backslide driver but he can only get a two count.
Ricochet goes up top and hits the 630 splash for the three count.
Winner: Ricochet
After the match, Ricochet takes Tozawa’s mouth piece and puts it in his tights.
It is time for Intermission.
Match Number Seven: Special Attraction Match: Sami Callihan versus Uhaa Nation
Uhaa and Sami have something to say to each other before locking up. Uhaa sends Sami to the mat. Sami spits in Uhaa’s face and Uhaa biels Sami into the turnbuckles. Uhaa misses a bicycle kick in the corner and then we move to Callihan after he hits a suicide dive onto Uhaa on the floor. Callihan with a chop to Uhaa. Callihan misses a shoulder into the guardrails when Uhaa moves.
Uhaa tries to power bomb Callihan but Callihan gets on the apron. Uhaa catches Callihan and he drops Callihan on the apron. Uhaa with a belly to back suplex onto the apron and then he gets a near fall when they return to the ring. Uhaa with a delayed vertical suplex attempt but Callihan with a knee to stop Uhaa. Uhaa with a suplex for a near fall.
Uha with an Irish whip to the sternum. Uhaa with a head butt to Callihan followed by an Irish whip but Callihan with a clothesline out of the corner and Uhaa does not leave his feet. Callihan with another clothesline but Uhaa stays on his feet. Uhaa with a lariat to Callihan followed by a double knee gutbuster for a near fall.
Uhaa winds up for a lariat into the corner. Callihan tries for a drop toe hold and then he kicks Uhaa in the surgically repaired leg. Callihan with a Trailer Hitch on Uhaa and he turns it into an ankle lock. Callihan with a cravate and knees followed by a snap mare that sends Uhaa’s leg into the ropes. Callihan with boots to the neck.
Sami with a standing crossface but Uhaa gets out of the hold and he punches Callihan. Callihan with forearms. Callihan with a sunset flip into the Stretch Muffler but Uhaa counters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Both men with bicycle kicks and they both go down.
Callihan with a forearm and chop. Uhaa with a forearm and Callihan goes down. Callihan with more forearms and chops. Uhaa with a forearm. Callihan slaps Uhaa but Uhaa with a German suplex and he holds on and hits a second one. Uhaa with another German suplex for a near fall.
Uhaa favors his leg a bit and Callihan with a boot. Callihan goes to the turnbuckles and Uhaa with a palm thrust. Callihan gets to the mat and he kicks Uhaa and Uhaa lands awkwardly as he comes off the turnbuckles. Callihan with a dragon screw leg whip and he applies a figure four leg lock.
Uhaa escapes and he kicks Callihan in the head to get free. Uhaa tries for a power bomb but Callihan escapes. Callihan with a bicycle kick and Uhaa stays on his feet. Callihan with a second one but the same result. Callihan kicks Uhaa in the knee to get him down. Callihan with a running boot to the head in the corner. Callihan goes for another boot but Uhaa gets up. Callihan with a near fall on a rollup.
Uhaa with an uranage back breaker for a near fall. Uhaa puts Callihan on the turnbuckles and he slaps Callihan. Uhaa tries for a superplex but Callihan blocks it and slaps Uhaa. Uhaa catches Callihan as he comes off the turnbuckles. Uhaa with a slingshot sit out power bomb for a near fall.
Sami has trouble getting up but it was only a trap. Sami with a Saito suplex and lariat but Uhaa gets up to his feet. Callihan has a bicycle kick blocked and Uhaa picks up Callihan and hits the Uhaa Combination for the three count.
Winner: Uhaa Nation
Match Number Eight: Open the United Gate Tag Title Match: CIMA and AR Fox versus The Young Bucks
CIMA and Matt start things off CIMA with a drop toe hold but Matt with an arm bar. CIMA with a wrist lock and Matt reverses. CIMA with a kick and we have a stalemate. They have a test of strength and Matt with the advantage but CIMA rolls through and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Matt spits in CIMA’s face.
Nick and Fox tag in. Nick with a kick and side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Fox with a back elbow and drop kick. Fox misses a split legged moonsault. Matt tags in and they hit a double hip toss followed by a double drop kick for a near fall. Fox with a knee to the midsection and CIMA tags in.
Fox and CIMA with a double drop kick of their own and CIMA gets a near fall. CIMA grapevines the legs and he ties up Matt. Nick with a kick to the back to help Matt escape the hold. Matt with a punch and he sends CIMA into the turnbuckles. Matt with a snap mare and Nick is tagged in. Nick with a slingshot senton while Matt hits a fist drop.
Matt tags in and he hits a double stomp to the arm. CIMA blocks a suplex attempt by Matt. CIMA with a suplex of his own but Nick takes care of Fox. CIMA gets a boot on Nick and Fox with a springboard drop kick. Fox with a suicide dive on Nick followed by a suicide dive on Matt and a flip dive onto Nick. Fox sends Nick back into the ring but Matt grabs the leg. Fox sends Nick to the apron.
Nick with a shoulder from the apron. Nick tries for a moonsault from the apron but Fox moves. Fox misses a moonsault off the ring post. Nick with a super kick to Fox and then to CIMA. Nick kicks Fox in the head and connects with an elbow to the back followed b a back rake. He does it a second time. Matt tags in and he does a double handspring into a back rake.
Matt with a slam and a knee drop or two followed by a leaping knee drop and he gets a near fall. Nick makes the tag and he applies a neck vise. Fox with elbows but Nick with a back elbow. Fox goes to the apron and he elbows Matt and hits a shoulder on Nick. Fox tries for a sunset flip and then we skip to the Bucks posing.
Matt with knee drops to Fox and he kicks Fox in the head. Fox with forearms but Matt with a forearm. Matt with a chop in the corner. Matt with shoulders and kicks while the referee is distracted by Nick.
Matt with a front face lock on Fox. Fox with punches but Matt with a drop kick for a near fall. Matt sends Fox into Nick’s boots and Nick tags in. Nick with an Irish whip and a running knee to the head. Nick puts Fox on the turnbuckles and he tries for a superplex. Fox pushes Nick off and then Fox punches Matt off the apron. Fox rolls through and then he avoids Nick but Matt pulls Fox off the apron on a springboard move. Matt pulls CIMA off the apron.
Nick goes for a splash but Fox gets his feet up. Matt and Nick double team Fox but Fox with a kick to Matt and then he hits Sliced Bread on Matt and a springboard cutter to Nick. CIMA tags in and he hits an enzuigiri on Nick and then he goes for the Muta Lock but Matt tries to interfere. CIMA suplexes Matt. Fox with a plancha over the ring post onto Matt past the guardrails.
CIMA with a drop kick to counter a springboard move by Nick. CIMA with a double stomp for a near fall. Nick pushes CIMA into Fox. Nick kicks Fox from the apron and then he hits a springboard X Factor on CIMA for a near fall. CIMA with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. CIMA with Iconoclasm followed by a swanton from Fox for a near fall.
Fox with an elbow to Matt followed by one from CIMA. Fox hits a 450 splash on Matt while Matt is on CIMA’s knees and Nick breaks up the cover. CIMA with a super kick to Nick but Matt with a super kick to CIMA. After a series of matrix moves, Fox hits an enzuigiri on Matt and all four men are down.
CIMA punches Nick while Matt sends Fox into the turnbuckles. CIMA is taken down and he goes to the floor. Matt with a power bomb and then he picks up Fox for a second one and then they hit a buckle bomb and enzuigiri combination They hit a springboard tombstone piledriver for a near fall.
CIMA sends Nick to the apron and Fox with a lariat into the corner. Fox with a hesitation kick in the corner followed by knees from CIMA. Fox with a senton into the corner. Fox hits Lo Mein Pain and CIMA with Meteora but Nick breaks it up. CIMA with a waist lock on Nickbut Nick with a low blow to CIMA. Matt rolls up Fox and gets a near fall.
Fox with forearms to Matt and then Nick kicks Matt accidentally. Fox with a matrix on a double super kick attempt but they connect on the second double super kick. The Bucks hit More Bang for Your Buck and they get the three count.
Winners: The Young Bucks
After the match, Ricochet comes out and he mocks CIMA for losing the titles.
Match Number Nine: Open the Freedom Gate Title Match: Johnny Gargano versus Shingo
They go face to face after the bell rings. Shingo tells Gargano that he is going to be the champion. They lock up and Gargano with a wrist lock. Shingo with a reversal but Gargano with a drop toe hold into a front face lock. Shingo tries to escape but Gargano holds on. Shingo with a single leg take down and he starts to work on Gargano’s leg.
Shingo with a kick to the hamstring. They go for a test of strength and Gargano with a wrist lock. Gargano takes Shingo to the mat with a leg trip but Shingo gets to the ropes. They lock up and Gargano with a side head lock. Gargano blocks a hip toss and Shingo blocks a hip toss from Gargano. Shingo with a clothesline to Gargano followed by a snap mare and arm bar. Gargano gets back to his feet and he applies a hammer lock.
Gargano takes Shingo to the mat and he maintains the wrist lock. Shingo with a head scissors and then he starts to work on the left shoulder and he chops Gargano to the mat. Gargano with a chop and Shingo shows no effect. Shingo chops Gargano back to the mat. Shingo with a front face lock.
Shingo turns it into a side head lock and then Gargano with a side head lock. Shingo does not move on a shoulder tackle by Gargano. Gargano with a second with no impact and Shingo takes Gargano down with a shoulder tackle. Gargano tries for a sunset flip after getting off Shingo’s shoulders but Shingo picks up Gargano and hits a suplex followed by a back senton for a near fall. Shingo with a waist lock and he works on the neck.
After a brief pause, Shingo chops Gargano and Gargano with a forearm. Shingo with a forearm and then he goes for a clothesline but Gargano with a rollup for a near fall and he tries for the Gargano Escape but Shingo with a head lock and Gargano gets to the ropes.
Shingo chokes Gargano in the ropes. Gargano kicks Shingo but Shingo with a chop that sends the champion to the mat again. Shingo with an Irish whip. Gargano with a rana and he goes for a pescado but Shingo returns to the ring and Gargano lands on the apron. Gargano with a spear from the apron. Gargano chokes Shingo and the referee warns him.
Gargano with a snap mare and then he traps one arm while applying an arm bar to the other arm. Gargano with a drop kick to the head and a kick to the back. Gargano with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Gargano with a kick to Shingo and he sends the challenger into the turnbuckles. Gargano with chops but Shingo chops back.
Gargano with elbows to Shingo followed by kicks. Shingo tries for a slam but Gargano blocks it and he connects with elbows. Gargano with a hammer lock and he gets a near fall. Gargano chokes Shingo against the ropes. Gargano stats to work on the shoulder and he applies an arm bar. Shingo with a side slam but Gargano holds on and applies the Gargano Escape but Shino is able to get to his feet and he takes Gargano down with a hip lock take down.
Shingo clotheslines Gargano over the top rope to the floor. Shingo goes to the floor and he Irish whips Gargano into the guardrails. Shingo slaps Gargano in the face and then he punches and chops Gargano against the guardrails. Shingo breaks up the count.
Shingo with a running boot and Gargano goes over the guardrails into the crowd. Shingo sends Gargano into the guardrails and ring apron. Shingo with a punch and chop combination. Shingo puts Gargano in a chair and then he misses the clothesline but Gargano connects with a super kick.
Gargano with a suicide dive onto Shingo. Gargano puts Shingo in the chair and Gargano with punches and chops to Shingo. Johnny rolls into the ring to break the referee’s count. Gargano with a suicide dive onto Shingo. Gargano puts Shingo in the chair one more time and Gargano hits a running boot to the head. Gargano wants to do more while on the floor and he hits another running boot to the head. Gargano goes for a third but Shingo recovers and hits a Death Valley Driver onto the chair.
Shingo returns to the ring and Gargano struggles to get back into the ring. Gargano tries for a spear but Shingo catches him and hits an elevated DDT. Shingo kicks Gargano in the head and he tries for a suplex but Shingo with a knee. Shingo with a neck breaker to counter a suplex attempt by Gargano.
Shingo with a clothesline and then he hits the sliding clothesline but can only get a two count. Shingo can sense that the title is his but Gargano with a boot. Shingo tries for a suplex but Gargano blocks it and hits a suplex into the turnbuckles.
Gargano with an enzuigiri to the back of the head and Gargano with a slingshot DDT for a near fall. Both men struggle to get to their feet and Gargano with a running forearm but Shingo with a back elbow. Gargano with a rollup into a sliding kick in the head. Gargano with a cravate but Shingo with punches. Shingo with a lariat and Burning Hammer Driver but Gargano is able to block it a bit and he connects with a kick. Shingo with a Death Valley Driver and both men are down.
Shingo gets up first and he hits a lariat but Gargano stays on his feet. Shingo with another lariat but Gargano stays on his feet. Gargano blocks a third but Shingo with a lariat. Gargano blocks a lariat and he applies the Gargano Escape. Shingo tries to get to the ropes and he is able to get his foot on the rope and Gargano releases the hold.
Gargano signals that it is over. Shingo gets Gargano on his shoulders and he climbs the turnbuckles for the Last Falconry but Gargano gets loose and he tries for a rana from the turnbuckles but Shingo blocks it. Gargano is able to hit the rana. Gargano with a drop kick into the corner followed by the Lawn Dart but Shingo kicks out at two.
Gargano with a forearm but Shingo fires back. They go back and forth. Shingo with a head butt. They get up from their knees and they exchange forearms from their feet. Shingo with a series of forearms but Gargano has his turn. Gargano with an enzuigiri but Shingo with a Saito suplex. Gargano with a drop kick and Shingo with a lariat and both men are down again.
Both men struggle to get back to their feet after almost a half hour of battling. Shingo with a splash into the corner and then Shingo tries for Last Falconry but Gargano with elbows. Shingo hits Last Falconry but Gargano is able to get his shoulder up due to the cover by Shingo.
Gargano with Hurts Donut for a two count. Gargano applies the Gargano Escape and Shingo tries to fight out of the hold by getting to the ropes and he gets to the ropes one more time. Gargano holds on until the referee gets to four.
Gargano sets for another Hurts Donut but Shingo with an elbow. Gargano misses a drop kick and Shingo hits Made in Japan but Gargano kicks out at two. Shingo sets for a lariat and hits it and it flips Gargano but Gargano is able to kick out at the last moment.
Shingo picks up Johnny and gets him on his shoulders for Made in Japan but the referee was clipped for a moment and it may have been enough to allow Gargano to kick out. Gargano with elbows and then he accidentally kicks the referee. Gargano with a low kick and then he hits a super kick. Gargano chokes Shingo with a rope and he applies the Gargano Escape and the referee drops the arm three times and he calls for the bell.
Winner: Johnny Gargano
After the match, Gargano wants the mic and he asks everyone if they enjoyed the show this evening. He says that it is honor and privilege to perform in this ring in front of the fans. He thanks everyone for making him their hero. Johnny thanks everyone for coming out to the show and he hopes to see everyone soon. He tells everyone to drive home safely and he loves everyone.
Thank you for following the coverage of Open the Ultimate Gate 2013.
In addition to the live coverage of the show, there will be a post game audio on with my thoughts and analysis of Open the Ultimate Gate 2013.
[Thoughts on the show]
I would highly recommend this show for purchase by VOD if you did not watch the show live. Any of the companies that offer shows at this price point would have to put on a terrible show to justify not ordering it. I thought this show delivered with two very good title matches (even though I was not a fan of the finish of the main event) and the Ricochet/Tozawa and Super Smash Brothers/EITA and Tomahawk TT matches were also a lot of fun.
I thought the opening match was a good way to start the show with Rich Swann’s musical entrance to having Brian Kendrick being in the opener to get the casual fan who might be checking out the product and wants to see a name they recognize.
The segment with Chuck Taylor and Brian Kendrick was a good way to get people interested in the Sunday iPPV if they were not already aware of the show since Kendrick and Taylor will be wrestling.
The Chuck Taylor Invitational was a fun match to watch with a lot of crazy spots. All six men were able to showcase their talents. Nese getting the win made sense because he is the new face in the WWN universe.
The crowd seemed to lose interest in the next two matches. The Ryze/Reed match was an unannounced match but Reed was listed as appearing on the show.
I liked the Reed/Konley/Dallas segment because they are continuing the issues that those three men had at the last FIP iPPV. I assume we will see a series of matches between these two throughout the WWN companies.
The crowd hates Jon Davis and I love that he does not care about them. The death stare gimmick is awesome. I think there was someone at ringside who timed his stare of doom. I liked the match between Davis and Trent? even though the crowd was really quiet for the match.
Davis is starting to turn against the crowd and I liked his promo after his match.
The crowd picked up for The Super Smash Brothers match against EITA and Tomahawk TT. That match is probably worth the price of the replay. A lot of crazy stuff in this match and they were able to mix comedy and solid wrestling in the match. I cannot believe at how talented Tomahawk TT is because I think they said he was only 22 and has been wrestling for three years.
The Tozawa/Ricochet match was a good way to lead into the intermission. Very hard hitting and so many suplexes in this match. Really good finish to the match with the 630 splash.
I would definitely say to get the replay when it is available on VOD on
I liked the Uhaa Nation versus Sami Callihan match. There were a lot of good power sequences. It made a lot of sense for Sami to work on the injured leg. I really hope that Uhaa did not reinjure the leg because he was limping through the match, and that it was just a great job of selling what Sami was doing during the match.
With the two main events left on the show, I thought the show was a bargain even for the Live and Video On Demand option and those matches individually were worth more than the price of the show.
I was a bit surprised with the result of the tag title match, but with Fox winning the Evolve title, he can be the face of that company and the Bucks can go to Japan to defend the titles. I think the Bucks will be a good fit as champions since there are so few ‘heels’ on the rosters of independent companies because of the fanbases, but the Bucks are so good at what they do. There were some times during the match when I was getting a little frustrated at the referee losing control and letting the lengthy double team sequences take place.
The first 28 to 30 minutes of the Shingo/Gargano match was exactly what I was expecting from these two men. It is matches like this where I wish Shingo was in the United States more often and that it was 2005 when he was a regular in FIP. I thought there was a lot of chemistry between both men and they gave everything that you would expect from the main event of a show. The stuff on the floor was crazy and enhanced the first 90 percent of the match. I also liked that there were some times towards the end where you would have expected the match to end, there was a kick out but it was due to a less than perfect cover.
I was not a big fan of the finish of the match. When Shingo hit Made in Japan and he clipped the referee, I was afraid that they were going to do a ref bump spot. Unfortunately that is what they did. The thing I didn’t like about the finish was the low blow by Gargano. This was a match where he battled for more than a half hour and I could understand Gargano trying to cheat with the rope to choke out Shingo. If there was no low kick, I would say this is the early contender for Match of the Year.
While I was not a fan of the finish of the match, I absolutely loved the post match promo from Gargano. Gargano has historically done promos like this at the end of shows and the way that he was so nonchalant about it while the crowd is booing him for cheating was great. The subtle nature of the promo worked for me. You don’t have to be hit over the head and have blinking signs saying that there is a turn. Then to have Gargano go around the ring to shake hands with the fans was great too. I didn’t notice anyone pulling their hands away from Gargano.
I also want to praise the commentary by Lenny Leonard. To do a three hour show (not including the intermission) by yourself is a tough task. It was refreshing to hear commentary where storylines were explained without making you feel like a five year old and to be able to hear moves be called. Lenny showed some disgust at Gargano’s behavior, but if you were paying attention to the commentary about how Gargano was a role model for a lot of fans, it made sense. It was not as over the top as you would expect from other companies.
There were a few technical issues with the iPPV feed. During the opening match, the feed froze for me on numerous occasions and I believe they paused the feed so they could fix the problem. During the Ricochet/Tozawa match, there were a number of times when the feed would freeze and then it would jump ahead, missing some of the action. Other than that, there have been no problems with the feed. This also happened a few times during the second half of the show.
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