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By Richard Trionfo on 2013-01-18 21:55:18
The Rock will be on Smackdown . . . at least he will be on Smackdown in taped form from his Rock Concert on Monday night. On to the people who will be in the building tonight . . .

Last week, Alberto Del Rio shocked the world (who did not read or by winning the World Title from Big Show. What will happen as we continue on the Road to the Royal Rumble, also known as the Road to Having the Ability to Point to the Wrestlemania Sign First? What kind of fiesta will we see for Alberto? Will anyone be a party pooper?

We are in San Antonio, Texas and your announcers are Josh ‘Is Manu Ginobili related to Manu from the Heavy Breathing Clip on The Soup’ Mathews and John ‘Did you know that I am from Texas? If not I will tell you fifty times tonight’ Layfield.

We have a mariachi band in the ring as well as a dancer and many red, white, and green balloons. Ricardo Rodriguez is in the center of the ring and he brings out the man who took the World Title belt off Big Show, and the guest of honor for the Fiesta Del Rio.

Alberto and Ricardo hug when Alberto gets into the ring. Alberto welcomes everyone to Fiesta Del Rio. He says that it is time for San Antonio to party. Alberto says that they have not always seen eye to eye over the years, but he says that they will have to agree that they need to celebrate because the fat jackass of Smackdown is no longer the World Champion.

Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee, and Big E Langston come out and they are going to poop on the party. Dolph wants to know if someone said fiesta. AJ says that her and Ziggy love to party and they assume that their invitations were lost.

Alberto says that this is his party.

Dolph says that it is funny that he thinks these people are his friends and that he holds the World Title. He is the man with a target and Dolph has the contract. Whenever he sees fit to cash in the contract, Alberto will be saying adios to the championship.

Alberto asks Dolph if he thinks he can cash in the contract and Dolph says si.

Dolph apologizes for being rude and he introduces Big E Langston to Alberto and his little friend Ricardo. Langston says que paso little man.

Alberto tells Ziggler and his party to leave.

Dolph says that they will leave, but maybe Big E will drop Alberto where he stands and Dolph cashes in and leaves with the World Title.

Alberto tells Dolph to try it.

Ziggler starts to take off his sweatshirt but Big Show’s music starts to play.

Show makes his way to the ring and he is fixated on Del Rio and the title belt.

Dolph tells Del Rio that he doesn’t know how good he is at math, but he is outnumbered.

Sheamus’ music plays and he comes out to the ring and he asks Ziggles how he is doing and he wants to fix the numbers situation that Dolph was talking about. Sheamus says that everyone knows that he cannot resist a Fiesta Del Rio . . . especially when he has so many friends in the ring.

Sheamus says that he is not out here to gate crash. He knows that they haven’t always gotten along in the past. Sheamus reminds Alberto that the last time they were here, he tried to steal Alberto’s car. He came out here to congratulate Alberto for his epic victory over the giant last week. He has no doubt that Alberto deserves to be the World Champion.

Sheamus says that it would be an honor for him to be the first to shake his hand. Sheamus offers his hand and Del Rio accepts the offer.

Show continues to stare at Sheamus and Del Rio.

Sheamus says that he will be a bouncer to make sure that the muppets do not get involved tonight.

Del Rio says that he doesn’t want anyone fighting.

Sheamus wants to know if Del Rio is serious, and then Del Rio says maybe a little fighting.

Now that things have gotten to Defcon 2, it is time for Booker T to come out and general managerize in a way that John Layfield will definitely approve.

Booker tells everyone to wait a minute as he makes his way to the ring. He says that it is not going down like this. Booker says that tonight is a party. This is a fiesta. He wants to be serious for one moment. If Big Show ever puts his hands on him again, he will ruin his day . . . sucka.

With that being said, there will be a fight tonight. Big Show will team with Dolph Ziggler to face Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio. That will be the main event tonight. It will be a tag team main event extravaganza.

Booker tells Show, Ziggler, AJ, and Langston to leave the ring because they were not invited to the party.

Booker asks everyone if they are ready to party. It is time for some music and dancing. Alberto tells Booker to do a Spinaroonie and Booker obliges the request of the champion.

Ricardo gets a sombrero and Alberto tells Sheamus to feel a little Mexican today. Sheamus says nobody wants to see him dance, but the crowd is not agreeing with Sheamus. Sheamus says that he has a reputation to keep. Alberto says that everyone wants to see Sheamus dance and Sheamus says that it is a fiesta so the hell with it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Antonio Cesaro’s confrontation with Ric Flair and Miz from Raw.

Match Number One: Kofi Kingston versus Antonio Cesaro in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Cesaro backs Kofi into the corner and punches him. Cesaro with a hip toss but Kofi with a cartwheel and then he connects with forearms. Cesaro with a kick to Kofi’s midsection followed by a side head lock. Cesaro with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with leap frogs. Cesaro anticipates the leaping back elbow and Cesaro holds on to the ropes and Cesaro sends Kofi into the turnbuckles.

We see the Miz in the back watching on the monitor and Cesaro with a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro leaps onto Kingston’s chest and gets a near fall. Cesaro with a chin lock using Kofi’s arm. Cesaro sends Kofi into the turnbuckles but Kofi with an elbow. He avoids a forearm and connects with a series of Steamboat chops and hits a clothesline followed by a drop kick.

Kofi with a sunset flip and then he goes over Cesaro’s back and Kofi tries for an O’Connor Roll out of the corner but Cesaro counters and gets a near fall. Kofi with an SOS for a near fall. Kofi with a kick to the midsection. Cesaro with an Irish whip and Kofi sets for a double jump cross body but Cesaro catches Kingston. Kingston tries to counter into a rana but Cesaro holds on and hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

After the match, Cesaro waves his flag.

Miz leaves the monitor and Primo, who is accompanied by Epico and Rosa Mendes, calls Miz “Ric Flair’s new side kick”. Rosa throws out a really and then Epico and Primo do the same.

Miz appreciates the tribute and he says that it is the first time that those three speak in over two years and that is all they say.

Rosa says that Miz has a lot in common with Flair and it was a short conversation. Primo says that Flair was a great wrestler and Miz has catchphrases.

Miz calls Primo ‘Epico’ and Epico corrects him. Miz tells them that he wants to wrestle one of them and their ‘whatever’ can choose who faces him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage of Big E Langston’s attack on Hornswoggle last week.

Match Number Two: Great Khali (with Natalya) versus Tensai

They lock up and Khali backs Tensai into the corner and Khali with a chop to the chest. Khali with another chop in a different corner. Tensai with a thrust to the throat followed by a clothesline into the corner. Tensai with head butts and punches. Tensai with knees to the head and the referee pulls Tensai out of the corner.

Khali with a boot to the head followed by the chop to the top of the head for the three count.

Winner: Great Khali

We are in the locker room and Daniel Bryan is asking Kane why Doctor Shelby thought it was a good idea to bring Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow into their therapy session. Kane wants to know what is the deal with the thing on Cody’s face. Bryan says that people don’t realize when their facial hair gets ridiculous.

Kane agrees with Bryan and Bryan wants to know if Kane is talking about him. Bryan tells Kane to say it and Kane says no while Bryan says yes.

Randy Orton enters the room and he wants to know if they are going to act like second graders tonight or do they want to inflict pain on Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, and Wade Barrett.

Kane says both and leaves. Bryan tells Orton that they are not acting like second graders, they are working out anger issues. Bryan points out that Orton has some anger issues. They used to be like Orton but thanks to Dr. Shelby, they are in a better place. They are also champions and he asks Orton if he wants to be a champion.

Orton says that when he wins the Royal Rumble, but Bryan cuts him off and says that tonight is not about the Royal Rumble. It is about winning their match and then . . . GROUP HUG.

Orton says that he is not much of a hugger. Bryan tells him not yet he is not.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, and Wade Barrett versus Randy Orton, Kane, and Daniel Bryan

Orton and Rhodes start things off and Orton with punches when Cody tries to sneak up on Orton. Orton with a punch and he tags in Kane. Kane kicks Cody and then he snap mares Rhodes and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Bryan tags in and he goes up top and hits a double sledge to the arm.

Bryan drives Cody’s arm into his shoulder and Bryan with Kicks of No to Cody. Cody misses a round kick and Cody tags in Sandow. Sandow avoids the No Lock and he goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow with elbow drops to Kane. Cody tags in and he punches Kane. Sandow tags in and he kicks Kane. We see footage from the commercial when Kane misses the clothesline from the top rope and Barrett was tagged in, unbeknownst to Kane and Barrett with a boot to Kane.

Back to the action in the ring and Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for a near fall. Barrett tags in and he kicks Kane. Barrett with punches to the ribs and the referee warns Barrett. Kane with punches to get out of the corner but Barrett with the Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Cody tags in and he tries for Beautiful Disaster but Kane with an uppercut.

Sandow tags in and he knocks Bryan off the apron but Kane with a back body drop and Orton tags in. Orton with two clotheslines and he avoids a clothesline by Sandow. Orton with a power slam to Sandow and then one to Rhodes. Sandow avoids the IEDDT and goes to the floor. Orton with a forearm to Barrett to knock him off the apron.

Bryan with a running knee off the apron onto Barrett. Orton tries for the RKO on Rhodes but Cody with Cross Rhodes and Sandow gets a near fall but Kane breaks things up. Kane sends Rhodes over the top rope to the floor. Sandow sends Kane over the top rope to the floor and then Orton hits the RKO on Sandow for the three count.

Winners: Daniel Bryan, Kane, and Randy Orton

After the match, Bryan wants Orton to join the GROUP HUG and Orton is not interested. He turns around and Kane holds out his arms for the hug. Kane hugs Orton and Bryan joins in from behind.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Rock Concert . . . but we are not getting a tour, it is just a replay of his performance from Houston.

Josh asks John if we will have a new WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble. John wants people to show CM Punk some respect because even though Rock has earned a lot of money in his movies, CM Punk has been champion more than 400 days. He thinks Punk will retain.

Match Number Four: Miz versus Primo (with Rosa Mendes and Epico)

They lock up and Primo with a side head lock. Primo with a shoulder tackle and then Primo does the Flair Strut. Miz with a back elbow to Primo and then Miz does the Flair hair adjustment. Miz with a back body drop and then he kicks Primo in the midsection and then hits a running knee lift. Primo with a knee to the midsection.

Primo with a splash to the back and he goes through the ropes and to the floor. Primo gets a near fall. Primo punches Miz and then he rakes the eyes with his boots. Primo with punches and elbows to Miz. Primo with a drop kick to Miz for a near fall. Primo with a reverse chin lock and body scissors.

Miz with elbows to escape and then he punches Primo. Primo with a forearm to the throat followed by a clothesline and Primo gets a near fall. Primo with kicks and then he hits a leg drop. Primo gets a near fall. Miz with elbows but Primo with a forearm. Primo with a kick and suplex for a near fall.

Primo with a reverse chin lock. Miz with elbows but Primo with punches. Miz with a kick and then they go back and forth with kicks. Miz with punches in the corner. Miz is pulled out of the corner and then he runs into an elbow from Primo. Miz with a flapjack to Primo. Primo tries for a sunset flip but Miz rolls through and kicks Primo in the head.

Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top and hits the double sledge. Miz signals for the Skull Crushing Finale but Epico gets on the apron to distract Miz. Primo dives for the back of the knee and Epico tells Primo to do the figure four. Miz kicks Primo into Epico and Epico falls to the floor. Miz with the figure four leg lock and Primo taps out.

Winner: Miz

Kaitlyn is in the back with Alicia Fox and Layla and Alicia tells Kaitlyn the belt looks good on her. Layla says that she did not realize how heavy the belt was. Kaitlyn says that she has to go to the ring for her match and she asks Layla to give her back her belt. Eventually Layla gives Kaitlyn the belt back.

Booker T and Teddy Long show up and that means that Layla and Alicia have to leave the camera shot. Booker congratulates Kaitlyn for winning. Teddy says that she is happy that Kaitlyn made Eve quit.

Kaitlyn walks in the back as we go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Kaitlyn versus Aksana in a Non Title Match

Aksana offers her hand and Aksana pushes Kaitlyn away. They lock up and Aksana with a clean break after Kaitlyn pushes her. They lock up again and Kaitlyn with a waist lock and take down into a front face lock. Kaitlyn with a suplex and she gets a near fall.

Aksana kicks Kaitlyn away and Kaitlyn goes to the apron. Aksana sends Kaitlyn to the floor when Kaitlyn tries to climb the turnbuckles. Aksana brings Kaitlyn back into the ring and she gets a near fall. Aksana with elbows to the head followed by a cravate. Kaitlyn gets back to her feet but Aksana sends Kaitlyn back to the mat and Aksana gets a near fall. Aksana with an arm bar.

Kaitlyn with forearms but Aksana pulls Kaitlyn to the mat and they tussle on the mat. Aksana with a clothesline. Aksana with knees in the corner until the referee warns her. The referee pulls Aksana out of the corner but Kaitlyn with a spear for the three count.

Winner: Kaitlyn

We take a look at the newest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame, Mick Foley, with a video package.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Shield interrupting Foley’s celebration until Ryback makes his way to the ring to help Foley. Randy Orton and Sheamus helped Ryback.

The Shield provided WWE with a video. Dean tells the WWE Universe, Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Ryback that they are The Shield. On January 14th, the Shield crashed Mick Foley’s party for a reason. They did it for all of the broken dreams and broken bodies that Foley left in the wake of his Hall of Fame career.

Seth says that they spoiled the celebration in the name of justice.

Dean says that Mick might be in denial for the rest of his life and deny the responsibility for the example that he set for everyone who sacrificed their bodies in the name of being ‘hardcore’.

Reigns says that he holds Foley accountable.

Seth says that Ryback is accountable. He wants what he had taken from him, but Ryback will never get it back.

Dean tells Randy Orton that there are 206 bones in the human body and they have broken one of his.

Seth says that Sheamus fights for fun, but Reigns says that they fight for justice.

They say that everyone will Believe in the Shield.

Randy Orton is in the locker room watching the video and Sheamus joins Orton and he says that it is funny that the Shield acts tough when no one can find them. Orton says that he does not find The Shield funny.

Orton mentions that it wasn’t funny when they injured his shoulder and it wasn’t funny on Wednesday night.

Sheamus apologizes for not being there on Wednesday night, but Orton cuts him off and he tells Sheamus that he does not need Sheamus’ help.

Sheamus says that Orton was doing a great job fighting off the Shield from his back.

Orton says that Sheamus has an answer for everything. He tells Sheamus that he needs the win at the Royal Rumble. Sheamus will have no answer for him at the Royal Rumble.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Big Show and Dolph Ziggler (with Big E Langston and AJ Lee) versus Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)

Del Rio and Ziggler start things off. They lock up and Ziggler works on the arm but Del Rio with a reversal and arm bar. Ziggler with a kick to the knee followed by more kicks and punches in the corner. Ziggler misses a charge into the corner but Del Rio with a slam and he goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault from the turnbuckles but Ziggler moves. Del Rio rolls through and he tosses Ziggler into the air and Ziggler lands on the mat.

Del Rio with a kick to the ribs and he gets a near fall. Sheamus tags in and he kicks Ziggler and sends him into the turnbuckles. Sheamus with kicks to Ziggler in the corner. Ziggler with a kick but Sheamus with a shoulder tackle. Sheamus with a delayed vertical suplex to Ziggler and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Sheamus gets Ziggler up for White Noise but Ziggler escapes and he tags in Show. Show with punches and head butts to Sheamus. Show chokes Sheamus in the ropes and then he connects with a head butt that sends Sheamus to the floor.

Langston tries to send Sheamus into the ring post but Sheamus avoids it and he wants to take a shot at Langston but the referee goes to the floor and he sends Langston to the back. AJ hits the apron with the briefcase and then she gets in the ring and argues with the referee. The referee sends AJ to the back as well.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a side head lock. Del Rio gets to his feet but Ziggler with a kick. Del Rio with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall and both men are down. Sheamus tags in and he hits two running double sledges followed by sending Ziggler into the corner and Sheamus with a clothesline in the corner followed by a short arm clothesline. Sheamus goes up top but Show pushes Sheamus off the turnbuckles to the floor.

Sheamus returns to the ring and Ziggler with kicks to Sheamus. Show tags in and he drops an elbow on Sheamus while Ziggler keeps Sheamus from moving. Show with an elbow to the leg. Show slams Sheamus. Show works on Sheamus’ back and then he stands on Sheamus’ back. Show with an elbow drop to the leg and Sheamus tries to punch Show to get him to release the hold.

Sheamus with forearms across the chest and he gets away from Show. Show with an elbow drop to the back and he keeps Sheamus from making the tag. Show looks at Del Rio and then he gives Sheamus a head butt. Show with knees to stop Sheamus’ punches. Show with a chop across the chest but Sheamus with a punch.

Sheamus with punches but Show with a side slam for a near fall. Show goes to the turnbuckles for the Vader Bomb but Sheamus kicks out. Show goes to the turnbuckles again for the elbow drop but Sheamus moves out of the way.

Sheamus crawls to make the tag and he succeeds while Ziggler tags in. Del Rio with clotheslines and a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Del Rio with a super kick to Ziggler but Ziggler kicks out. Del Rio signals that it is time for the cross arm breaker but Show makes the tag. Del Rio with the float over into the cross arm breaker and Del Rio does not know that Show made the tag. Show with an elbow drop to force Del Rio to release the hold on Ziggler.

Sheamus with White Noise to Show and Show rolls to the apron. Del Rio with an enzuigiri that sends Show to the floor. Del Rio gets the Mexican bucket from Ricardo and he throws the contents at Show. This time it is not confetti, it is water and Show has had enough and he gets himself counted out.

Winners: Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio (by disqualification)

We go to credits with red, white, and green balloons falling from the rafters.

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