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By Andres Santiago on 2012-12-07 00:45:40

WWE NXT Taping - Full Sail, Orlando Florida – December 6, 2012

Dark Matches

- Oliver Gray vs Conor O'Brian  
O'Brian won with a hogan-style leg drop.

- Alex Riley vs Wade Barrett  
Barrett won with the Bull Hammer.

Episode 1

- Garrett Dylan vs Denton Blackwell  
No Contest. The Shield attacked both men a minute or so into the match. This led to Dusty Rhodes coming out on stage and having a back and forth with them on the mic. Rhodes said he would strip Rollins of the title if he didn't defend against Corey Graves tonight. Rollins agreed to the match and then Shield ended the segment by triple powerbombing Dylan.

- Bo Dallas vs Epico w/ Primo  
Dallas won with a Spear.
After the match Michael McGillicutty saved Dallas from a two on one attack.

- Sasha Banks vs Tamina Snuka  
Snuka won with the Superfly Splash.

- Kassius Ohno and Leo Kruger vs Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel  
Ohno and Kruger won when Kruger hit the Kruger End on Gabriel.

NXT Championship Match - NXT Champion Seth Rollins vs Corey Graves  
Graves won by disqualification. Shield attacked as Graves had Rollins in his submission. The babyface locker room all ran out and a brawl ensued. Shield took them all out and then triple powerbombed Dallas. Big E Langston's music hit and slowly he walked out, leading Shield to retreat. Rhodes then made a title match for next episode of Rollins vs Langston.

Episode 2

The episode started with Shield confronting Rhodes in his office. Langston walked in to protect Rhodes, who then made the title match no DQ.

- Yoshi Tatsu and Percy Watson vs "The Family" Luke Harper and Rowan w/ Bray Wyatt  

The Family won when Harper hit a discus clothesline on Tatsu.

Before the match Bray Wyatt cut a promo.

- Emma vs Paige  

Paige won with the Paige Turner.

- Primo and Epico vs Bo Dallas and Michael McGillicutty  

Primo and Epico won when Primo hit McGillicutty the Backstabber.

NXT Championship Match - NXT Champion Seth Rollins vs Big E Langston  

Langston won with the Big End.

Shortly into the match, Shield came from the crowd and attacked Langston. They remained at ringside afterwards, but didn't do anything until they attacked to keep Langston from hitting the Big End. The babyface roster stormed the ring again and fought Ambrose and Reigns to the back. This led to Rollins hitting a standing Shiranui that Langston kicked out of at two. When Rollins went to hit it a second time, Langston caught him during the flip and hit the Big End for the victory.  

After the match the babyfaces all came back out to celebrate with Langston in the ring. When they cleared out, Rhodes and Triple H came out to raise his hand at the top of the stage.

Episode 3

Kevin Nash came out to say he was in charge tonight and he ran through the episode's card. He was interrupted by Heath Slater, who got Jackknife Powerbombed to end the segment.

- Sakamoto vs Adrian Neville  

Neville won with a twisting shooting star press.

- Leo Kruger vs Trent Barreta  

Barreta won by disqualification. Ohno was doing commentary and came down to hit Barreta with a discus elbow on the outside. Kruger followed that up with the Kruger End and got the pinfall. Regal pulled Baretta out of the ring to avoid a two on one attack and the ref announced that the result was being reverse and that Barreta won by DQ.

- Big E Langston vs Camacho  

Langston won with the Big End.

Before the match Langston was going to give a promo about winning the championship, but Camacho interrupted him. After the match, Langston did his usual post-match schtick.

- Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs Damian Sandow and Antonio Cesaro  

Kidd and Gabriel won when Sandow was hit with a Lionsault by Gabriel and then a Springboard Elbow by Kidd.

Before the match Sandow cut a promo to try and turn the crowd against him. He ended with what he claimed was "a soon to be famous quote" by himself, "He who seeks the admiration of idiots, is himself an idiot."


- "HBK" Shawn Michaels was announced for the next taping, on January 10, 2013.

- Adrian Neville is the former PAC.

- At one point Nash called Langston the "WXT Champion", which led to a loud NXT chant. Slater made fun of this during his promo by emphasizing the letters NXT when talking about the impact he has made there.

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