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By Richard Trionfo on 2013-03-15 23:25:45 iPPV
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Welcome to live coverage of Full Impact Pro’s Establish Dominance show from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.

Lenny Leonard welcomes everyone to Establish Dominance and he talks about some of the matches on tonight’s show.

The Scene makes its way into the ring and Lenny enjoys being able to call Caleb Konley and Scott Reed the former Tag Team Champions.

Larry takes the mic and he says that this building and fans are a bad omen for him. A bum jumped from a balcony and drove him through a table four months ago. The great tag team title reign in professional wrestling history. Larry tells Caleb and Scott that he doesn’t have anything to show off any more. Scott and Larry have gone to Japan and Caleb’s time is going to come. Larry blames MSL for the loss.

The one day in three years that Larry takes off, he has his most important possession taken from him. He wants to know why it happened.

MSL says that he had a stretch limo for Scott and Caleb. He got them the nicest hotel room. If you want to blame anyone, he is not the person to blame.

Caleb takes the mic and he wants to know where the stretch limo was because they did not get here until right before the show. Caleb yells at Larry.

Larry says that things are getting too serious. Larry tells Caleb that Trina is his tonight and Scott can have Buggy tonight. Larry says that they are going to win his titles back. They are going to Re-Establish Dominance. Larry tells Caleb to follow Scott’s lead.

Match Number One: Four Way Freestyle Mike Cruz versus. Lince Dorado versus. Shane Strickland versus DWB

Dorado and Cruz start things off but it appears that Strickland wants to, but he lets Lince battle with Cruz. They lock up and Cruz with a side head lock. Dorado with a top wrist lock and hammer lock. Cruz with a side head lock take down. Cruz with a shoulder tackle and then Dorado tries for a monkey flip but Cruz with a cartwheel.

Cruz with a monkey flip but Dorado lands on his feet. They try for drop kicks at the same time. Dorado chops DWB and then Cruz joins in. They hit a double drop toe hold and Dorado with a leg drop and Cruz with a back senton. Dorado is sent to the floor and then Cruz with a rollup but Strickland sends Cruz to the floor. DWB kicks Strickland but Strickland kicks back and chops DWB.

DWB with a chop of his own. Strickland walks on his hands and then he takes DWB down with a head scissors. DWB with a chop and a head and arm suplex. Dorado with a rana to DWB and a reverse atomic drop. Dorado with a back handspring elbow to DWB.

Strickland with an Irish whip but Dorado gets out of the corner. Strickland with a drop kick to Dorado. Cruz with a series of kicks to Strickland. DWB kicks Dorado and they DWB and Cruz try for a double hip toss but Dorado uses the ropes for a double arm drag. Dorado uses the ropes to send Strickland to the floor with a head scissors.

Dorado sends DWB to the floor. Cruz goes to the apron and Dorado with a super kick. Cruz gets on Strickland’s shoulder and Dorado with a suicide dive to Cruz while on Strickland’s shoulders.

Dorado slams DWB’s head into the apron and then he kicks DWB from the apron and he hits a cross body but DWB rolls through. DWB with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Dorado. Strickland with a super kick to DWB. Cruz with a spinning heel kick and then Dorado takes care of Cruz and all four men are down.

They all get up at the same time. Strickland and Cruz pair off while DWB and Dorado go at it. Each man with chops and then Cruz and Dorado with drop kicks to DWB and Strickland. Dorado and Cruz exchange forearms and chops. Dorado with kicks. Cruz catches Dorado on a handspring back elbow. Strickland with a kick to Dorado and Cruz with a German suplex but Strickland breaks up the cover.

DWB with a kick to Strickland. DWB goes to the floor. Cruz runs into a boot from Dorado. Dorado tries for a rana but Cruz counters with a power bomb for a near fall. Cruz with a single leg crab but DWB sends Cruz to the floor. DWB with a back breaker to Dorado for a near fall.

DWB puts Dorado on the turnbuckles and he looks like he is going to go for a superplex but Dorado stops DWB. Dorado with a shooting star press on DWB. Cruz with a cross body and him and Dorado go to the floor. Strickland with a double stomp for the three count.

Winner: Shane Strickland

Match Number Two: Biff Busick and Angel Santos versus Sugar Dunkerton and Aaron Epic

Epic and Busick start things off. They lock up and Busick backs Epic into the corner and Epic pushes Busick away. They lock up again and Busick works on the arm. Epic with a reversal. Busick with a leg sweep and he gets a near fall. Busick with a front face lock but Epic with an escape and hammer lock.

Busick with a waist lock and take down into a front face lock and he gets a near fall. Epic yells at Busick and Busick pushes Epic. Dunkerton and Santos tag in and they go around the ring before finally attempting to lock up but Sugar moves out of the way and he wants to know how his hair is. Sugar mocks the fan’s clapping.

Sugar rolls away from Santos and then he refuses to face off with Santos. Epic tags back in and they lock up and Santos with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Santos with a head scissors take down and a drop kick. Santos with an enzuigiri and then he kicks Epic in the corner. Epic with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Epic drops Santos on the turnbuckle and Sugar falls into the ring from laughing too hard from the apron.

Epic with a forearm and Sugar rakes the eyes from the apron. Epic and Dunkerton double team Santos while the referee deals with Busick in the other corner. Sugar with a double sledge to the back followed by knees to the back. Dunkerton with a corkscrew back elbow to the upper back. Epic tells Sugar to pin Santos and he gets a near fall.

Sugar puts the legs in the ropes and he punches Santos. Sugar with kicks to the thighs and then a drop kick to get Santos out of the ropes. Epic tags in and he stomps on Santos’ chest. Epic with a front face lock and a slap to the back before tagging Dunkerton back in. They kick Santos and then Dunkerton gives Epic a Death Valley Driver onto Santos and he gets a near fall.

Sugar chokes Santos while the referee deals with Busick. Sugar and Aaron sends Santos into the corner and then they hit a series of clotheslines and Epic with a running knee into the corner and Epic gets a near fall. Sugar and Aaron try to make a wish but Santos kicks them away. After a series of kicks Busick tags in and he hits European uppercuts on Epic and Dunkerton. Busick with a chop to Epic and then one to Dunkerton. Busick with a flying back elbow to Epic and a drop kick to Sugar in the corner.

Busick with a knee and then he kicks Epic. Busick with a running elbow to Epic but Sugar kicks him. Epic with a forearm. Busick with a blockbuster for a near fall. Epic kicks Busick while Sugar acknowledges that he was cheating. Epic calls for a brainbuster and you never call a hold when you are a heel. Busick with a half nelson suplex and Sugar breaks up the cover.

Santos with a clothesline to Sugar and then he gives Sugar an airplane spin and a gut buster. Santos with a Falcon Arrow to Epic. Dunkerton and Busick with chops. Busick with chops to Epic followed by forearms. Busick with a kick to Dunkerton followed by a boot to the chest. Busick with another kick to the head. Busick has a kick blocked and then Epic and Dunkerton with a lariat and neck breaker combination for the three count.

Winners: Sugar Dunkerton and Aaron Epic

Match Number Three: Johnny Vandal versus Kenneth Cameron

Cameron attacks Vandal before the bell and he kicks Vandal. The members of The Scene come out to ringside to watch.

Cameron with a hard Irish whip and he taunts Vandal. Cameron with a forearm and Irish whip followed by knees into the corner. Konley goes to the back while Cameron hits a slingshot hesitation kick. Cameron with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Cameron with a rear chin lock with his knee in Vandal’s back. Cameron with a side head lock.

Vandal rolls through to get out of the hold. Vandal tries for an O’Connor Roll but Cameron holds on to the ropes. Vandal with an enzuigiri followed by a cross body to the back. Vandal with a super kick followed by forearms and chops. Vandal with a hard Irish whip and he mocks Cameron and gets a near fall.

Vandal with a rear chin lock. Cameron with punches and then he trips Vandal and rubs his face in the canvas. Cameron with an Irish whip followed by a back breaker for a near fall. Cameron with an elbow to the top of the head for a near fall. Vandal with elbows but Cameron with a knee.

Vandal goes to the floor on an Irish whip. Cameron follows him to the floor and he connects with a forearm. Cameron slingshots back into the ring and he appears to have hurt his leg. Vandal takes advantage and he clips the knee and he works on the injured leg. Vandal with a leg drop to the knee and he applies a knee bar.

Cameron kicks Vandal with his good leg but Vandal is able to get back to the leg. Vandal with kicks to the knee. Vandal puts the leg in the ropes. Vandal with a running knee to the injured leg and then he goes after the injured leg in the corner.

Cameron with a punch and he tries for a suplex but Vandal with a knee to the head and he applies a single leg crab. Cameron gets to the ropes. Vandal continues to work on the injured knee and he returns to the knee bar. Vandal with forearms to the back and punches.

Cameron punches Vandal and connects with a clothesline and shoulder. Cameron with a European uppercut and then he lifts Vandal into the air and then forces him face first to the mat. Cameron with forearms to the back. Cameron with a spinning heel kick for the three count.

Winner: Kenneth Cameron

After the match, Lenny Leonard goes to the ring to interview Kenneth Cameron and The Scene follow.

Lenny asks Cameron about his match. Larry takes the mic and he tells Lenny to stand in the corner. Larry says that he came out here tonight to see Kenneth do what he does because he heard about him. Larry tells Kenneth that he represents The Scene. He has an offer that Kenneth will not be able to refuse. He wants Trina and Buggy to show Kenneth how The Scene does things.

Larry offers Kenneth a spot in the Scene and a shirt.

Kenneth says that was impressive and fantastic. He came to FIP to be with the best talent in the world. He is happy running his own ship.

Larry says that he was trying to see if Kenneth is turning down him, the shirt, and the girls.

Johnny Vandal attacks Kenneth and he tells Larry that he wants to be part of the Scene. He wants the girls and the shirt.

Larry tells Johnny he sees a lot in him. He sees that Johnny is a champion just like him. He tells Johnny to put on the shirt and take out the trash.

Scott and Johnny attack Cameron.

Tommy Taylor and Jonathan Gresham come to the ring to help Cameron.

Match Number Four: Tommy Taylor versus Jonathan Gresham

They lock up and Taylor with a waist lock and he gets a near fall. They continue with a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Gresham with a wrist lock but Taylor with a reversal and take down. Gresham with a rollup for a near fall while Taylor works on the arm. Taylor gets a near fall. Taylor gets to the ropes. Gresham with a chin lock

Taylor tries to power out of the hold but Gresham holds on. Taylor stretches Gresham and gets a series of near falls. Gresham works on the legs and has Taylor in a modified Indian Death Lock but Taylor gets to the ropes. They lock up and Taylor backs Gresham into the corner and Taylor with a clean break.

Gresham with a side head lock but Taylor backs him into the corner and Taylor breaks. They lock up and Gresham backs Taylor into the corner and Taylor with an arm drag. Gresham with a key lock and Taylor with a slam but Gresham holds on to the key lock.

Gresham with an arm bar but Taylor kicks Gresham to get out of the hold. They lock up and Taylor picks up Gresham and then gets a near fall. Gresham with a side head lock but Taylor tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Gresham lands on his feet and tries for an O’Connor Roll. Taylor with an elbow and Gresham counts his teeth. Taylor offers his hand and Gresham shakes it because they have honor.

Taylor with an arm bar and he takes Gresham to the mat. Taylor holds on to the arm bar. Gresham tries to escape but Taylor holds on to the arm. Taylor with an arm drag and then he stomps on the elbow. Taylor with an Irish whip but Gresham with a kick. Gresham takes Taylor down and starts to work on the legs and he stretches Taylor. Taylor tries to get up but Gresham sends him back to the mat.

Taylor escapes and returns to the arm. Gresham with a head scissors and take down to get out of the arm bar. Taylor tries for a headstand to escape but Gresham’s grip is too strong. Taylor rolls over and he tries to bridge out and he is able to escape and he works on the legs.

Taylor returns to the wrist and he takes Gresham down. Taylor misses an elbow drop and Gresham with a rear chin lock. Gresham turns it into a side head lock. Taylor with a back body drop and an aggressive reverse chin lock. Gresham gets to his feet but Taylor with a hip lock take down.

Gresham with an Indian Death Lock on Taylor but Taylor rolls up Gresham for a near fall. Gresham tries for an O’Connor Roll but Taylor holds on to the ropes. Gresham with a leaping leg lariat for a near fall. Taylor with an Irish whip and he running European uppercut into the corner. Taylor with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall.

Taylor returns to the key lock. Gresham gets to the ropes and Taylor releases the hold. Taylor returns to the arm and hits a half nelson suplex for a near fall. Taylor with a European uppercut but Gresham with a chop. Taylor with a kick to the leg but Gresham with a forearm.

Taylor with an Irish whip and a back elbow for a near fall. Taylor stomps on the hand and he returns to the arm bar. Gresham tries to get away from Taylor but Taylor takes him back to the mat. Taylor continues to wear down Gresham with the arm bar. Gresham with a near fall on Taylor but Taylor maintains the wrist lock. Gresham gets to the ropes and Taylor releases the hold.

Taylor with a forearm to Gresham and he gets a near fall. Taylor returns to the arm bar and wrist lock. Gresham with a bridge and reversal followed by an escape and drop kick. Gresham tries for a rollup but Taylor drops down for a near fall. Taylor and Gresham go back and forth with near falls and counters.

Taylor with a set up for a belly-to-back suplex but he turns it into a gourdbuster. Gresham with a rollup for a near fall. Taylor and Gresham go nose to nose and Taylor with a series of European uppercuts. Taylor puts Gresham on the top turnbuckle and he connects with a European uppercut. Gresham meets a charging Taylor with a missile drop kick.

Gresham with a running forearm in the corner. Taylor with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Taylor with a drop kick that staggers Gresham on the turnbuckles. Taylor hits the Tower of London for the three count.

Winner: Tommy Taylor

After the match, Lenny Leonard goes to the ring to interview Taylor. Tommy says that was a tough match and he says that Gresham is a tough competitor. He tells Jonathan that he has earned his respect and if he wants to wrestle again, he is looking forward to it.

Lenny reminds Tommy about wanting to take on the biggest and best. Lenny mentions Uhaa Nation, the Florida Heritage Champion.

Tommy says that he has his sights set on the Florida Heritage Title. Uhaa Nation should have been in the ring with him tonight. Everyone wanted to see it, but Uhaa Nation. He understands that Uhaa has his obligations in Japan. His challenge is still open. Maybe next month, but eventually he will face Uhaa Nation for the title and he will be victorious.

Match Number Five: Maxwell Chicago versus Derek Ryze

Maxwell shakes Derek’s hand and he tells Derek that he has a match coming up and he wonders why Derek is out. Derek kicks Maxwell in the leg. He asks Derek if he is a jockey. Derek kicks him again. Derek with a third kick. Ryze with a head scissors. Maxwell avoids a kick and rolls through. Derek with a spinning round kick and Maxwell says that he has a match.

Maxwell sends Ryze to the apron. Ryze with a springboard cross body and Derek gets a near fall. Maxwell with an Irish whip and then he drops Ryze on the top rope. Maxwell punches Ryze and then he drops onto Ryze’s chest and gets a near fall. Maxwell with an elbow in the corner and then a butt splash. Maxwell with an Irish whip and he screams into the corner and Ryze with an elbow. Ryze with a near fall on a rollup and then he kicks Maxwell and gets a near fall. Ryze with a forearm.

Maxwell holds on to the ropes when Ryze tries for a drop kick. Maxwell sends Ryze to the floor and then he tells everyone to move but he just goes to the floor and sends Ryze back into the ring and the crowd goes crazy. Maxwell goes to the bottom rope and he is met with a kick to the midsection. Ryze with kicks to the leg and drop kicks. Ryze with a cutter and he gets a near fall.

Ryze tries for a monkey flip but Maxwell pushes him off and Maxwell with a neck breaker and he says that it is time for the rack. Maxwell gets Ryze on his shoulders for a torture rack but Maxwell appears to have hurt himself more than Ryze.

Maxwell says that he is going to do a new move. Maxwell with a power bomb set up but Ryze counters with an X Factor and both men are down. Ryze goes to the turnbuckles and he kicks Maxwell. Maxwell drops down on a rollup attempt and he holds the ropes for the three count.

Winner: Maxwell Chicago

After the match, Lenny Leonard comes to the ring while Maxwell celebrates with the fans at ringside.

Lenny asks Maxwell if he is ready for his opponent. Maxwell says that Derek was a formidable opponent even if he barely came over the top rope. Maxwell is excited to have won. Lenny asks Maxwell about his high risk move to the floor. He says that he has been thrown off places to practice.

Match Number Six: Chasyn Rance (with Mister Saint Laurent) versus Corey Hollis

They lock up and Rance backs Hollis into the corner. Rance pie faces Hollis. They lock up again and Rance with a waist lock take down and he floats over Hollis. They lock up again and Rance with a fireman’s carry take down. Hollis with a take down into a front face lock and waist lock. Hollis with a waist lock take down into a front face lock.

Rance gets into the ropes and he connects with a shoulder. Rance tries for a drop kick but Hollis holds on to the ropes. Hollis with a drop kick. MSL gets on the apron and he distracts Hollis. Rance with a round kick that is blocked but Rance with an enzuigiri. Rance sends Hollis to the floor and MSL kicks Hollis while Rance talks to the referee.

Rance with forearms to Hollis and then he slams Hollis’ face into the apron. Rance returns to the ring and he kicks Hollis in the corner. Rance chokes Hollis in the ropes and the referee warns him. Rance with a near fall.

Rance with a reverse chin lock but Hollis with a stunner. Rance with a knee and he gets a near fall. Rance with a reverse chin lock followed by a suplex and Rance gets a near fall. Rance rolls through and applies a guillotine choke. Rance turns it into a front face lock. Hollis tries to get out of the hold but Rance holds on and connects with a forearm. Hollis with a forearm of his own. They continue to alternate forearms but Rance with a rake of the eyes.

Hollis with a release German suplex for a near fall. Hollis with a side head lock and then both men bump heads and they go down. Rance gets back to his feet at nine. Hollis with a head scissors and clotheslines to Rance. Rance with an Irish whip but Hollis with a running snap neck breaker for a near fall. Hollis with a waist lock and Rance counters with a rollup for a near fall.

Hollis with a Death Valley Alabama Slam for a near fall. Hollis goes up top but MSL pulls the referee into the ropes to crotch Hollis. Rance with a Yakuza kick using the referee to propel himself. Rance with the Chasyn Driver for the three count.

Winner: Chasyn Rance

Match Number Seven: Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Cruz and Jay Rios) versus The Scene (Caleb Konley and Scott Reed [with Larry Dallas, Johnny Vandal, Trina Michaels and Buggy Nova]) for the FIP Tag Team Titles

The Scene attack the champions on the floor and they brawl around the bar. Konley and Rios start things off and Caleb with an elbow drop. Konley with a forearm to the back and Reed is tagged in. They send Rios to the mat and hit a double elbow drop and get a near fall. Reed kicks Rios and then connects with a knee to the back.

Konley goes to the turnbuckles and he punches Rios in the midsection. Konley chokes Rios in the ropes. Konley chokes Rios again and then Reed tags back in. They make a wish with Rios’ legs and Reed gets a near fall. Rios with a kick and he hits a spinning head scissors. Rios with a chop and then he climbs the turnbuckles and hits a head scissors and a running drop kick for a near fall.

Reed press slams Rios into his corner and he tags Konley back in and Caleb with a punch to Rios and then he runs his laces across the eyes. Konley with a front face lock but Rios tries to get to his corner. Konley with a double sledge to the back to stop Rios. Reed tags back in and he punches Rios. Reed with a knee to the back after a snap mare. Reed gets a near fall. Reed with a front face lock and Konley tags back in and he punches Rios. Rios sends Konley’s boot into Reed’s chest and Cruz tags in and he hits a kick from the turnbuckles followed by a drop kick.

Cruz is sent to the apron but Cruz drops Reed across the top rope and Cruz with a blockbuster for a near fall. Rios tags in and he Rios with a back elbow to Konley followed by a series of kicks to Konley and Caleb goes to the floor.

Cruz with a suicide dive onto Reed and Rios with a double jump moonsault onto Reed and Konley. Reed is rolled back into the ring and Rios with a front face lock before tagging Cruz in. Cruz with a sunset flip for a near fall. Cruz with chops and forearms. Nova grabs Cruz’ leg and while Reed distracts the referee Konley works over Cruz. Reed with a shoulder tackle to take care of Rio. Reed with a suplex to Cruz for a near fall.

Konley tags in and he kicks Cruz in the chest. Cruz kicks Konley in the chest. Cruz with a head scissors to counter a power bomb attempt. Konley stops Cruz and Reed tags in and they hit a swinging double suplex for a near fall. Cruz punches Reed but Reed with a punch. Reed with a back breaker and then he knocks Rios off the apron. Reed can only get a two count.

Konley tags back in and he forces Rios to get into the ring and the referee is distracted while Vandal attacks Cruz on the floor. Konley gets a near fall when Cruz is rolled back into the ring. Konley with a snap mare and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Cruz with elbows but Konley with a knee and he gets a near fall. Konley with a reverse chin lock and Reed tags in. Konley slingshots Cruz to Reed for a power slam but Rios breaks up the cover.

Cruz with a rollup but the referee was out of position and Reed kicks out. Reed with a head butt and then he puts Cruz on the turnbuckles. Reed goes up top but Cruz pushes Reed off and he hits a frog splash for a near fall. Cruz with a punch but Reed punches back.

Cruz with a tornado DDT and both men are down. Rios and Konley tag in and Rios with knees to the chest followed by a drop kick. Rios with a running forearm into the corner followed by a running drop kick. Reed misses a charge and he goes to the apron. Konley kicks Rios and then he tries for a back body drop but Rios lands on his feet. Rios with a stunner but Reed breaks up the cover.

Konley sends Rios to the apron and Rios with a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Reed with a punch to Rios but Rios chops back. Reed with a flapjack into a codebreaker for Konley but Cruz breaks up the cover.

Konley with a spinebuster to Cruz. Konley with a DDT into a German suplex by Reed but Rios breaks up the cover. Cruz with a double stomp to Konley’s back but the referee is distracted by Dallas and Michaels. Larry tries to hit Cruz with the title belt but he misses and hits Konley. Cruz and Rios with double super kicks to Dallas. Cruz with a shiranoui and Rios pins Konley.

Winners:Dos Ben Dejos

After the match, Konley yells at Larry for hitting him with the title belt. Konley leaves the ring and Reed wants to know what is going on.

Match Number Eight: Jon Davis (with Mister Saint Laurent) versus Samuray Del Sol for the FIP World Heavyweight Title

Del Sol with a waist lock but he cannot take Davis to the mat. Davis with a wrist lock but Del Sol tries to flip out of the hold but Davis takes him to the mat. Davis holds on to the wrist lock and he backs Del Sol into the corner. They lock up again and Davis backs Del Sol into the ropes.

Davis with a waist lock and take down into a front face lock and Davis releases the hold. They lock up again and Davis takes Del Sol to the mat. Davis stands on Del Sol’s mask to keep him from getting up and then he stomps on Del Sol. Davis with a wrist lock and Del Sol tries to reverse it but he cannot match Davis’ strength. Davis takes Del Sol to the mat one more time.

Del Sol uses the ropes and he gives Davis an arm drag to escape. Del Sol with a side head lock and Davis picks up Del Sol when Del Sol tries for a head lock take down. Del Sol with a head scissors but he cannot capitalize with an Irish whip. Del Sol goes to the apron and Davis charges but Del Sol moves and he goes to the floor. Del Sol goes for a dive to the floor but Davis moves and Del Sol bounces off the ropes and stays in the ring.

Davis takes his time getting back into the ring. Del Sol goes for a single leg take down and he eventually gets Davis down. Del Sol with a head scissors. Del Sol with a kick from the apron and he goes for a springboard rana and he connects. Del Sol goes into the turnbuckles and Davis moves. Del Sol tries to float over but Davis catches him and hits an Alabama Slam.

Davis with a head butt to Del Sol and then he puts Del Sol in the corner and he chops Del Sol. Davis with a kick to the back and then he chops Del Sol again. Davis with an Irish whip but Del Sol moves when Davis goes into the corner and Del Sol with kicks. Davis sends Del Sol to the apron and he connects with a forearm. Davis chokes Del Sol with his boot. Davis picks up Del Sol and hangs him over the apron and kicks Del Sol in the chest and Del Sol collapses to the floor.

Davis picks up Del Sol and drops him on the apron. Davis with a slam to Del Sol and then he picks Del Sol up again and slams him to the mat a little harder than the first time. Davis and Del Sol with forearms and then Del Sol with a flip power bomb for a near fall. Davis fires back with a spinebuster. Davis gets a near fall. Davis with a kick to the chest that sends Del Sol to the floor.

Davis follows Del Sol to the floor. Davis chops Del Sol against the apron. Davis sticks his head into the ring to stop the count and then he chops and punches Del Sol. Davis misses a boot to Del Sol when Del Sol moves. Del Sol with a kick to the leg and then a baseball slide.

Del Sol tries for a suicide dive but Davis with a round kick to the head from the floor and he gets a near fall. Davis with a hard Irish whip as Del Sol hits the turnbuckles with his sternum. Davis with a second hard Irish whip and Davis gets a near fall. Davis with a waist lock followed by forearms and then he returns to the waist lock.

Del Sol with elbows but Davis holds on. Del Sol with another kick and a rana for a near fall. Del Sol with kicks to Davis but Davis throws him into the corner. Del Sol with a drop kick and then he hits a springboard heads scissors that sends Davis to the floor. Del Sol with a suicide dive followed by a plancha. Del Sol breaks the referee’s count.

Del Sol sends Davis into the ring post. Del Sol climbs to the balcony for a cross body onto Davis. Del Sol struggles to get Davis back into the ring but he succeeds. Del Sol rolls Davis over and gets a near fall.

Both men struggle to get back to their feet. Del Sol tries for a crucifix but Davis stays on his feet. Del Sol tries for a sunset flip but Davis picks up Del Sol and hits an overhead suplex for a near fall. Davis kicks Del Sol to the apron. Davis goes to the turnbuckles and he picks Del Sol up and puts him on his shoulders. Del Sol with a kick after getting away from Davis. Del Sol with a super power bomb but Davis kicks out at two.

Del Sol with a cross body for a near fall followed by a La Magistral for a near fall. Davis tries for a suplex but Del Sol with knees. Del Sol tries for a stunner but Davis rolls through and hits a power slam but can only get a two count.

Davis picks up Del Sol for Three Seconds Around the World but Del Sol gets to his feet. Davis with a kick. Davis with an Irish whip but Davis tries for an Alabama Slam but Del Sol counters with a reverse rana but he can only get a two count. Del Sol goes to the apron a for a springboard senton but he lands on Davis’ knees. Del Sol tries for a reverse rana but Davis blocks it. Davis blocks a rana and hits a buckle bomb followed by Three seconds Around the World for the three count.

Winner: Jon Davis

After the match, Lenny Leonard comes to the ring to interview the champion. Lenny reminds Jon of his comments after wining the FIP World Title.

Jon says that now they have come full circle. He defeated the man who defeated him for the JPC trophy. He beat AR Fox and that is why Del Sol holds the trophy and he holds the title.

Jon says that you can bash Jon Davis for not being flippy, he doesn’t wear a mask, or he isn’t AR Fox. If anyone thinks they can take him on, but they will fall to him. This show is Establish Dominance and that is what he did.

MSL says that he has searched for the greatest fighter for fifteen years and he found that man. It is Jon Davis.

Thank you for following tonight’s coverage. I will have my thoughts on the show in the Elite section of the site. returns to pay per view with Shine 8 on Saturday, March 23, 2013 with a special 7:30 PM bell time.

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