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By Dave Scherer on 2012-11-24 10:21:17

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

In a recent report you linked to a Bret Hart interview and claimed he told 'the truth' about Hulk Hogan. Why is there a need for this subjectivism and on whose authority was the comment made that it was 'the truth'? Are we visitors/subscribers to the site to be considered too stupid to make up our own minds or not intelligent enough to read a story without editorial comment?

Since I wrote the comment, it was made on "my authority", though I would never look at it in such a way.  I wrote that Hart told the truth because he did. Hogan was a one dimensional worker in WWE and WCW.  Honestly, I have no idea how stupid you are or aren't.  You should ask people close to you for a clarification on that.  Honestly though, anyone who needs someone else to tell them what they think probably is a dope.  We don't comment to make people's minds up for them however.  I have no idea why this is even an issue to you to be honest.  Facts are facts.

I have noticed WWE Raw is now under a 3.0 rating, regularly. I also notice not much has changed. Same people on top, same storylines with loop holes in, fans being asked to forget logic and the past in order to make sense of whats happening today. My question is, what will it take for a big change? TNA is over a million people away from catching their attention, which wont happen overnight, they have good deals with Mattel and USA, so would it take something like Raw dropping to under a 2.0 for things to change? Is that a realistic possibility?

At this point, if Vince was going to change he would have done it already so to me it will take USA making him do something different in his process.  That is the only thing I can think of that will make him address the problems with the company, other than a serious injury to John Cena.

Am I right in thinking Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff's TNA deals are up shortly? Any news on if either will be sticking around? In your opinion, was TNA a better product pre or with Hogan/Bischoff?

From what I have been told neither one is leaving the company.  Dixie Carter loves having Hogan around and Bischoff has a great relationship with Spike TV.  I think that the product is produced better since Bischoff came in.  When Hogan had a lot to say about creative it hurt the product.  When he takes a diminished role the show is better in my opinion.

With WM's 1, 10 & 20 held in MSG I thought 30 would be a no brainer. On the True Story of Wrestlemania documentary it was said that after 22 in Chicago Vince wanted every show going forward in large stadiums, & with 29 being in the same general area this year I was wondering if you've heard anything on WM30's location.

I have heard speculation on a few locations.  The one I would love to see is New Orleans.  It's a great city.  Hell, if it's there I may go and make Mike Johnson stay home for once.  And yes, no way I see the show at MSG.  When you can sell 70,000 tickets, you don't settle for 20,000.

Sting in TNA/Terry Funk in ECW: How would you compare/contrast Terry Funk's tenure helping the old ECW gain notoriety with Sting's time with TNA?

They are similar in that each gave their company a big name that garnered credibility.  I never really thought about the comparison before but it's a good one.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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