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By Joshua Higham on 2012-11-18 19:15:56
The Cibernetico Rises
Highline Ballroom
New York City, NY Nov 18, 2012

Mr. Touchdown Mark Angelosetti w/ Veronica defeated Soldier Ant. Soldier Ant kicked out of multiple spinebusters, so Touchdown called for Veronica's baton. As referee Jon Barber took the baton away, Touchdown was able to hit Soldier with a wrench to get the pin.

The Shard defeated Fire Ant with an ankle lock. The Shard focused on Fire Ant's previously injured leg throughout the match. After the match, Shard would not let go of the ankle lock, which brought out Mike Quackenbush, who was followed by Jigsaw. Quack chased Shard off, and confronted Jigsaw about how to fix the rift between them. Jigsaw responded with a super kick and left with the Shard.

Dasher Hatfield defeated Icarus with the suicide squeeze. Icarus returned to the ring after the match and hit Hatfield with a pedigree.

The 1-2-3 Kid and Marty Jannetty defeated the Heartthrobs. 1-2-3 Kid and Marty Jannetty now have three points and can challenge for the Campeonatos de Parejas. 1-2-3 Kid was really breathing heavily and favoring his chest during and after the match.

Tim Donst won the 9th annual Torneo Cibernetico, last eliminating his own captain, Eddie Kingston after 65 minutes of action.

Team Kingston's lineup: Frighmare, Ultramantis Black, Hallowicked, Gran Akuma, Scott "Jagged" Parker, Shane Matthews, Eddie Kingston

Team Steen's lineup: Jimmy Jacobs, Harlem Bravado, Lancelot Bravado, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson, Kevin Steen

Before the match began, Team Steen attempted the code of honor, which started the massive brawl.

Order of Elimination:

Kevin Steen forced Frightmare to tap out with a sharpshooter.

Ultramantis Black pinned Harlem Bravado after Cosmic Doom.

Ultramantis Black pinned Lance Bravado.

Jay Briscoe pinned Ultramantis Black.

Mark Briscoe pinned Gran Akuma after a Doomsday Device.

Scott Parker pinned Mark Briscoe with a sunset flip.

Jay Briscoe pinned Hallowicked after a Jay Driller.

Tim Donst made Jay Briscoe submit to From Dusk to Donst.

Eddie Kingston pinned Jimmy Jacobs after a backfist to the future.

Scott Parker pinned Matt Jackson after 3.0 hit the Sweet Taste of Professionalism.

Nick Jackson pinned Scott Parker after a 450 splash.

Shane Matthews made Nick Jackson tap with a Boston crab.

Kevin Steen pinned Shane Matthews after an F cinq and package

piledriver while Tim Donst and Eddie Kingston brawl on the floor.

Eddie Kingston cradled Kevin Steen to eliminate him.

Donst hit Kingston with something that Jakob Hammermeier handed to him to win the match.

After the match, Donst and Hammermeier taped Kingston to the ropes, as Donst says he is giving Kingston his two weeks notice because at Under the Hood, he will be taking the title.

Notes and thoughts: Chikara has outgrown the Highline Ballroom. There was less seating on the floor than their previous shows here, and a lot of standing room instead... The hard camera was in a different location from previous shows... Gavin Loudspeaker, Leonard F. Chikarason, and Chuck Taylor were on commentary from where I stood...The show started a bit late, because it takes forever to get into the building... Chikara returns to action in two weeks. "Under the Hood" will take place at the Trocadero Theater in Philadelphia and will be an iPPV on on December 2. It will be a matinee.

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